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Serious Getting a job (or welfare) as an incel in Australia is fucked



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019

1. Immigration affecting job prospects
Australia has been letting in people from other countries (particularly ethnics from 3rd world shitholes) to come here on a working/student visa. These fuckers are ready to work well below the minimum wage, which drives the average wage down. If you want a fair wage, your employer will simply say to you "Why should i pay you $20 an hour when i can find people (immigrant cunts) who are more hard-working than you and who are willing to work for $15 an hour". At that point, you either refuse the job or you accept it and work at a really shitty wage.

2. Companies only hiring experienced workers
Besides, even if there are no immigrants going into these low-level jobs, they prioritise people with experience, but how the fuck is someone supposed to get experience if they aren't ever given a job opportunity due to "lack of experience"? :feelskek:

3. White collar occupations being very hard to get into
As for white-collar occupations, they all require a degree and even after getting a degree there's NO GUARANTEE that you'll get a job because there is an oversupply of graduates and not enough jobs available for everyone with a degree, so at that point the companies and corporations will employ the graduates with the highest GPA (Grade Point Average), so if you averaged a "Pass" throughout your degree you're likely to be unemployed while those who got "Credits", "Distinctions" and "High Distinctions" will have an increasing probability of getting a job (in that order). At that point your degree isnt even worth the paper its printed on, so you have to relocate to a new country but that itself comes with more challenges (different language, different culture, different values/norms/morality, different religion, worse economy and thus worse standard of living/quality of life etc are some of the problems you may potentially face).

4. The business world being full of challenges
"b-b-b-but just start your own business bro"
You need money to start a business, in the world we live in, YOU NEED MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. So how the fuck is a broke guy meant to start a business without money. There's absolutely no reason a bank will give you a loan if you only have savings of a few hundred dollars. And even if you do get a loan from the bank, running a business isn't easy and you're more likely to fail than you are to succeed for numerous reasons (the state of the economy, the state of the market/industry in which you are running your business, competitors, supply and demand etc.), and in that case you'll just be in a shit-load of debt which you're going to have to pay off for the rest of your life so might as well just rope at that point.

5. Women being a burden on the welfare system, thus affecting welfare prospects for everybody else.
After not being able to get a job, i applied for welfare. The application process took a few hours to complete and i had to provide various documents. Then i had to wait 5 weeks while it was being processed just to come back and be notified that my application was REJECTED. But of course, there are thousands of single mothers out there who are receiving welfare with ease. The welfare system prioritises women and after the government gives all those handouts to women, it doesn't have enough money to give to men who are genuinely struggling.

If you're an ugly, broke, low status male in Australia, the government won't give you welfare or pay you money just to exist (as they do to women). Because of this, you will be forced to wagecuck in some trash low-level job at well-below the minimum wage. Your other option is to waste away your youth by spending most of your days either in a classroom, at home on your laptop doing shitty assignments or having a textbook in front of your face, studying hard to graduate with good grades and missing out on your prime years, just to have 40% of your money/resources taken away from you via tax (if you're "lucky" enough to get a job because the employer didnt discriminate against you due to your autism and/or ugly appearance) and redistributed to foids (via the welfare system) who spend their prime years being plowed in all holes by chad while receiving money for free from hard-working plebs like yourself, who sacrified his youth and his prime years just to be a slave for the collective female populace.

I have no loyalty to this shit country which has abandoned me and left me for dead. If there was ever an invasion by foreign forces on Australian soil, i would be the first person to join the enemy and help them in destroying this government which has fucked me for so long, ensuring they get what they fucking deserve (in Minecraft)
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This seems like a worldwide problem and not that connected to inceldom. Rich countries tend to attract immigration so they can get cheap labor. Companies wanting to hire people with years of experience for junior positions is and old trope. Education is not a guarantee for anything. Running a business is hard everywhere. Women are parasites if every country.

Australia is one of the best countries to live in, incel or not.
Women get favoured for entry level job positions and then do fuck all but complain about how hard their work is. I would gladly take a job in fast food or retail
Welcome to GloboShlomowest. Competition is NIGHTMARE level and even worse, You are very expendble in every job and you see a lot of degree onwers in every low wage job. NT is a must almost everywhere and CHAD or a drak triad normie alwyes have it easy do to NT more so then some of the most capbale Low teir/Incel man out there.

