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German simp tries rescue foids and has his eyes blinded

That has already happened. In the big cities there are Lebanese, Turkish and African extended families with +3000 members who control organized crime. These clans are called Remo, Abuchaka, Miri etc. Find out who controls drug trafficking and human trafficking in Germany. Its like a sizilian Mafia. You will keep tripping over these names. And these gangs have already planted their people in the police force and the judiciary. The SJW try to quell any concerns about this by saying that these people should not be put under suspicion because of their family affiliation. LOL!
its already over, the only hope is a Hitler II to gas all non-germans
its already over, the only hope is a Hitler II to gas all non-germans
As a Nazi, my only consolation is that you victors of World War II feel the same way. You didn't want to hear it then! Hitler warned you that the Jews want to eradicate whites by promoting immigration, sexual degeneration, miscegenation and the eventual abolition of states in favor of a world republic.

You were too stupid then to understand. And most of you are still stupid enough to celebrate that military victory over Hitler, even though you sealed your own downfall with it. And what kind of "victory" was that? You losers had to mobilize the whole world to stop a people of 80 million which had just 6 years to prepare for war, you weaklings! WHERE is the great British Empire today? Just a sad remnant and it's all niggered and infested with SJWs. Did they really win a war back then? LOL!

And all this just because you didn't want to begrudge us the fact that we wanted to liberate German-populated areas from the greedy claws of the Poles. Was it worth it for you? Brits are the dumbest people on this planet. They had everything and then lost it because they chose to follow the Jews rather than stick to their own race!
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As a Nazi, my only consolation is that you victors of World War II feel the same way. You didn't want to hear it then! Hitler warned you that the Jews want to eradicate whites by promoting immigration, sexual degeneration, miscegenation and the eventual abolition of states in favor of a world republic.

You were too stupid then to understand. And most of you are still stupid enough to celebrate that military victory over Hitler, even though you sealed your own downfall with it. And what kind of "victory" was that? You losers had to mobilize the whole world to stop a people of 80 million which had just 6 years to prepare for war, you weaklings! WHERE is the great British Empire today? Just a sad remnant and it's all niggered and infested with SJWs. Did they really win a war back then? LOL!

And all this just because you didn't want to begrudge us the fact that we wanted to liberate German-populated areas from the greedy claws of the Poles. Was it worth it for you? Brits are the dumbest people on this planet. They had everything and then lost it because they chose to follow the Jews rather than stick to their own race!
Will the foid donate her eyes to him? Of course not. The man is cucked beyond he can even see.

Although he is a white knight simp, I wish someone will donate him eyes so that he can see how cucked he is. I hope the man will receive the eyes so that he can see how terrible this world is after he did what his bluepilled brain thouht was right.

After realizing the truth of the world, he will get blackpilled and take revenge on that foid and her family for ignoring and not taking care of him while he was in injury before taking on a final journey to become a Saint by going ER.
The girl is prob fantasizing about the Maroccan that cut this dude's eyes out. Two men fighting over her but the winner doesn't claim her after? Her feminine instincts must be so confused... :feelskek:
Ofc, women would rather fuck their rapists than their saviours if the rapist looks better. That's why ascending as a sub 5 is pointless as she'd get wet for the first htn normie+ that kills you and then rape her.
Fate literally worse than death. You can only listen to radio at that point. 16 hours a Day. Lets see how fast that Gets old. I dont think Anyone can Even Begin to comprehend how hellish your existence is If you Are blind. I wish Him a quick death Any way possible
based Morrocancel for taking away that crackers sight. Simp crackers don't get the right of vision.
You're not supposed to de-escalate anything. You're supposed to stay the fuck away from violent people.

Even if the guy is physically weaker than you, differences in strenght does not count when a knife can be easily put on your back. (Or, in this case, a glass bottle to your noggin)

Just stay the fuck away. Survive it by not being near them, preferably not even being there. Let people think you're a coward, you don't need them approval or smt

*There are exceptions, like, if you're armed and 100% sure you can call a self-defense (or defense of other) move, then you should intervene - by shooting
this is how I Live
>Tony said: "My friends who I was there with told me that someone was putting something in girls' drinks and told me that I should confront him, so I asked him about it." They started by arguing verbally. However, the Munich police are also investigating Tony for assault; he is said to have headbutted the Moroccan man.

