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Getting falsely convicted of rape is way worse than rape itself



The Black Knight
Nov 7, 2017
We are all led to believe that rape is the most violent and cruel crime committed against femoids, and humanity as a whole. We are consistently reminded on how repugnant and malevolent it is -- but what they are not telling us is how the thing that is called rape is a way of femoids to get attention, validation and the support that they want. I mean, just think about it: whenever a femoid gets raped, the creature goes on to cry and moan about it until the end of times solely due to the fact that she knowns that people will always pity her and give her love and attention; even though she's completely over it. You'll often see them writing books and becoming motivational speakers to tell the whole world how they should be pitied more -- ignoring the fact that they could have avoided the predicament if they didn't get drunk or dress like sluts. It shows you that whatever it maybe, society is always supportive towards femoids. But that cannot be said towards the countless of innocent men who get falsely accused and convicted due to these creatures.

Femoids can accuse men of rape falsely and without any evidence only to just get away with it -- and because of this hundreds and hundreds of men are falsely convicted every year due to the uprising of false rape charges. Their reputation destroyed, their families and friends disown them, no company will ever hire them, and all because they were falsely convicted. These poor souls lose their very life's due to the evil cunts that are femoids. Once a man gets falsely convicted there is no going back. His life is over. Even if he was later released after proving his innocence, there will always be a group of people that will look at him in a bad way because of the fact that they still think he is guilty. It's a literal death sentence.

Yet femoids still have the audacity to tell people that rape is the worst crime out there. No, it isn't, you cunts. It never will be. One day you will all pay for the crimes you have committed and the innocent men you put behind bars.

Judgment day is coming.
Femshits who falsely accuse of rape should be acid faced or just fucking exterminated.
It's both bad and should carry the same penalty. 

Sexuality is very important for human beings, and for society as a whole, since sexual misery is a breeding ground for neuroses, violent revenge fantasies and an appetite for authoritarian misery. By contrast, people who experience sexual independence and autonomy are more willing and more likely to fight for the extension of this area of self-determination into the political realm.

Hence, a ruling class usually has interest in sexual misery. So they promoted Catholic and Puritan misery in the past, where people were supposed to be permanently afraid of having committed a "sin" when they wanted to enjoy their sexuality rather than to live like livestock that is supposed to work, reproduce and die - and today they promote feminist rape and pedo hysteria, and sell this idea that the Islamic hijab is a sign of female empowerment because it prevents the "sexist male gaze" from stare-raping womyn. "Sexist" is the new "sinful", both terms basically translate to "not being ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." 

So, given the individual and societal importance of sexuality, BOTH rape and false rape accusations should be punished severely, because they create a climate in which people cannot enjoy their sexuality anymore. 

Admittedly, the problem I don't really have a solution for is that I'm not sure anymore in who far women actually have a sense of truth. There is that famous essay from Harry Frankfurt "On Bullshit", and I quote from Wikipedia: "Frankfurt determines that bullshit is speech intended to persuade (a.k.a. rhetoric), without regard for truth. The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the bullshitter doesn't care if what they say is true or false, but rather only cares whether or not their listener is persuaded."

The latter describes women pretty well. It's not so much that women have a concept of truth she tries to hide by lying, no, she has no concept of truth at all and is just pure bullshit. (Also note how our universities, once they were feminized, have dismissed this whole concept of objective truth as a patriarchal invention of the white man, and that everything is just a "social construct" really, etc.) 

After all, this is also why arguing with women is futile. The point of arguing is to convince someone that they are wrong and you are right ... but these females don't even have a concept of truth and lie. This is one of the reasons why I always say that we don't need more freedom of speech but more POWER. 

And the question, of course, is, how rape cases should be handled then.
It pisses me off how short the sentence for false rape accusations is, they should make it twice the amount of years/months the falsely accused person served/is supposed to serve. Destroying someone's life/reputation like that warrants justice.
Red Shambhala said:
So, given the individual and societal importance of sexuality, BOTH rape and false rape accusations should be punished severely, because they create a climate in which people cannot enjoy their sexuality anymore.

Why should rapists be punished severely?

Its the femoids fault if she gets raped.
Seriously if you accuse someone of raep and it's later found you lied, you should receive the same punishment.

Tired of hearing the argument that it will stop people from making claims because lack of evidence.
Lookismisreal said:
Why should rapists be punished severely?

Its the femoids fault if she gets raped.

Not really. Ultimately it's the rapists fault she was raped. 

I understand our hatred but let's not throw out basic logic and reasoning out the window. 

Could the stacy have prevented the rape? That's a different story (of course, unspeakable to normies).
opsec said:
Not really. Ultimately it's the rapists fault she was raped. 

I understand our hatred but let's not throw out basic logic and reasoning out the window. 

Could the stacy have prevented the rape? That's a different story (of course, unspeakable to normies).

The thing is, I really don't give a damn about the femoids who get raped.

