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News Globohomo Has Taken Over: 40% of Ivy League students are LGBTQ+



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021

A new Brown University poll has shown that the rate of non-heterosexual respondents has about tripled since 2010

One of America’s most prestigious schools, Brown University, has seen a surge in LGBTQ sexual orientations over the past decade, with nearly four in ten students now identifying as something other than heterosexual.
A poll last month by the Ivy League university’s newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, found that 38% of students now identify as LGBTQ. That compares with 14% in 2010, the first year from which data was available.

Most of the surge has come in the past three years. In fact, nearly 80% of students still identified as heterosexual as recently as 2019. A Washington Examiner report on Sunday suggested that Brown’s jump in LGBTQ identification reflected a “social contagion” – rather than a dramatic shift in the student body’s sexual orientations or a sudden rise in confidence to openly express LGBTQ identities.

READ MORE: Fewer heterosexual US teens than ever – report

Lisa Littman, a gender-dysphoria researcher who was formerly an assistant professor at Brown, has argued that some young people identify as transgender because of peer pressure. A study last year by the US Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology found LGBTQ identification rates ranging from 51% to 70% at three of America’s most elite private liberal arts schools: Oberlin, Wellesley, and Smith colleges.

Eric Kaufmann, a researcher for the think tank, told the College Fix that sexual behavior hasn’t shifted at the same pace as sexual identification. “If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” he claimed.
Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island and founded a dozen years before the American Revolution began, ranks as the seventh-oldest college or university in the US. It stood at No. 13 in a ranking of the nation’s four-year universities by US News & World Report. Tuition, fees, housing, and other costs total nearly $90,000 a year.
READ MORE: Most US voters believe there are only two genders – poll

The school saw a 25% decline in heterosexual identification between 2010 and 2023, according to the poll. Homosexual identifications climbed 26%, while the number of students identifying as bisexual more than tripled. ‘Other’ LGBTQ identifications soared 793%.

LBGTQ identifications at Brown are more than five times the national rate. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that 7.2% of US adults identify as something other than heterosexual, double the rate of a decade ago. Nearly 21% of so-called Generation Z adults – those born after 1997 – identify as LGBTQ.
Now that affirmative action is banned, maybe it might change somehow (cope).

Also, aren’t like 30% of women in gen z already non-heterosexual?
It’s over, fags have taken over, homos and troons will be completely running the government, the military, the most influential corporations, and the media in 20-30 years, there will be zero straight men there. They are even stealing our women.

@Transcended Trucel @PLA1092 @Grim_Reaper @Med Amine @SocialzERo
I'm below-average IQ, unfortunately.
unexpecte, many zoomers are bisexual fags
zoomers are already known for being the most homosexual generation that have ever existed in this world. give it 20 or 30 years and 70% of the whole population will be homosexual and bisexual.
it's not weird when the new zoomer lingo itself is full of faggoted concepts, just go to YouTube and all the jokes they're making are low key homo. what's even weirder that woman will fuck some fashion maxxed feminine homo and not a hetero man.
Are we meant to feel sympathy for the privileged? Who cares.
Why these (((researchers))) usually belong to (((one))) nationality?
eff ah double gee oh tees are being groomed by the [[[rich]]] to be goodie little managerial and critical role filling scums in our soysciety
Idk how anyone can deny thr west is on the verge of collapse. These freaks cannot run a functioning society
And I should care why?
Don't be retarded

90% of humanity is straight.

Being a homo is just trendy now
100% of humanity ingests dioxin and other hormone disruptors they put in the water.
They want us to be like ferrets, colonies of men and women all living and sleeping and sharing together under one globohomo NWO, this means the low status men can fuck eachother and be content while the high status can breed, makes me think of "The Beautiful Ones" in the mouse utopia experiment where the mouse gives up, stops competing and fucks other male mice, they are called "The Beautiful Ones" because they have no scars and shiny fur since they do not compete for females, this behavior is created in a suboptimal environment for a civilization.

This is the future globohomo DMT Parasite worshippers want for us and they are giving it their all to make it reality.


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Kike institutions promoting kike propaganda? What else is new.
college attracts all sorts of subhumans, queers are just a small part of it.

most college kids come from strict families who mentally castrate em, which turns em into submissive aspie homos
It’s over, fags have taken over, homos and troons will be completely running the government, the military, the most influential corporations, and the media in 20-30 years, there will be zero straight men there. They are even stealing our women.

