"It’s pretty primal for me. It’s pretty much my #1 thing also, so basically unless We’re not having PIV sex, I always want the cum deep inside. always, and I will do my best to make sure that happens for us. It’s also my favorite way to finish for emotional connection also, even if I don’t cum. I’m going to feel very connected and close with my partner after he cums inside me, and no other feeling comes close for me. I love it so much. Cradling his face to my chest as he collapses on top of me, the coolness of the sweat on his head as I trace my fingers through his hair, his breath against my skin, leaning down and being able to smell the delicious scent of the top of his head as he rests against me, all while his half hard spent cock is still resting inside me, his cum pooling inside me, before he pulls out. The weight of his body against mine and the weight of his hips against my own, pressing on my clit as he lay there for a minute honestly feels so so so goddamn good. No exaggeration this is my favorite moment in any sexual encounter, but exponentially more important and emotional when I’m in love with my partner. I’m a complete oxytocin junkie and these moments give me a complete body high from how bonded and loved I feel."