And I hate how normans say you should feel sympathy for the femoids who get raped and so forth. Fuck that.
I agree with you. I have seen tons of videos on YouTube about people getting falsely convicted. They spend 20 years in prison for NOTHING. Now imagine what also happened to them in prisons = they get their butt fucked. It's a nightmare.. knowing that you did nothing wrong and society still blames you and you CAN'T DO NOTHING ABOUT IT.
Lookismisreal said:
The thing is, I really don't give a damn about the femoids who get raped.

And I hate how normans say you should feel sympathy for the femoids who get raped and so forth. Fuck that.

Man I don't get the incels who want to rape. It's anti black pill. Rape is literally the ultimate cuck cope.
opsec said:
Man I don't get the incels who want to rape. It's anti black pill. Rape is literally the ultimate cuck cope.

You're reaching.

No one here wants to rape anyone.
The lying cunts who lie about rape fuck over the man even worse. They should get long prison sentences.

And it's unlikely he gets any pussy out of it anyway, unless she regretted it after the fact or was caught in a lie and needed to play the rape card.
I heard once from a person that heard from a cop that they get so many rape accusations that they can never all be true. Those idiots make so many false accusations that often times real rape victims want get any help anymore.
Zyzz said:
I heard once from a person that heard from a cop that they get so many rape accusations that they can never all be true. Those idiots make so many false accusations that often times real rape victims want get any help anymore.

Its the new method of femoids of getting a man in jail because most of the time they know it works.
Red Shambhala said:
Hence, a ruling class usually has interest in sexual misery. So they promoted Catholic and Puritan misery in the past, where people were supposed to be permanently afraid of having committed a "sin" when they wanted to enjoy their sexuality rather than to live like livestock that is supposed to work, reproduce and die - and today they promote feminist rape and pedo hysteria, and sell this idea that the Islamic hijab is a sign of female empowerment because it prevents the "sexist male gaze" from stare-raping womyn. "Sexist" is the new "sinful", both terms basically translate to "not being ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." 

Puritanism is good. It's a shame that people no longer stone fornicating harlots to death as in Deuteronomy 22:20-21. When fornication is widespread, no one gets married and we have widespread inceldom.
Femoids who commit false rape accusations should be beheaded tbh. Just lol at losing your job, your family, your house, your car or whatever you deem worthy because some FHO told the police that you forcefully stuck your penis inside her and the police believes her straight away.

What are you talking about?

If everyone thinks you're a rapist already, you now have a free pass to actually rape.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Most wamen have rape fantasies. I was on /trash/ yesterday and there was a femoid talking about her fantasy of being raped by a dog.
Red Shambhala said:
It's both bad and should carry the same penalty. 

Sexuality is very important for human beings, and for society as a whole, since sexual misery is a breeding ground for neuroses, violent revenge fantasies and an appetite for authoritarian misery. By contrast, people who experience sexual independence and autonomy are more willing and more likely to fight for the extension of this area of self-determination into the political realm.

Hence, a ruling class usually has interest in sexual misery. So they promoted Catholic and Puritan misery in the past, where people were supposed to be permanently afraid of having committed a "sin" when they wanted to enjoy their sexuality rather than to live like livestock that is supposed to work, reproduce and die - and today they promote feminist rape and pedo hysteria, and sell this idea that the Islamic hijab is a sign of female empowerment because it prevents the "sexist male gaze" from stare-raping womyn. "Sexist" is the new "sinful", both terms basically translate to "not being ashamed of wanting to have sex for pleasure." 

So, given the individual and societal importance of sexuality, BOTH rape and false rape accusations should be punished severely, because they create a climate in which people cannot enjoy their sexuality anymore. 

Admittedly, the problem I don't really have a solution for is that I'm not sure anymore in who far women actually have a sense of truth. There is that famous essay from Harry Frankfurt "On Bullshit", and I quote from Wikipedia: "Frankfurt determines that bullshit is speech intended to persuade (a.k.a. rhetoric), without regard for truth. The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the bullshitter doesn't care if what they say is true or false, but rather only cares whether or not their listener is persuaded."

The latter describes women pretty well. It's not so much that women have a concept of truth she tries to hide by lying, no, she has no concept of truth at all and is just pure bullshit. (Also note how our universities, once they were feminized, have dismissed this whole concept of objective truth as a patriarchal invention of the white man, and that everything is just a "social construct" really, etc.) 

After all, this is also why arguing with women is futile. The point of arguing is to convince someone that they are wrong and you are right ... but these females don't even have a concept of truth and lie. This is one of the reasons why I always say that we don't need more freedom of speech but more POWER. 

And the question, of course, is, how rape cases should be handled then.

nice post. Anyone who shames me for sexuality will get eye gouged, it pisses me off lol so satanic and jewish to do that.

incel4life said:
Puritanism is good. It's a shame that people no longer stone fornicating harlots to death as in Deuteronomy 22:20-21. When fornication is widespread, no one gets married and we have widespread inceldom.

and that is good, it shows you the truth and blackpill. Then we can finally escape this soul prison.

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