@Transcended Trucel @PLA1092 @Grim_Reaper @Med Amine @SocialzERo
I want to smack the shit out of these parents that send their daughter or son to college. These breeders act all shocked when they're little babies grow up to be faggots. This country is doomed at this point. There is never going to be a return of the nineteen fifties conservative america.
It’s over, fags have taken over, homos and troons will be completely running the government, the military, the most influential corporations, and the media in 20-30 years, there will be zero straight men there. They are even stealing our women.

@Transcended Trucel @PLA1092 @Grim_Reaper @Med Amine @SocialzERo
End of straight men. U either be a a women, tranny or gay to become a CEO or politician soon. Meme planet

May we never sin and fall into faggotism.
Idk how anyone can deny thr west is on the verge of collapse. These freaks cannot run a functioning society
10 maybe 20 years max and it will collapse completely

@30klhlvwizard @Murder Mario @wereq
rather than a dramatic shift in the student body’s sexual orientations or a sudden rise in confidence to openly express LGBTQ identities.
No shit.
This would happen with anything.
Its a natural prerogative; a trait of the human specimen - Same way cultural standards supress and shame those that don't fit, new currents ending the old metrics will win the position of a norm and through its sheer existence and influence make others be subject to itself by changing people. Its coercive. This is pure theathrics. People assume a role like they used to back in the day.

I have always said it and will keep repeating it, but there are universal and objective schematics that are like mathemathical formulas, all you need to do is substitue for the X. I would even go a step further and claim these rules apply to inteligent agents only.

They puhsed this shit for the sake of inclusivness in a sudden and unrelent push. People blended the singals: the call for social [historic] justice; the interest around these people; advertisement of products; opportunism encouraged by the capitalist economy bla bla bla.

Society instrumentalized the LGBTQ community.
People just wan't to escape the "responsibilitites" of the heterosexual traditional order of the previous centuries because how can I be at foult if I was gay too? I was a victim as well :(:(.

But when the time comes, they will slowly reveal their true selves, or find some pseudological roundabout and repeat the same stuff "oh you know it was a phase hehe" but what they don't realise is that the regime they'll install with present beheviour giving legitimacy for progressive reforms will end in a grousome consequence...

Repressive tolerance invented by Herbert Marcuse would be manifest in public life.
View attachment 806863
A new Brown University poll has shown that the rate of non-heterosexual respondents has about tripled since 2010

One of America’s most prestigious schools, Brown University, has seen a surge in LGBTQ sexual orientations over the past decade, with nearly four in ten students now identifying as something other than heterosexual.
A poll last month by the Ivy League university’s newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, found that 38% of students now identify as LGBTQ. That compares with 14% in 2010, the first year from which data was available.

Most of the surge has come in the past three years. In fact, nearly 80% of students still identified as heterosexual as recently as 2019. A Washington Examiner report on Sunday suggested that Brown’s jump in LGBTQ identification reflected a “social contagion” – rather than a dramatic shift in the student body’s sexual orientations or a sudden rise in confidence to openly express LGBTQ identities.

READ MORE: Fewer heterosexual US teens than ever – report

Lisa Littman, a gender-dysphoria researcher who was formerly an assistant professor at Brown, has argued that some young people identify as transgender because of peer pressure. A study last year by the US Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology found LGBTQ identification rates ranging from 51% to 70% at three of America’s most elite private liberal arts schools: Oberlin, Wellesley, and Smith colleges.

Eric Kaufmann, a researcher for the think tank, told the College Fix that sexual behavior hasn’t shifted at the same pace as sexual identification. “If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” he claimed.
Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island and founded a dozen years before the American Revolution began, ranks as the seventh-oldest college or university in the US. It stood at No. 13 in a ranking of the nation’s four-year universities by US News & World Report. Tuition, fees, housing, and other costs total nearly $90,000 a year.
READ MORE: Most US voters believe there are only two genders – poll

The school saw a 25% decline in heterosexual identification between 2010 and 2023, according to the poll. Homosexual identifications climbed 26%, while the number of students identifying as bisexual more than tripled. ‘Other’ LGBTQ identifications soared 793%.