>What shocked Tony: Aissam D. and his lawyers offered 10,000 euros in compensation. He angrily wrore: "According to the pain and suffering laws, I am entitled to 25,000 euros for am injured eye, and for full blindness I am entitled to significantly more. There are the massive scars on my face, and I also suffered a coma, broken shoulder, trauma, etc." In addition, Tony will probably not be able to work for the rest of his life.

The worst part if the simp fucking started and attack the sandnigger first LMAO, what the fuck did you expect to happen nigger
Let me get this straight... the foid was not his sister, daughter, mom, or girlfriend... she was just a regular foid getting drup-raped by a refugee? Why the fuck would he get involved???
Let me get this straight... the foid was not his sister, daughter, mom, or girlfriend... she was just a regular foid getting drup-raped by a refugee? Why the fuck would he get involved???
True, she probably even supports these shitskins coming into the country.
I knew before reading that the attacker must have been a sand nigger. It's always like that. If a particularly disgusting act happens and a German is the victim, then there is a 100% chance that the attacker was a subhuman. The media and the police always try to hide the origin of the attacer for as long as possible. If the subhuman already has a German passport, they say it was a "German". But at some point the name trickles through. "Hassan", "Machmut", Yusuf, "Mohammed", etc.
And as usual, this subhuman will also get away with a mild sentence in court, as has happened in thousands of other cases in Germany. Even child abusers get suspended sentences if they are asylum seekers or "Germans".
Yes, time to remove kebab.
that whore definitely enjoyed getting dicked by morrocan chad instead of even thiking about giving pussy to the german beta cuck
Good. Fuck that simp :feelskek:
Let me get this straight... the foid was not his sister, daughter, mom, or girlfriend... she was just a regular foid getting drup-raped by a refugee? Why the fuck would he get involved???
Allegedly drug rapping foids the nigga didn't even have evidence he just heard that and immediately headbutted the nigga before getting his eyes glassed lmao, this is what happens when incel tier dudes are low inhib
very much deserved.
Tho I hate white kights simps. I feel bad for dude eyes not be able see again :feelsbadman:
a lot of white so called men deserve this
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: Imagine trying to help a foid thinking you'll get sum then you lose your vision forever, unable to jerk off, that must be brootal:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. He can only fap to sounds now:feelskek:
I see you're back, wb bro:feelsautistic:
absolutely based moor, the irony is /pol/troons will argue the german man defending the foid was the correct thing to do.
oh well as long as the so called right wingers worship foids they will never make any progress that matters.
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behead all niggers, sandniggers, niggerniggers and joggers, they get out of that shithole they call home to harm native people
Whites need to be like Vlad Tepes
Social Networks Halloween GIF by xponentialdesign
The media and the police always try to hide the origin of the attacer for as long as possible.
I’ve seen German liberals say the opposite, they’re like “the media mentions the ethnicity of the perpetrator ONLY if they’re non-German!” :soy::foidSoy:
>Tony said: "My friends who I was there with told me that someone was putting something in girls' drinks and told me that I should confront him, so I asked him about it." They started by arguing verbally. However, the Munich police are also investigating Tony for assault; he is said to have headbutted the Moroccan man.

>What shocked Tony: Aissam D. and his lawyers offered 10,000 euros in compensation. He angrily wrore: "According to the pain and suffering laws, I am entitled to 25,000 euros for am injured eye, and for full blindness I am entitled to significantly more. There are the massive scars on my face, and I also suffered a coma, broken shoulder, trauma, etc." In addition, Tony will probably not be able to work for the rest of his life.