As an added bounes most of HR jobs are women Soo chad or thug Only Teehee. Soon women WOULD NOT ONLY BE THE GATEKEEPES OF SEX, THEY WILL BE ALSO THE GATE KEEPERS OF JOB AND ADJUCATION.

Bulling never ends if you are not NT or very ugly(Its never began with both).

Some of our Tredcon parents pressure is into working those works saying that everything is ok, and we need just to work hard enough and god forbid we complain or show signs of depression,anxiety and you are emotionally or physicly tired, then its all brushed of as lazyiness.

TLDR- this scene
Fuck working in Australia. Also most gook cunts are working below $10 p/h at some sushi or chink hot pot restaurant JFL
Luckily for me I managed to get on the dole but the amount of money you get is next to nothing. There's no way anyone could support themselves on that amount even for a small amount of time. I get more than the usual amount because of autism and that's only around $440 a month. What are you supposed to do if you have no-one to support you?
that's just how life is in the 21st century. it'll only keep getting worse unless someone does something about it.
isn't it illegal to work below the minimum wage?
Even if you do get a job you'll just be like me.

In a white collar job with no future. You don't even know if you're gonna be with the firm next month coz all the foid colleagues hate and are teaming up with the boss to come up with an excuse to get you fired.
Luckily for me I managed to get on the dole but the amount of money you get is next to nothing. There's no way anyone could support themselves on that amount even for a small amount of time. I get more than the usual amount because of autism and that's only around $440 a month. What are you supposed to do if you have no-one to support you?
Bro if you’re Autistic enough, go to your local GP to get a medical check for DSP ( disability support pension) I would but I’m not that mentally ill or autistic. I’m just on the standard Newstart payment.

@VirginAutistManlet is on it and gets way more.
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Bro if you’re Autistic enough, go to your local GP to get a medical check for DSP ( disability support pension) I would but I’m not that mentally ill or autistic. I’m just on the standard Newstart payment.

@VirginAutistManlet is on it and gets way more.

any idea why these cunts rejected my newstart application?
any idea why these cunts rejected my newstart application?
Do you live with your parents and are they on a high income? Also whats your age btw
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Other countries are the similar but actually worse.

1. Mass immigration is everywhere and actually much worse in Canada US and UK.

2. This has been the case for over 20 years in Canada, UK. Australia only caught up to this 10 years ago.

3. Actually it's easiest to get into white collar professions in aus. People from Canada and other white countries have to come to aus to get their professional degrees because they couldn't cut it back home due to ridiculous standards. The issue in Aus is uni's pumping too many professionals which depresses wages. Same can be said in USA. You can always move rurally for fair pay.

4. You have to buy a house with a wage cuck salary and leverage your house to buy a overvalued business. Hopefully you don't go bust.

5. Foids are now talking about getting neetbux for childcare because it's too expensive. Not only do they get free shit , jobs they don't deserve, love life and sex, children, Medicare, now they want tax payers to front the bill for taking care of their own children so they can push paper in an air conditioned office. Why did your application get rejected? It sounds like you aren't playing their game.

I agree with your conclusion that Australia is particularly harsh place for an incel but it's easy mode compared to UK, Canada or shitty parts of US. The economy in aus at least gives you a chance, other places are not forgiving at all. There's a lot room to exploit the system from what I've heard.
Unrelated but I have a sandnigger aunt, from a 3rd world shithole, in Australia who has half a million in her bank account.

I don't even bat an eye lash to this. Anyone that bought a property between 2000-2012 made 6-7 figures just by sitting on it. At one point everyone on the street downtown in Sydney didn't bother to lock the doors to their luxury cars because everyone else had one.
Bro if you’re Autistic enough, go to your local GP to get a medical check for DSP ( disability support pension) I would but I’m not that mentally ill or autistic. I’m just on the standard Newstart payment.

@VirginAutistManlet is on it and gets way more.
I tried getting that but unfortunately they rejected me due to my autism not being severe enough. How much do you get on that anyway?
Australia is a shithole.

Best thing about that country was the flight home.

#Shane's Australia
#White trash
#Crime, drugs, unemployment, graffiti, everywhere
Do you live with your parents and are they on a high income? Also whats your age btw

im 22, and yeah i said i live with my parents who are high income earners.
Australia is a shithole.