LBGTQ identifications at Brown are more than five times the national rate. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that 7.2% of US adults identify as something other than heterosexual, double the rate of a decade ago. Nearly 21% of so-called Generation Z adults – those born after 1997 – identify as LGBTQ.
Are lesbians really lgbt
80% of these are women larping as lesbians
Brown is the most liberal ivy league. It's an elite hippie school, essentially. So these numbers don't surprise me.
View attachment 806863
A new Brown University poll has shown that the rate of non-heterosexual respondents has about tripled since 2010

One of America’s most prestigious schools, Brown University, has seen a surge in LGBTQ sexual orientations over the past decade, with nearly four in ten students now identifying as something other than heterosexual.
A poll last month by the Ivy League university’s newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, found that 38% of students now identify as LGBTQ. That compares with 14% in 2010, the first year from which data was available.

Most of the surge has come in the past three years. In fact, nearly 80% of students still identified as heterosexual as recently as 2019. A Washington Examiner report on Sunday suggested that Brown’s jump in LGBTQ identification reflected a “social contagion” – rather than a dramatic shift in the student body’s sexual orientations or a sudden rise in confidence to openly express LGBTQ identities.

READ MORE: Fewer heterosexual US teens than ever – report

Lisa Littman, a gender-dysphoria researcher who was formerly an assistant professor at Brown, has argued that some young people identify as transgender because of peer pressure. A study last year by the US Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology found LGBTQ identification rates ranging from 51% to 70% at three of America’s most elite private liberal arts schools: Oberlin, Wellesley, and Smith colleges.

Eric Kaufmann, a researcher for the think tank, told the College Fix that sexual behavior hasn’t shifted at the same pace as sexual identification. “If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” he claimed.
Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island and founded a dozen years before the American Revolution began, ranks as the seventh-oldest college or university in the US. It stood at No. 13 in a ranking of the nation’s four-year universities by US News & World Report. Tuition, fees, housing, and other costs total nearly $90,000 a year.
READ MORE: Most US voters believe there are only two genders – poll

The school saw a 25% decline in heterosexual identification between 2010 and 2023, according to the poll. Homosexual identifications climbed 26%, while the number of students identifying as bisexual more than tripled. ‘Other’ LGBTQ identifications soared 793%.

LBGTQ identifications at Brown are more than five times the national rate. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that 7.2% of US adults identify as something other than heterosexual, double the rate of a decade ago. Nearly 21% of so-called Generation Z adults – those born after 1997 – identify as LGBTQ.
Ivy league has lost its value. Not that it ever had but still
View attachment 806863
A new Brown University poll has shown that the rate of non-heterosexual respondents has about tripled since 2010

One of America’s most prestigious schools, Brown University, has seen a surge in LGBTQ sexual orientations over the past decade, with nearly four in ten students now identifying as something other than heterosexual.
A poll last month by the Ivy League university’s newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, found that 38% of students now identify as LGBTQ. That compares with 14% in 2010, the first year from which data was available.

Most of the surge has come in the past three years. In fact, nearly 80% of students still identified as heterosexual as recently as 2019. A Washington Examiner report on Sunday suggested that Brown’s jump in LGBTQ identification reflected a “social contagion” – rather than a dramatic shift in the student body’s sexual orientations or a sudden rise in confidence to openly express LGBTQ identities.

READ MORE: Fewer heterosexual US teens than ever – report

Lisa Littman, a gender-dysphoria researcher who was formerly an assistant professor at Brown, has argued that some young people identify as transgender because of peer pressure. A study last year by the US Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology found LGBTQ identification rates ranging from 51% to 70% at three of America’s most elite private liberal arts schools: Oberlin, Wellesley, and Smith colleges.

Eric Kaufmann, a researcher for the think tank, told the College Fix that sexual behavior hasn’t shifted at the same pace as sexual identification. “If this was about people feeling able to come out, then we should have seen these two trends rise together,” he claimed.
Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island and founded a dozen years before the American Revolution began, ranks as the seventh-oldest college or university in the US. It stood at No. 13 in a ranking of the nation’s four-year universities by US News & World Report. Tuition, fees, housing, and other costs total nearly $90,000 a year.
READ MORE: Most US voters believe there are only two genders – poll

The school saw a 25% decline in heterosexual identification between 2010 and 2023, according to the poll. Homosexual identifications climbed 26%, while the number of students identifying as bisexual more than tripled. ‘Other’ LGBTQ identifications soared 793%.

LBGTQ identifications at Brown are more than five times the national rate. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that 7.2% of US adults identify as something other than heterosexual, double the rate of a decade ago. Nearly 21% of so-called Generation Z adults – those born after 1997 – identify as LGBTQ.
Are you a curry in USA
Stunning and brave

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