I fap and edge to porn since 14, bout once a day on average but that surely deviated a lot from this average (went some weeks without it or cumming many times a day, by my calculations i have 4000 cumshots in my lifetime). I'm almost turning 30 and idk if it's related to my autism or not but i started having really strong "migraines" (what the doctor said it was) but they felt like a worsened anxiety attack because i felt like i was dying, heart racing harder than ever, hard time breathing. Just terrible and feels like near-death, can't even properly describe it what the mind went through. It took me a while to realize it was the jerking off because it didn't happened right after, but some hours later. I still have no idea what really caused it but i stopped porn for a while and this bizarre feeling went away for now. I sure feel a pressure and headache that i didn't really feel before whem cumming but it's not as bad as this fucked up feeling.
I don't remember feeling much revigorated and motivated after abstaining for long periods, hence i didn't pursue no-fap too much, but maybe it might have made me dumber and depressed/unmotivated fuck for these 15+ years. The worst thing about being incel to me is that i know i'm a good fucker (2+ hours nonstop escortmaxxing once i got enough kikecoins) and decent cock size (it's not impressive in a dick pic but i receive compliments from sex workers that it's easy for them to cum on it during fucking). This just make me hate women in the same manner and reason i hate nazis, bunch of eugenistfags that secretly hate me for no reason other than my appearence and autism.