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RageFuel Girls love telling me about their boyfriends



Natsuki obsessed
Nov 8, 2017
I've mainly been browsing for the past few weeks, but I had a conversation last night that needs to be told. So there's this girl from school I've been friend-zoned by, and a few days ago she got back from a vacation in Florida. We were talking on snapchat so I don't have any screen shots of our convo, but I'll try to give it to you from what I remember, word for word.

Her: ugh physics sucks I just wish I could be back in Florida with my boyfriend
Me: yeah school does suck, and Florida sounds nice right now
Her: omg it was like the best week of my life, spending every night with him on the beach getting high was fucking amazing
Me: yeah I bet it was
Her: I don't even remember the last night I was there, I got so drunk that apparently he had to save me from drowning in the shallow tide lol
Me: sounds like a great time but you shouldn't get that drunk lol
Her: yeah I know, but he was really sweet about it! He carried me home and made a fire in his backyard to warm me up
Me: he sounds like a great guy
Her: he is. I've been with a lot of guys but I've never wanted to marry anyone until I met him. lol literally all we did was get drunk and fuck the entire week.
Me: wow that's pretty funny
Her: lol yeah it is, one of the nights I was super loud, and it must have woke his roommate up. And then when we went downstairs for breakfast the next morning he told me I should put a towel in my mouth the next time
Me: that's pretty awkward but at least he was cool about it
Her: Lol yeah. Another funny incident was when my brother came over and I wasn't expecting him and we had just finished fucking and he basically saw us naked.
Me: Poor guy lol
Her: He was cool about it lol. When my boyfriend comes up here for spring break you should meet him!
Me: Sure


This is the shit I go through with these bitches... This is just one conversation with one girl, this has happened countless times with other girls. They think I'm like a fucking sex diary, and that they can just tell me shit like I want to hear about it. Girls will never talk about me as their boyfriend like they do to me. Fucking makes me want to vomit. Also this is irrelevant but her boyfriend that she's in a LTR with is a 21 year old high school drop, but like always, being a Chad makes up for it. I might just block every girl I have in my contacts, I can't deal with this shit anymore.
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It's like the universe is trying to spite us into reminding us that we are Incels...
Just tell them to fuck off and how you really feel and how nobody likes you. That will shut them up.
Girls love telling me nothing, because I don't know any females.
Just tell them to fuck off and how you really feel and how nobody likes you. That will shut them up.
I'm done spilling my heart to girls
I've mainly been browsing for the past few weeks, but I had a conversation last night that needs to be told. So there's this girl from school I've been friend-zoned by, and a few days ago she got back from a vacation in Florida. We were talking on snapchat so I don't have any screen shots of our convo, but I'll try to give it to you from what I remember, word for word.

Her: ugh physics sucks I just wish I could be back in Florida with my boyfriend
Me: yeah school does suck, and Florida sounds nice right now
Her: omg it was like the best week of my life, spending every night with him on the beach getting high was fucking amazing
Me: yeah I bet it was
Her: I don't even remember the last night I was there, I got so drunk that apparently he had to save me from drowning in the shallow tide lol
Me: sounds like a great time but you shouldn't get that drunk lol
Her: yeah I know, but he was really sweet about it! He carried me home and made a fire in his backyard to warm me up
Me: he sounds like a great guy
Her: he is. I've been with a lot of guys but I've never wanted to marry anyone until I met him. lol literally all we did was get drunk and fuck the entire week.
Me: wow that's pretty funny
Her: lol yeah it is, one of the nights I was super loud, and it must have woke his roommate up. And then when we went downstairs for breakfast the next morning he told me I should put a towel in my mouth the next time
Me: that's pretty awkward but at least he was cool about it
Her: Lol yeah. Another funny incident was when my brother came over and I wasn't expecting him and we had just finished fucking and he basically saw us naked.
Me: Poor guy lol
Her: He was cool about it lol. When my boyfriend comes up here for spring break you should meet him!
Me: Sure


