Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

God-Tier post on r/Braincels right now, r/cucktears = destoryed



Nov 7, 2017
/u/Alia_Harkonnen, god himself wrote:
IncelTears, I've been reading your sub to better understand why you hate us so, because I am a deeply sensitive person concerned about your well being and also very curious so it was all just fascinating. I realized from your many complaints and personal experiences you shared, you hate us because we hurt you so much by rejecting your advice and help, so now you vilify us to feel better about yourselves. Refer to the title.

You're so pissed that people on a sub (which isn't an advice sub) aren't responsive to your advice and offers of guidance. Constantly discussing whether to keep on believing or give up, tortured by all that pent up need to coach, and in the end, just having to validate each other in your own threads to your great dissatisfaction. So stuck in your toxic echo chamber that you don't even see there is a world out there where people do all kinds of things that don't revolve around giving or taking advice.

I understand that our rejection hurts, but we don't owe you anything. You can hate us for it, but I don't think it will help improve your situation.

There are many other miserable people out there who would gladly listen to you, yes even you, no matter how crap your advice is or how low your social status is, they will hear you out because all they really want is a little attention. I mean, I've seen some on your own subreddit, begging to be coached, and you just pat them on the back and go back to obsessing about us. Ouch.

You know what that is? Unrealistic standards. You could be satisfied with your average fat girl no Chad ever calls back, or the polite friendzoned niceguy, or all sorts of nice but confused miserable lonely people out there eagerly smiling and waving in your direction waiting for you to notice, happy to just have someone to talk to. But no. You think you are better than them, after all they'd talk to just anybody so that won't do. Nothing but the most miserable fucks for your skillset, right Dr Phil? Only those who have never been normanized by anyone before, else it's not really challenging.

Well look where this pickiness got you. Writing "7 steps to self improvement", "sense of humor - fake it till you make it" and "how personality helped me win my battle with inceldom" rants on your subreddit knowing they are only read by other unsuccessful life gurus. Telling each other we are to blame, but have you ever thought that maybe the problem is you, that maybe everything you say is just shit and your comprehension skills are lacking? If it weren't so, you wouldn't be here. You'd have your own practice. You'd have your own show. Write books. At the very least, you'd have a million upvotes and get 100s of PMs every day titled "Seeking Help." R/depression, r/lonely millions of subs filled with unanswered calls for help would all cease to exist because YOU made a difference.. Instead you unsuccessfully obsess over one small group of people who don't want you. How sad is that?

Maybe this is because you know that you can't really help anyone. Somewhere deep inside you know you would only let down that hopeful almost-there-but-struggling soul who just wants a friend. You'd get their hopes up and then what? They'd start boring you to death, you'd run out of things to say to them, you really really really wouldn't want to have to deal with listening to the crap they eagerly overshare, and eventually you'll just ghost them and make them rope or something. So it's easier to just focus on us, the unobtainable, and comfort yourself that we are to blame for why your help isn't helpful.

Come on, snap out of it. Focus on other things, I swear no one will judge you for not being a good advice giver. So you've never helped a person out of their misery, so what? You can still find personal value in other ways. Give yourself advice! That should keep you preoccupied. No? Why would anyone take your advice if you can't even find fulfillment in taking it yourself?

Anyway that's just something I had to say, it really hurts to see y'all hurting yourself just because you lack the natural gift of possessing any kind of understanding of anything. Sometimes giving up is the first step towards a better, more fulfilling existence.

my favorite part
So stuck in your toxic echo chamber that you don't even see there is a world out there where people do all kinds of things that don't revolve around giving or taking advice.

just lol if you don't pray to alia everyday, him and azavii have been protecting us back in the reddit days against normon brigaders, and alia still does to this day, does he have an account here?
He needs to come here. ASAP. I miss him.

Mods, sticky this.
Alia is a comical genius and an intellectual juggernaut. Another proof that it's not personality keeping incels incel though I do envy his talent.

This is truly one of the best posts of all time. He has made so many good ones too.
gstvtrp said:
Alia is a comical genius and an intellectual juggernaut. Another proof that it's not personality keeping incels incel though I do envy his talent.

This is truly one of the best posts of all time. He has made so many good ones too.

intellectual juggernaut

hahahaha this made me laugh so hard i will use thi expression from now on ty (not that i think alia is not smart)
gstvtrp said:
Alia is a comical genius and an intellectual juggernaut. Another proof that it's not personality keeping incels incel though I do envy his talent.

This is truly one of the best posts of all time. He has made so many good ones too.

indeed, his ability to put thoughts into words is amazing, this guy is proof that inceldom is not caused by "bad personality" as you said, I don't believe in "bad personality", personality is relative to the girl you're with, a good personality to one may be deemed "terrible" by another. personality = how ugly men cope.

He's wrong, though...

Cucktears is just mocking ugly people. They never wanted to help us.

I'm sure some of them are actual counselors, or soon-to-be ones. They do want to help people.

They don't see ugly males as people.
iiiTeMpeR said:
indeed, his ability to put thoughts into words is amazing, this guy is proof that inceldom is not caused by "bad personality" as you said, I don't believe in "bad personality", personality is relative to the girl you're with, a good personality to one may be deemed "terrible" by another. personality = how ugly men cope.


There are so many great incel posters. Something I find remarkable about Alia is that he is both clever and wise. Truly the whole package.
why is he posting there his words are falling on deaf ears
I didn't even know he returned. One of the strongest incel knights. It's almost an insult to himself to post in that cucked place.
satoshisacuck said:
He needs to come here. ASAP. I miss him.
he's waaay too good to be posting there
takurak said:
TheVman said:
he's waaay too good to be posting there
r/braincels is worse
don't mention me you autstic chad im not tryna get banned by calling you out again
Why are there even any incels on plebbit? We're legitimately not welcome there and it's for cucks.
Thank you alia, get those cocksmokers off our backs they're so annoying and cliche and we can see right fucking through them.
satoshisacuck said:
He needs to come here. ASAP. I miss him.

Mods, sticky this.
lol even he knows that braincels is the better forum it's over for you

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