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Venting "Go to therapy inkwell"

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

The Saiyan Prince
Feb 16, 2024
What the fuck is up with foids constantly telling people who are in poor mental state to just go to therapy, as if therapy is that magic quick fix for every problem a person faces, Do these dumb bitches actually believe it's a quick magically fix or are they morally lazy? I think it's the latter, they want to keep their public image of them being a kind person or whatever but don't want to actually help anyone that is actually suffering, all these foids so tolerant of autism until they have to deal with someone who actually has autism, unlike the 50 million faggot larpers on tik-tok. Therapy can't no change your looks and it's expensive as fuck. It's also foid-centric and it often useless to men because that fact, a complete waste of money. Therapy can only do so much for an incel if anything at all, it's not magically gonna remove the mental scars that made us who we are.
People try to be moral and ethical because it feeds into their ego. They also do it to feel good about themselves.

When in-actuality no one cares and that most people are simply self-interested.

Every female lives in a different reality or dimension, they cannot ever comprehend how we feel lol.
Therapy is one of the biggest scams in this jewciety. They give you mind altering drugs and spill blue pills left and fucking right. Absolute scum
The mental health industry is a con created by big pharma to exploit mentally vulnerable people. SSRIs work no better than a placebo, and the serotonin hypothesis behind depression is being disproved. However, psychiatry is in its early days, so we must wait for more advancements in the field.
What the fuck is up with foids constantly telling people who are in poor mental state to just go to therapy, as if therapy is that magic quick fix for every problem a person faces, Do these dumb bitches actually believe it's a quick magically fix or are they morally lazy? I think it's the latter, they want to keep their public image of them being a kind person or whatever but don't want to actually help anyone that is actually suffering, all these foids so tolerant of autism until they have to deal with someone who actually has autism, unlike the 50 million faggot larpers on tik-tok. Therapy can't no change your looks and it's expensive as fuck. It's also foid-centric and it often useless to men because that fact, a complete waste of money. Therapy can only do so much for an incel if anything at all, it's not magically gonna remove the mental scars that made us who we are.
Foids being retarded as always.
It’s like speaking to a normie with those therapists. Waste of time and money.
Therapists can't even give you the good medications they are mostly foids and it is a massive cope. Why would I explain my life problems to a Becky-tier foid living life on easy mode with minimum 2 degrees?
I have been in therapy since I was a small child and it never helped
Just pay somebody to pretend like they give a shit theory.
Therapy = roastie foid tells you things you already know
No therapy for my face
Therapy is just a polite politically correct way of telling you to fuck off they don't wanna hear your problems
It's just a way for them to get rid of you. They don't want to help you but also don't want to be seen as uncaring so they just give this kind of shitty foid generic feel-good advice like "go outside" or "think positively".

Just tell them that fucking her would make you feel better and see if they really want to help.
Therapy can only do so much for an incel
i enjoy going to thERapy as a cope, it's my place to vent.

thERapy is useful as a tool to learn about yourself, and how to take care of yourself.

thERapy doesn't transform you into Chad, Brad, nor does it make you become something other than yourself.

of course, my suffering is EXISTENTIAL, as it relates to the fact that I'm a traumatized (PTSD) autistic wageslave in a shitty society. I said so in the first session and never ask a thERapist stupid shit he can't do for me, like "please, doc, turn me into a young sexy billionaire", it doesn't work like that.
It's another case of foids projecting, foids know they have a cocktail of drugs on their bedside table and have a daily routine built around them yet when you disagree with them they use their ace up their sleeve aka "go to therapy"
The mental health industry is a con created by big pharma to exploit mentally vulnerable people. SSRIs work no better than a placebo, and the serotonin hypothesis behind depression is being disproved. However, psychiatry is in its early days, so we must wait for more advancements in the field.

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