This is the shit I go through with these bitches... This is just one conversation with one girl, this has happened countless times with other girls. They think I'm like a fucking sex diary, and that they can just tell me shit like I want to hear about it. Girls will never talk about me as their boyfriend like they do to me. Fucking makes me want to vomit. Also this is irrelevant but her boyfriend that she's in a LTR with is a 21 year old high school drop, but like always, being a Chad makes up for it. I might just block every girl I have in my contacts, I can't deal with this shit anymore.
Ghost that bitch. Srsly, since she friendzoned you, the least you could do is ghost her
Ghost that bitch. Srsly, since she friendzoned you, the least you could do is ghost her
I really should. Its just that I have a bunch of classes with her and she's super dramatic and I know she would make a scene in front of everyone
I really should. Its just that I have a bunch of classes with her and she's super dramatic and I know she would make a scene in front of everyone
Unless she is smart or provides u with a lot of hw answers or help, just ghost her, and plus who gives a shit if she makes a scene
Unless she is smart or provides u with a lot of hw answers or help, just ghost her, and plus who gives a shit if she makes a scene
Oh she's a fucking moron lmao. And I have really bad anxiety and having her confront me with a head of steam would turn me red as a fucking tomato and I would look like an even bigger autist than I already am
Oh she's a fucking moron lmao. And I have really bad anxiety and having her confront me with a head of steam would turn me red as a fucking tomato and I would look like an even bigger autist than I already am
Why tf u even talking to her, btw u have friends rite?
Why tf u even talking to her, btw u have friends rite?
Because she's been at my table for pretty much the entire year in physics, and I foolishly thought she was into be at one point.
why did you continue talking to her? I would've instantly blocked/deleted that bitch
Lmao OP, block her!! Not once did she ask how YOU were doing!! Its all about herself and her life.
Fakecel out boyo go fuck her
why did you continue talking to her? I would've instantly blocked/deleted that bitch
Because I get lonely, as gay as that sounds. I fucking hate being on the internet all day on weekends, and I just want to talk to SOMEONE.
Why do you even have a conversation with her when it makes you unhappy?
Because she's been at my table for pretty much the entire year in physics, and I foolishly thought she was into be at one point.
Keep her snap, but rarely talk to her, and when she sends a snap, leave her on read, only talk when you have missed assignments, otherwise, just block.
Lmao OP, block her!! Not once did she ask how YOU were doing!! Its all about herself and her life.
Funny that you mention that. This bitch is known for giving people her life stories. Really annoying, but she's nice enough in person. she doesn't bully me I mean
Keep her snap, but rarely talk to her, and when she sends a snap, leave her on read, only talk when you have missed assignments, otherwise, just block.
Oh, I've left her on read before, and she goes fucking apeshit. She'll start trying to call my phone repeatedly asking why I'm mad at her. Its really fucking pathetic, almost as pathetic as me for putting up with her telling me about her fucking her bf
Oh, I've left her on read before, and she goes fucking apeshit. She'll start trying to call my phone repeatedly asking why I'm mad at her. Its really fucking pathetic, almost as pathetic as me for putting up with her telling me about her fucking her bf
You should be real with her, explain the feeling you get when she does that bragging stuff.

She will either stop bragging or go apeshit again
You should be real with her, explain the feeling you get when she does that bragging stuff.

She will either stop bragging or go apeshit again
If I do that, she'll probably tell every girl she knows that I'm a jealous creep. I still have a few more months in high school, and I'm still trying to get laid before I graduate. As delusional as that is, its something to live for
femoids literally cant stop talking about their sex life.
femoids literally cant stop talking about their sex life.
Especially to other men it seems. It's like they want us to feel bad or something.
Oh, I've left her on read before, and she goes fucking apeshit. She'll start trying to call my phone repeatedly asking why I'm mad at her. Its really fucking pathetic, almost as pathetic as me for putting up with her telling me about her fucking her bf
WHY TF DOES SHE CARE IF SHE IS LEFT ON READ, IF SHE HAS A GODDAMN BOYFRIEND? if she calls, just reject the calls, trust me, it will save you from become a beta orbiter
that is why. they want to rub it in.
Its sadistic... Its fucked up, bragging to someone that deep down you know wants what you talk about more than ANYTHING.
Cuck. Just air her as soon as she opens her mouth about her boyfriend
Next time tell her to fuck off about her boyfriend and leave if she keeps talking about them.
WHY TF DOES SHE CARE IF SHE IS LEFT ON READ, IF SHE HAS A GODDAMN BOYFRIEND? if she calls, just reject the calls, trust me, it will save you from become a beta orbiter
I've been trying to find the answer to that question for months.
Its sadistic... Its fucked up, bragging to someone that deep down you know wants what you talk about more than ANYTHING.
every femoid is like curleys wife from of mice and men. that writer was way ahead of my time now that i think about it. very blackpilled indeed.
Damn she clearly wants to let you know all the good shit you're missing out on
Stop interacting with these women and keep your mind on your business.
You are a massive cuck. Tell her you don’t give a fuck
OP irl -

Emotional tampon.
How the hell do you listen to this and NOT make at the very least rude comments or act disinterested? You sound like you are receptive when I have no idea how anyone here could be.
How the hell do you listen to this and NOT make at the very least rude comments or act disinterested? You sound like you are receptive when I have no idea how anyone here could be.
I guess it's because I don't like treating people like shit because I know what it's like, even with shit like this. I'd rather just go along with it until the conversation changes.
I guess it's because I don't like treating people like shit because I know what it's like, even with shit like this. I'd rather just go along with it until the conversation changes.

You really are a good guy. When femshits do this to me, I generally just give short answers and looks of disgust so they get the message to stop.

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