No shit, it’s yet another bland, monotonous, cookie-cutter, soulless, oversaturated, sanitized, risk-averse, been-there-done-that-before, condescending, AAA Snoy cinematic slop game that makes you severely depressed when playing. Just because it wasn’t woke (at least not overtly), it doesn’t make it good.
I can’t wrap my head around how normies enjoy these games every time.
They are so fucking uninspired and repetitive, it makes me feel like I am genuinely pouring my life away when playing them. A good game will make you feel like a child again. These games will never fail to remind me that I’m now an adult. They are so scared of being games, it’s disgusting. The developers behind them legitimately hate gamers, and they are only going to be more overt about it in the sequel, so just you wait.