The country itself is actually beautiful, scenic and very developed. The only thing which fucks it up is the legal system which favours women.
This is the same thing everywhere, not just in Australia. The number of young people with degrees but no real world skills is overflowing in the west. Everybody is getting a degree. Everybody wants that job, but the economies are stagnant and business isn't booming. Large amounts of automation, outsourcing and restructuring has enabled only the overspecialized high IQ people the privilege to pursue good paying jobs.
High IQ, it's literally the same shit everywhere you go. In my country immigrant cunts are doing "that" job that nobody wants to do, everybody wants to be a professional so job opportunities get rarer and fewer due to oversaturation. Not to mention the lack of experience bs that most job requirements seem to ask.
Unrelated but I have a sandnigger aunt, from a 3rd world shithole, in Australia who has half a million in her bank account.
Ask her for some :feelsLSD: :feelsLSD: :feelsLSD: :feelsLSD:
say u need it for meds or some shit
Bosses will just exploit cheap labor from 3rd world Durgesh and Mohammad while actual citizens die from starvation because they can’t compete with inhumanly the low wages that immigrants accept lol. JFL at meme (((governments))) who do this
Women entering the workforce has to be one of the biggest mistakes in history
Point 1 -

A lot of boomers & wealthy types encourage this thinking it's great as they get everything at knock down prices & hard working staff, what they don't mention or give any thoughts to is that these ppl do this as a means to go back to their country a decade or two later in the upper echelons of wealth having sent the majority of their pay home every month to family to invest into a solid business. They're not staying here long term & certainly not living in single apartments at crazy high prices or as a married couple paying off half a century mortgage; no they're living bed to bed like an army barrack. This glass to glass liquid redistribution is simply draining one economy to pump up another & benefits only the greedy wealthy of the one pumping outwards & the economy of the recipient nation.

Point 2 -

A real oxymoron, need the experience but can't get it as you don't have it so just go get some. Better hope your social standing is good and someone can get you in.

Point 3 -

Ebb & flow, the con institution (university) that used to be for only the brightest & those that needed higher learning now enrolls everyone as all jobs require some sort of paper accompanied by debt that funnily enough taught you all necessary skills as you worked with no need to attend a higher learning institute way back when. Of course the overinflation of students graduating is not in line with the jobs available for said people so now you have students shoehorned into jobs that used to be for those that didn't attend university thus pushing those at the bottom out of work; the government incentivising this as they want those debts repaid & that kicks in once they reach a minimum annual income so the quicker they can get these ppl.leapfrogging up the job/pay ladder the quicker it trickles back.

Point 4 -

Big business has put the small time out on their ass, giga corporations have teams of lawyers, government types as allies & shareholders so they get kickbacks & don't pay their fair share of tax but if little nobody man misses a payment he'll be held to the full extent of the law & fucked. How's he supposed to source his inventory & sell competitively when he's not able to do such bulk orders as the big competitors & to add salt to the wound the big chain can undercut local competition at a loss as the other 100+ branches can cover it temporarily.

Point 5 -

Don't know how it is there but here there are benefits that can be claimed by everyone regardless of their financial situation like pip or child benefit if they fit the criteria which is ridiculous as you have those with no financial means with nothing while those that don't need it using as a weekend wine allowance.
isn't it illegal to work below the minimum wage?
Yes but they don't care, refer to point 1 above & the employers do it through loopholes like their employee being self employed or paid off the books, put down as business expenses etc.. immigrants running businesses tend to do this to their own ppl a lot.
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Welcome to GloboShlomowest. Competition is NIGHTMARE level and even worse, You are very expendble in every job and you see a lot of degree onwers in every low wage job. NT is a must almost everywhere and CHAD or a drak triad normie alwyes have it easy do to NT more so then some of the most capbale Low teir/Incel man out there.

As an added bounes most of HR jobs are women Soo chad or thug Only Teehee. Soon women WOULD NOT ONLY BE THE GATEKEEPES OF SEX, THEY WILL BE ALSO THE GATE KEEPERS OF JOB AND ADJUCATION.

Bulling never ends if you are not NT or very ugly(Its never began with both).

Some of our Tredcon parents pressure is into working those works saying that everything is ok, and we need just to work hard enough and god forbid we complain or show signs of depression,anxiety and you are emotionally or physicly tired, then its all brushed of as lazyiness.

