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Serious Giving My Inceldom To God

I have doubts praying would change anything. But hey, vent out all your frustrations. And if nothing happens, then it’s time to become “godlike”, my fellow alchemist.View attachment 590091
Yes my fellow alchemist. I concur. Becoming godlike may help. I will pray tonight…. About this and hopefully god can do something…. For me…for us… for men like us….
Yes my fellow alchemist. I concur. Becoming godlike may help. I will pray tonight…. About this and hopefully god can do something…. For me…for us… for men like us….
That’s the spirit!

Now hopefully, you don’t have to resort to following the same path as I; results can be unpredictable, considering how the world can take its toll on our mental state.
But if you have what it takes, like determination and willpower, go for it!

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Don't expect miracles or to gain anything, believing in God won't bring you any graspable returns, like wife, friends etc.
It's the opposite, to believe in God, is to turn your back on the world. It can be argument that, our situation is blessing in disguise, as there is nothing holding you back from commiting to God. I'm not sure if I willing to go as far as that in my statment, but faith of the most is conditional, they believe in God, because they have/had comfortable, good life. Thier faith isn't found on deep inner belief, but rather on favourable circumstances, that allowed them to believe. That's why most people either turn thier back on God eventually or thier faith remains lukewarm at best.

As of now, I haven't yet truely embrace my faith, I'm still searching within myself for faith, but I know that denying God won't bring me anything or change anything. Also, I'm starting to be convinced that the disgusting and cucked state of the world is the God's punishment for the world for abandoning him.
Don't expect miracles or to gain anything, believing in God won't bring you any graspable returns, like wife, friends etc.
It's the opposite, to believe in God, is to turn your back on the world. It can be argument that, our situation is blessing in disguise, as there is nothing holding you back from commiting to God. I'm not sure if I willing to go as far as that in my statment, but faith of the most is conditional, they believe in God, because they have/had comfortable, good life. Thier faith isn't found on deep inner belief, but rather on favourable circumstances, that allowed them to believe. That's why most people either turn thier back on God eventually or thier faith remains lukewarm at best.

As of now, I haven't yet truely embrace my faith, I'm still searching within myself for faith, but I know that denying God won't bring me anything or change anything. Also, I'm starting to be convinced that the disgusting and cucked state of the world is the God's punishment for the world for abandoning him.
i assume my semi oneitis is of the latter kind.i wonder if when she get tested by all the 6'5 chads here in london,if she will give out.i assume she will,but if she wants to remain without sin then it's possible.
i assume my semi oneitis is of the latter kind.i wonder if when she get tested by all the 6'5 chads here in london,if she will give out.i assume she will,but if she wants to remain without sin then it's possible.
I doubt she would reject Chad, since casual sex is no longer regarded as sin even among those who profess faith. If she is in relationship, she perhaps would be more hesitant to agree, but she can always make an excuse that she will confese her sins and they will be fogiven, and without doubt, she won't change her ways. It's precisely the example of the behavior, which I wrote about.
I doubt she would reject Chad, since casual sex is no longer regarded as sin even among those who profess faith. If she is in relationship, she perhaps would be more hesitant to agree, but she can always make an excuse that she will confese her sins and they will be fogiven, and without doubt, she won't change her ways. It's precisely the example of the behavior, which I wrote about.
her dad is a *trad* catholic and has a decent/big role in the western catholic world(not going to say who he is),and her family seems to all be "trad" catholics, so i think she would be quite aware of what is a sin and isn't a sin, even if she is actually a huge degenerate.Anyway,for now she is a jb,and i imagine her parents control her life quite well,so she can definitely fornicate,but i imagine there is much stopping it for now. I have seen her with a brown scapular,and i assume that scapular wasn't forced on her,so maybe she has decent faith. her mom though is like 5'0(she is like 5'2 with heels) and married a guy who is 6'1(her uncle,at least i think it's her uncle, also is 6'4 and married some 5'0 women), so i imagine she finds it perfectly normal for her to marry some 6'4 british gigachad. The errors of our fathers,are not ours,but we usually end up doing the same thing so yeah.

she is cute and small(i am one of the shortest guys in mass.we are looksmatched).Even if we magically got together( jbs have higher chances of dating outliers but yeah), it would only be a matter of time before she realizes she can be with some 6'4 gigachad.maybe if we married fast,then she couldn't jump so fast without abandoning her faith and possibly becoming the black sheep of her family. backhome,that wouldn't be anything to be amazed at,but a jb marrying(even if she was 18 you are still at risk kek) in london is the biggest joke and the easiest way to be outcasted.

the saddest and funniest thing is that i have seen women who look like my oneitis or even much prettier(med skin,short hair etc), with guys even uglier then me,backhome.but here? here i am nothing. here i am a victim of the actions of adam and eve. this is why i am going backhome this summer. if the catholic women backhome are also all thots,then whatever. anything that keeps me going and coping is good.i feel like i am slowly going crazy and as long as the noose isn't seen as the solution,it's all good.

