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RageFuel gf is a literal physiological need



5'9 3.5/10 brain damaged cel
Apr 21, 2024
i used my chadfish to find this cute 19 year old college going foid and i have been talking to her since. shes really into my chadfish and has been sending cute messages and keeps checking in on my chadfish as if i havent only known her for a day. she also keeps saying how she wants my chadfish. i know this is pathetic asf but having her say that to my chadfish is the only positive interaction "i" have had with foids and its funny how it makes me feel nice even though its fake as shit

and i was thinking about the shit ive missed out on, basic fucking shit that you need to be able to stay alive and push forward life. not having a gf means youre missing out on a daily supply of:

- self esteem -> no better booster of self esteem than knowing youre desirable. imagine feeling that way everyday because your gf takes care of you and gives you bjs
- drive/motivation -> i have literally no motivation and i ldar all day long. but if i had gf who loved me i would be doing something productive because i would actually have a reason to careermaxx
-theres probably other shit too that i cant think of because i havent slept the past 2 days but yeah

i dont understand how its okay for governments to ignore us even though we are the most persecuted group of people in society when they have welfare programmes for literally every "marginalised" group imaginable. they can take my money to give freebies to toilets but cant do shit about the horrible damage ive had to endure to my life because of being ugly and short and autistic. i wish they would at least give me neetbuxx but i cant even have that
“personalities your problem”
Unless your hyper high inhib/awkward or you have weird voice or eye movements personality is barely a factor.
Its mostly about 2 things-Face and Race
We don't have a government.
“personalities your problem”
i have actually talked normally to this one. on the other hand i got this foid to agree to come to "my" place for sex, then told her to send me nudes and when she sent them to me i called her a disgusting whore. insulted every single body part of hers (tbh she was genuinely ugly as hell, barf inducing almost) and she kept calling me baby and asking me when i want her to come over while completely ignoring all the insults i was throwing her way. beyond ovER
i have actually talked normally to this one. on the other hand i got this foid to agree to come to "my" place for sex, then told her to send me nudes and when she sent them to me i called her a disgusting whore. insulted every single body part of hers (tbh she was genuinely ugly as hell, barf inducing almost) and she kept calling me baby and asking me when i want her to come over while completely ignoring all the insults i was throwing her way. beyond ovER
having a good face is more important
Sub7 men will always be seen as worthless by society
And of course the normies will take this the wrong way and be like "nooo you can't just catfish some whore"

Like, who cares? It's a young girl with infinite options. As soon as she realizes its a larp she'll just move onto some chad. This is infinitely more helpful and therapeutic for OP than the foid
Share pictures of the Chadfish please. Screenshots and the Chad used.
I’m gonna do chadfish again
i used my chadfish to find this cute 19 year old college going foid and i have been talking to her since. shes really into my chadfish and has been sending cute messages and keeps checking in on my chadfish as if i havent only known her for a day. she also keeps saying how she wants my chadfish. i know this is pathetic asf but having her say that to my chadfish is the only positive interaction "i" have had with foids and its funny how it makes me feel nice even though its fake as shit

and i was thinking about the shit ive missed out on, basic fucking shit that you need to be able to stay alive and push forward life. not having a gf means youre missing out on a daily supply of:

- self esteem -> no better booster of self esteem than knowing youre desirable. imagine feeling that way everyday because your gf takes care of you and gives you bjs
- drive/motivation -> i have literally no motivation and i ldar all day long. but if i had gf who loved me i would be doing something productive because i would actually have a reason to careermaxx
-theres probably other shit too that i cant think of because i havent slept the past 2 days but yeah

i dont understand how its okay for governments to ignore us even though we are the most persecuted group of people in society when they have welfare programmes for literally every "marginalised" group imaginable. they can take my money to give freebies to toilets but cant do shit about the horrible damage ive had to endure to my life because of being ugly and short and autistic. i wish they would at least give me neetbuxx but i cant even have that
Thats brutal man, foids always say we aren't owed sex but we really are

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