TLDR- this scene

based greycel

you nailed every point
Point 1 -

A lot of boomers & wealthy types encourage this thinking it's great as they get everything at knock down prices & hard working staff, what they don't mention or give any thoughts to is that these ppl do this as a means to go back to their country a decade or two later in the upper echelons of wealth having sent the majority of their pay home every month to family to invest into a solid business. They're not staying here long term & certainly not living in single apartments at crazy high prices or as a married couple paying off half a century mortgage; no they're living bed to bed like an army barrack. This glass to glass liquid redistribution is simply draining one economy to pump up another & benefits only the greedy wealthy of the one pumping outwards & the economy of the recipient nation.

Point 2 -

A real oxymoron, need the experience but can't get it as you don't have it so just go get some. Better hope your social standing is good and someone can get you in.

Point 3 -

Ebb & flow, the con institution (university) that used to be for only the brightest & those that needed higher learning now enrolls everyone as all jobs require some sort of paper accompanied by debt that funnily enough taught you all necessary skills as you worked with no need to attend a higher learning institute way back when. Of course the overinflation of students graduating is not in line with the jobs available for said people so now you have students shoehorned into jobs that used to be for those that didn't attend university thus pushing those at the bottom out of work; the government incentivising this as they want those debts repaid & that kicks in once they reach a minimum annual income so the quicker they can get these ppl.leapfrogging up the job/pay ladder the quicker it trickles back.

Point 4 -

Big business has put the small time out on their ass, giga corporations have teams of lawyers, government types as allies & shareholders so they get kickbacks & don't pay their fair share of tax but if little nobody man misses a payment he'll be held to the full extent of the law & fucked. How's he supposed to source his inventory & sell competitively when he's not able to do such bulk orders as the big competitors & to add salt to the wound the big chain can undercut local competition at a loss as the other 100+ branches can cover it temporarily.

Point 5 -

Don't know how it is there but here there are benefits that can be claimed by everyone regardless of their financial situation like pip or child benefit if they fit the criteria which is ridiculous as you have those with no financial means with nothing while those that don't need it using as a weekend wine allowance.

Yes but they don't care, refer to point 1 above & the employers do it through loopholes like their employee being self employed or paid off the books, put down as business expenses etc.. immigrants running businesses tend to do this to their own ppl a lot.
Well said, especially regarding your fifth point. Migrants who have already been through the system and have started a business locally will take advantage of the new arrivals on working holiday visas for way below minimum wage and get away with it.
Luckily for me I managed to get on the dole but the amount of money you get is next to nothing. There's no way anyone could support themselves on that amount even for a small amount of time. I get more than the usual amount because of autism and that's only around $440 a month. What are you supposed to do if you have no-one to support you?

You aint on autismbux if yo only get $440 month.

I get $1800/month as base, and I dont get any rent assistance because I live with my parents. If I moved out and rented a room it would go upto around $2100-2200.
imagine living in chadstralia
You aint on autismbux if yo only get $440 month.

I get $1800/month as base, and I dont get any rent assistance because I live with my parents. If I moved out and rented a room it would go upto around $2100-2200.
I said I was on the dole, not autismbux.
Brutal in chadstralia
Wageslaving is cucked don't do it
They're fucking ripping me off then. Fucking govvo cunts
How old are you bro, if you’re 22 and older you should be entitled to the full amount of Newstart payment

This is for every fortnight.
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I legit hate work so much I spend every fucking second waiting as long as possible to leave but not be late and leave the second I can. How the fuck can anyone even pretend to enjoy this. It's ALREADY monday morning. I swear I was at my desk 5 hours ago. What the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK
Of course there's plenty of welfare for single mothers, they're basically using their children as hostages to get taxpayer money. "Give me money for a home, food and clothes or the kid dies", that's what it boils down to. Single mothers are an absolute cancer but what do you expect when women are held accountable for NOTHING.
Yeah you’re getting youth allowance buddy boyo
Of course there's plenty of welfare for single mothers, they're basically using their children as hostages to get taxpayer money. "Give me money for a home, food and clothes or the kid dies", that's what it boils down to. Single mothers are an absolute cancer but what do you expect when women are held accountable for NOTHING.
Yeah single mothers shouldn’t be raising kids
Even if you do get a job you'll just be like me.

In a white collar job with no future. You don't even know if you're gonna be with the firm next month coz all the foid colleagues hate and are teaming up with the boss to come up with an excuse to get you fired.
is it really that bad?