Heck,last time i went to mass,the altar boy was this 6'2 young guy blue eyed,blond hair chadlite. it would be so easy for him to be "welcomed" into the family. Meds welcome anything white.
God is for chads and good-looking people.
i am trying to stay away from this forum,but considering the amount of pain in these posts,i felt like i had to post something. i became a catholic after already being fully blackpilled(i think i wasn't even christrian when i started browsing this website.),so it seems my experience with christ has been a bit different compared to most people here

. the curse of inceldom is a hard one.God sometimes gives these curses of complete poverty from the normal pleasures of life.Many of the saints died in extreme pains after suffering for several years of every horrible disease you can think of.saint jacinta had a surgery done on her without any anesthetics,and our holy mother communicated with her who knows how many times,so it's not like direct connection with christ and his saints will spare you from the pains of life.christ himself lived a life of humiliation(from god to human is the greatest humiliation i have ever seen.) as a random chump carpenter amongst degenerates of all kind and died a painful and humiliating death.

Our lord himself told about homeless lazarus,who had to suffer in homelessness and pain and probably inceldom too,whilst living right next to the rich and powerful. whilst i don't think inceldom can be compared to suffering from horrible diseases and being in physical pain 24/7(i have had stomach problems and man when you are in pain,your mind goes numb from anything you think troubles you at the moment),the suffering is still horrible and perhaps after long years of suffering amounts to the same level as those who suffer greatly for a few years.Many of us will have to deal with this till the day we die.I have seen many of my brothers here and even family,destroy themselves over their inceldom.drugs,alcohol,prostitution,suicide etc etc. this life kills us and many of us here have lost their faith in gods love when they realized zero pleasure in this life would be given to them.most normies will have good things happen to them,and contemplating god's actions will barely seem like a necessity for them.us who suffer daily and beg for any method of escape,will question god 24/7 as many of us either want to degenerate to escape from the pain,or will question their effort to get closer to god(prayer,alms etc) when god seems so far away.

if you want to give your celibacy to christ,then do it,but do it right.go to a monastery or a friars order.few man are ready to live the celibate life alone.if you want to wait and marriage is truly your calling then wait and persevere in this hard life with christ.even if marriage is your vocation,the chances of you getting a wife are still slim if you are truly an incel. it is true that we will be rewarded in heaven, with our own gifts that only us will have,but to withstand pain for those gifts which at times,those promises seem like a mockery of your suffering,is hard.

after a few years of being a christrian,i think i am starting to understand some of your pain.Where you protestant? not that it matters for the question at hand,but protestant backhome are rare(though they are loud),so i find it curious finding protestant folk here

I mean many friars,priests,monks,theologians,writers etc etc know what you know and yet sold out when it came to fornicating,adultery,drinking etc etc etc. Knowledge means little if it isn't rightly supplied with the other gifts that god provides.adam,eve,judas knew much more then most devoted catholic ever knew,yet sold out when temptation came.

The story about you not loving god is brutal. Not sure if you truly really never loved god,but it's easy to see people who only go to church,for the community,a promised afterlife,for a wife,connections,etc,etc. i hope one day you come to christ again.
Thanks for the input mate. I was officially catholic but i didn‘t agree with its teachings…especially the holy trinity and the worship of Jesus mother. Jesus himself said the father is higher than him, thus they are not the same. But it doesn‘t matter here.
What matters is, that in the end its few milimeters of bone what dictates your life and unfortunately not God. I learned to understand it after 20 years of hope and prayers. All copes have an end.
Thanks for the input mate. I was officially catholic but i didn‘t agree with its teachings…especially the holy trinity and the worship of Jesus mother. Jesus himself said the father is higher than him, thus they are not the same. But it doesn‘t matter here.
What matters is, that in the end its few milimeters of bone what dictates your life and unfortunately not God. I learned to understand it after 20 years of hope and prayers. All copes have an end.
i hate talking about theology in these forums,but there is a bunch of catholic apologetics on those two exact issues on youtube(and if you are into books there are obviously a bunch of litetature there too),so if you are interested yeah.

i do find it weird how you call yourself a practising catholic christrian for 20 years,when you didn't even believe in something that is in the creed of the catholic church.did you have beliefs that might have caused you to sin other then these ones? not that it matters in this discussion,as delving into the mysteries of god never granted a stacy wife and money(look at job and lazarus and a million saints), but it does matter when one is trying to be with god.

admiteddly in church,i do see more outliers,but generally people want to sin,so it's normal to end up alone.Though in your case even if you found a good girl,the fact that you don't even believe in the most accepted dogmas of the church,would immediately cast you off into a no go zone. but those are extremely rare so yeah.

i hope you one day come to christ again brocel.christ had a shitty humiliating life,but i also came into the church,thinking that all of a sudden my depression and sadness would be greatly lessened or would disappear. An incel has to be prepared to give his pain to christ,if he wants to remain with him.Otherwise,everything stops making sense.
I had come to christ after being blackpilled as well. The thing to realize is that Christianity is inherently blackpilled. Humans, and the very creation we live in, is too laden with sin to do any good and our only hope is for what comes next. Accepting Christ and repenting is like a test on wether or not you want to keep living in a hell probably alot like this world after death or if you can accept this world is cursed and you want something more. As far as woman goes God thinks we're better off without them in this life and with the state of modern woman that's probably more truer than ever. We can pray to God to get a wife as I have done as well, but must realize its not about wealth and sex in this life, God will give us what we actually need not what we want.
I will
That’s the spirit!

Now hopefully, you don’t have to resort to following the same path as I; results can be unpredictable, considering how the world can take its toll on our mental state.
But if you have what it takes, like determination and willpower, go for it!

View attachment 590092
I will my fellow alchemist thank you.
Don't expect miracles or to gain anything, believing in God won't bring you any graspable returns, like wife, friends etc.
It's the opposite, to believe in God, is to turn your back on the world. It can be argument that, our situation is blessing in disguise, as there is nothing holding you back from commiting to God. I'm not sure if I willing to go as far as that in my statment, but faith of the most is conditional, they believe in God, because they have/had comfortable, good life. Thier faith isn't found on deep inner belief, but rather on favourable circumstances, that allowed them to believe. That's why most people either turn thier back on God eventually or thier faith remains lukewarm at best.

As of now, I haven't yet truely embrace my faith, I'm still searching within myself for faith, but I know that denying God won't bring me anything or change anything. Also, I'm starting to be convinced that the disgusting and cucked state of the world is the God's punishment for the world for abandoning him.
Nah you can keep that fucked up shit to yourself.
i hate talking about theology in these forums,but there is a bunch of catholic apologetics on those two exact issues on youtube(and if you are into books there are obviously a bunch of litetature there too),so if you are interested yeah.

i do find it weird how you call yourself a practising catholic christrian for 20 years,when you didn't even believe in something that is in the creed of the catholic church.did you have beliefs that might have caused you to sin other then these ones? not that it matters in this discussion,as delving into the mysteries of god never granted a stacy wife and money(look at job and lazarus and a million saints), but it does matter when one is trying to be with god.

admiteddly in church,i do see more outliers,but generally people want to sin,so it's normal to end up alone.Though in your case even if you found a good girl,the fact that you don't even believe in the most accepted dogmas of the church,would immediately cast you off into a no go zone. but those are extremely rare so yeah.

i hope you one day come to christ again brocel.christ had a shitty humiliating life,but i also came into the church,thinking that all of a sudden my depression and sadness would be greatly lessened or would disappear. An incel has to be prepared to give his pain to christ,if he wants to remain with him.Otherwise,everything stops making sense.
Yeah some of your post is cool but other parts nah I’m good man. Don’t need all that for advice.
I had come to christ after being blackpilled as well. The thing to realize is that Christianity is inherently blackpilled. Humans, and the very creation we live in, is too laden with sin to do any good and our only hope is for what comes next. Accepting Christ and repenting is like a test on wether or not you want to keep living in a hell probably alot like this world after death or if you can accept this world is cursed and you want something more. As far as woman goes God thinks we're better off without them in this life and with the state of modern woman that's probably more truer than ever. We can pray to God to get a wife as I have done as well, but must realize its not about wealth and sex in this life, God will give us what we actually need not what we want.
Christianity and black pill don’t belong in the same sentence. NEXT.
Thanks for the input mate. I was officially catholic but i didn‘t agree with its teachings…especially the holy trinity and the worship of Jesus mother. Jesus himself said the father is higher than him, thus they are not the same. But it doesn‘t matter here.
What matters is, that in the end its few milimeters of bone what dictates your life and unfortunately not God. I learned to understand it after 20 years of hope and prayers. All copes have an end.
Not interested in your bullshit viewpoint. NEXT.
Yeah some of your post is cool but other parts nah I’m good man. Don’t need all that for advice.