I did these temporary week long jobs for 2 companies, the lesser of the two had 2 fat sloppy females absolutely caked in fakeup as the staff for the last time i worked at that sale, they were terribly organised barely seemed to know what they were doing and didnt even know how to put up the advertising.. Anyway the next time the job was in town i applied and got denied, some black mark got put against my name as a do not hire. I was so surprised and shocked.. pretty upset because id done the job about 15 times between the 2 companies.. these fat bitches must of said something bad about me to their superiors because they took a disliking to me. I dont know what they said but the only thing i think i did wrong was that i had to go to the toilet heaps because at the time i had bad gastrointestinal problems... Anyway the part that gets me so bothered is that they didnt even say it to my face... I never got told off, or anything. they just bobbed me in because they didnt like me...

I worry about this in jobs because i dont look good and worry about people having the opposite of the halo effect happen and treat me badly because of it.. fucking humans.
is it really that bad?

I did these temporary week long jobs for 2 companies, the lesser of the two had 2 fat sloppy females absolutely caked in fakeup as the staff for the last time i worked at that sale, they were terribly organised barely seemed to know what they were doing and didnt even know how to put up the advertising.. Anyway the next time the job was in town i applied and got denied, some black mark got put against my name as a do not hire. I was so surprised and shocked.. pretty upset because id done the job about 15 times between the 2 companies.. these fat bitches must of said something bad about me to their superiors because they took a disliking to me. I dont know what they said but the only thing i think i did wrong was that i had to go to the toilet heaps because at the time i had bad gastrointestinal problems... Anyway the part that gets me so bothered is that they didnt even say it to my face... I never got told off, or anything. they just bobbed me in because they didnt like me...

I worry about this in jobs because i dont look good and worry about people having the opposite of the halo effect happen and treat me badly because of it.. fucking humans.
That's life though. Having someone actually telling you there is an issue is a blessing now JFL.

Most of the time they will just mark it down on their list and not say a word. Then when the boss asks them what they think of you, they have a huge list of reasons to shit over you.

That's what they did. In a way I hope im fired because I feel miserable at my firm knowing everyone is recording reasons to get me out
Well if your parents are wealthy you should be fine even without a job. Just rent out places to indians/chinese. Though don't trust too many or you could end up like the Australian guy in my bio.
Its 100x time worse in shithole countries. At least your parents are rich.
corporations will employ the graduates with the highest GPA (Grade Point Average), so if you averaged a "Pass" throughout your degree you're likely to be unemployed while those who got "Credits", "Distinctions" and "High Distinctions" will have an increasing probability of getting a job (in that order).
And this is after they give a pass to all the Chads, women, and racial minorities. Girls and Chads never have a hard time getting a job.
This seems like a worldwide problem and not that connected to inceldom.
Inceldom isn't the root cause, but it is an effect. A lot of men can't even betabux due to not being able to get a job.
I get $1800/month as base, and I dont get any rent assistance because I live with my parents. If I moved out and rented a room it would go upto around $2100-2200.
If they increase your check based on rent, then why not get your own apartment?
isn't it illegal to work below the minimum wage?
It is, but people are able to get away with it.
Of course there's plenty of welfare for single mothers, they're basically using their children as hostages to get taxpayer money. "Give me money for a home, food and clothes or the kid dies", that's what it boils down to. Single mothers are an absolute cancer but what do you expect when women are held accountable for NOTHING.
Here's some ragefuel - single moms don't even use the money on their kids, they blow it on drugs, partying, and Chads. There are tons of thugs that will move into a bitch's house and spend the woman's welfare check, and they just hide whenever the government officials do their "inspection". And then they're surprised that their kid is selling drugs so he won't starve.
Having someone actually telling you there is an issue is a blessing now JFL.

Most of the time they will just mark it down on their list and not say a word. Then when the boss asks them what they think of you, they have a huge list of reasons to shit over you.
My coworkers and foid manager built a case against me for 6 months without me knowing. When all my shifts were pulled, I phoned the manager asking if there was an issue, and she lied and said that it was due to the holidays. A few months later, they give me back my hours. My old manager was gone due to "health problems" (mental illness), and a new and even bitchier foid manager took her place. She immediately hated me, and gave me this test that is meant for employees in a higher position. Of course I failed, and they used that as an excuse to get rid of almost all my shifts without firing me. She then showed me a performance review that my previous manager had written MONTHS ago where she absolutely roasted me. Of course, they never considered the fact that she was affected by mental illness and can't even work anymore. I immediately gave 2 weeks notice, and had 2 shifts left on the schedule. They immediately pulled the shifts and demanded that I return my NAMETAG, as if it's some security clearance card. So not only was I humiliated at work, but I had to go back in with my tail between my legs after everyone knew what happened. Thankfully, the male manager was there that night, and he was super cool about the whole process, and wished me luck. I've had employment anxiety ever since.
the only thing i think i did wrong was that i had to go to the toilet heaps because at the time i had bad gastrointestinal problems...
My brother has gastrointestinal problems (irritable bowel syndrome), and it was so bad that he wouldn't be able to even go to work, and he eventually had to quit. As an autist, his anxiety would further trigger his IBS. He hasn't worked since.
At least you can actually get a job with a decent wage to sustain yourself and without the need of having a STEM degree

Try doing that in southern Europe and you'll be doomed to a life of earning 750 Euros a month working 10 hours a day 7 days weeks without days off, in stressful environment, with rude and low class co-workers
And this is after they give a pass to all the Chads, women, and racial minorities. Girls and Chads never have a hard time getting a job.

Inceldom isn't the root cause, but it is an effect. A lot of men can't even betabux due to not being able to get a job.

If they increase your check based on rent, then why not get your own apartment?

It is, but people are able to get away with it.

Here's some ragefuel - single moms don't even use the money on their kids, they blow it on drugs, partying, and Chads. There are tons of thugs that will move into a bitch's house and spend the woman's welfare check, and they just hide whenever the government officials do their "inspection". And then they're surprised that their kid is selling drugs so he won't starve.

My coworkers and foid manager built a case against me for 6 months without me knowing. When all my shifts were pulled, I phoned the manager asking if there was an issue, and she lied and said that it was due to the holidays. A few months later, they give me back my hours. My old manager was gone due to "health problems" (mental illness), and a new and even bitchier foid manager took her place. She immediately hated me, and gave me this test that is meant for employees in a higher position. Of course I failed, and they used that as an excuse to get rid of almost all my shifts without firing me. She then showed me a performance review that my previous manager had written MONTHS ago where she absolutely roasted me. Of course, they never considered the fact that she was affected by mental illness and can't even work anymore. I immediately gave 2 weeks notice, and had 2 shifts left on the schedule. They immediately pulled the shifts and demanded that I return my NAMETAG, as if it's some security clearance card. So not only was I humiliated at work, but I had to go back in with my tail between my legs after everyone knew what happened. Thankfully, the male manager was there that night, and he was super cool about the whole process, and wished me luck. I've had employment anxiety ever since.

My brother has gastrointestinal problems (irritable bowel syndrome), and it was so bad that he wouldn't be able to even go to work, and he eventually had to quit. As an autist, his anxiety would further trigger his IBS. He hasn't worked since.
mine went away but i thought i wouldnt be able to do it.... it fucked my job a the time up that bad i went to hospital to ask if there was anything i could do and got these pills that basically stop diarrhea or basically the opposite of laxitive. took for about 3 or 4 days and it left.. never thought it was going to leave me alone at the time
mine went away but i thought i wouldnt be able to do it.... it fucked my job a the time up that bad i went to hospital to ask if there was anything i could do and got these pills that basically stop diarrhea or basically the opposite of laxitive. took for about 3 or 4 days and it left.. never thought it was going to leave me alone at the time
I piss and shit multiple times a day solely because I find it uncomfortable to hold it in. I can't imagine having that 24/7
Try get a job at a supermarket such as Woolworths , Coles , IGA or Aldi. Supermarkets are always hiring especially in stacking the shelves with goods during night time.
If they increase your check based on rent, then why not get your own apartment?

Because there’s no point for me to move out. There’s never any point for a trucel to move out and pay rent. Moving out is for people who can get sex. Plus my parents house is in a good area and I like having a lot of space and live in a good area. I don’t want to move to a shit hole to do the same thing I do here, and pay some landlord.
Because there’s no point for me to move out. There’s never any point for a trucel to move out and pay rent. Moving out is for people who can get sex. Plus my parents house is in a good area and I like having a lot of space and live in a good area. I don’t want to move to a shit hole to do the same thing I do here, and pay some landlord.
Gotcha. If you have a good relationship with your parents, then living at home can be a great cope.

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