Christianity and black pill don’t belong in the same sentence. NEXT.

Not interested in your bullshit viewpoint. NEXT.
denying the blackpill is cope.our lord is truth itself,and the blackpill is true no matter how much you wanna cope.

I had come to christ after being blackpilled as well. The thing to realize is that Christianity is inherently blackpilled. Humans, and the very creation we live in, is too laden with sin to do any good and our only hope is for what comes next. Accepting Christ and repenting is like a test on wether or not you want to keep living in a hell probably alot like this world after death or if you can accept this world is cursed and you want something more. As far as woman goes God thinks we're better off without them in this life and with the state of modern woman that's probably more truer than ever. We can pray to God to get a wife as I have done as well, but must realize its not about wealth and sex in this life, God will give us what we actually need not what we want.
marriage is a vocation and god gave to adam,eve even though adam probably knew much more about god then all men combined.so it's not like god hates women or thinks we are better off without them.god loves his creation,even the tinniest of his creation. but still giving your celibacy to god is great and a much more "perfect" way of life.

also it's cool that you came to christ after being blackpilled. pray for me if you can brocel.i am afraid of my future.
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her dad is a *trad* catholic and has a decent/big role in the western catholic world(not going to say who he is),and her family seems to all be "trad" catholics, so i think she would be quite aware of what is a sin and isn't a sin, even if she is actually a huge degenerate.Anyway,for now she is a jb,and i imagine her parents control her life quite well,so she can definitely fornicate,but i imagine there is much stopping it for now. I have seen her with a brown scapular,and i assume that scapular wasn't forced on her,so maybe she has decent faith. her mom though is like 5'0(she is like 5'2 with heels) and married a guy who is 6'1(her uncle,at least i think it's her uncle, also is 6'4 and married some 5'0 women), so i imagine she finds it perfectly normal for her to marry some 6'4 british gigachad. The errors of our fathers,are not ours,but we usually end up doing the same thing so yeah.

she is cute and small(i am one of the shortest guys in mass.we are looksmatched).Even if we magically got together( jbs have higher chances of dating outliers but yeah), it would only be a matter of time before she realizes she can be with some 6'4 gigachad.maybe if we married fast,then she couldn't jump so fast without abandoning her faith and possibly becoming the black sheep of her family. backhome,that wouldn't be anything to be amazed at,but a jb marrying(even if she was 18 you are still at risk kek) in london is the biggest joke and the easiest way to be outcasted.

the saddest and funniest thing is that i have seen women who look like my oneitis or even much prettier(med skin,short hair etc), with guys even uglier then me,backhome.but here? here i am nothing. here i am a victim of the actions of adam and eve. this is why i am going backhome this summer. if the catholic women backhome are also all thots,then whatever. anything that keeps me going and coping is good.i feel like i am slowly going crazy and as long as the noose isn't seen as the solution,it's all good.

Heck,last time i went to mass,the altar boy was this 6'2 young guy blue eyed,blond hair chadlite. it would be so easy for him to be "welcomed" into the family. Meds welcome anything white.
Wtf does this have to do with me? Next.
denying the blackpill is cope.our lord is truth itself,and the blackpill is true no matter how much you wanna cope.

marriage is a vocation and god gave to adam,eve even though adam probably knew much more about god then all men combined.so it's not like god hates women or thinks we are better off without them.god loves his creation,even the tinniest of his creation. but still giving your celibacy to god is great and a much more "perfect" way of life.
There is no absolute truth. I see we have another brainwashed black pill dude about to lose his mind. NEXT.
There is no absolute truth. I see we have another brainwashed black pill dude about to lose his mind. NEXT.
what are you on about? god is absolute truth himself. you realize he is omniscient and was before everything was created right?
This thread is meaningless for a creature like me but hey idkn its a way to cope i guess.
Ok what are you talking about? Bro? Not interested. Did you read my first posts. Whatever you’re on about I’m mot about to be lead to some bullshit black pill idea. I know where your headed. ( yawn). NEXT
what are you on about? god is absolute truth himself. you realize he is omniscient and was before everything was created right?
I do not hate religious peoples sometimes i pity them.
Not interested in your garbage atheist comment. NEXT
I’m bored of all this superficial black pill idiots. Yawn). I think I’ll read a book. ( yawn)

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