The worst part if the simp fucking started and attack the sandnigger first LMAO, what the fuck did you expect to happen nigger
oh I thought the @Moroccancel2- chimped out for no reason.
guess the more you fuck around the more you find out, especially as a hubriatic sexhaver.
I remember reading about this one case where a guy tried to stop this one guy who was beating his gf. The guy who tried to interrupt got beaten up by both of them and she went home together with the guy who was beating her :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I’ve seen German liberals say the opposite, they’re like “the media mentions the ethnicity of the perpetrator ONLY if they’re non-German!” :soy::foidSoy:
They are 100 percent brain damaged if they actually believe that. It's so absurd. It's obvious the media is hardcore anti-german and basically an allied-jewish contruct to destroy germany and germans further after ww2.
Love watching a white knight get glassed, see ya later buddy, or, well maybe not.
The best part, she still won't fuck you bro AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no he can never jack off again to the sight of a woman, but hey at least you were a nice guy
The girl is prob fantasizing about the Maroccan that cut this dude's eyes out. Two men fighting over her but the winner doesn't claim her after? Her feminine instincts must be so confused... :feelskek:
woman are so backwards , i was like , who is gonna fuck that asmann guy ( the beater ) ? or the kind hearted simp . while reading the article . :feelskek:

I Guess some Man will never Lern about Female nature , and that they couldnt give 2 shits if you save them .

Heck they will even hate it , fucking smoothbrain Critters .
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Imagine doing everything right in life, according to the books, have the opportunity to (in his mind) better the community and save “oppressed” women that are about to be “raped”
>I’m finally going to do something about it
and then you get glass shattered in your eyeballs by sand niggers.

Reality hits you like a train, then everyone on the internet makes fun of you for it, nobody even cared and your worst photos get posted on the news.

I would just die of embarrassment at that point. Holiest cringe.
Doomed if you're normal, doomed if you're not.
Life in this society is just pain all around innit?
a lot of white so called men deserve this
I'm only referring to the multi culture Soy boy penny waste losers by the way. And to be fair, they really don't deserve this. But they supported the creation that led to their situation. I Have have a strong dislike for people who support mass immigration And the rape and destruction of western civilization.
I knew before reading that the attacker must have been a sand nigger. It's always like that. If a particularly disgusting act happens and a German is the victim, then there is a 100% chance that the attacker was a subhuman. The media and the police always try to hide the origin of the attacer for as long as possible. If the subhuman already has a German passport, they say it was a "German". But at some point the name trickles through. "Hassan", "Machmut", Yusuf, "Mohammed", etc.
And as usual, this subhuman will also get away with a mild sentence in court, as has happened in thousands of other cases in Germany. Even child abusers get suspended sentences if they are asylum seekers or "Germans".
It has to be stemming from the low birthrates and the need for immigration to bolster the shrinking workforce. It's a vicious cycle. The more this happens, the more I want to quit my wagie job and LDAR.
JUST at the world being created.
So four horsemen of the apocalypse
Global eating, Global heating
Global mating, Global hating.
Brutal brutal brutal.
Kek, that simpfag deserved it. No one should save foids. Let them die/get raped. :feelskek:
It has to be stemming from the low birthrates and the need for immigration to bolster the shrinking workforce. It's a vicious cycle. The more this happens, the more I want to quit my wagie job and LDAR.
JUST at the world being created.
So four horsemen of the apocalypse
Global eating, Global heating
Global mating, Global hating.
Brutal brutal brutal.
The only thing that needs emigration is the capital and left-wing parties. Some because they want the cheapest possible labor instead of paying the Germans properly and others because they expect future voters and want to exterminate the whites. And the capital is still stupid. In the masses, worthless, uneducated people who are of no use to our technological industry come to Germany. There are only a few in millions that are useful. The rest is a burden on the social system and costs taxes that these companies also have to pay. So the German industry is so greedy that they don't realize that their greed is damaging their own wealth.
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But didn’t you already have Turks before then?
Yes in a smaller number. And they behaved just as anti-socially as today's refugees. Only dared not yet such excesses as there are today. Quite simply because there were not enough. So you still had that under control. Now since 2015 everything is completely out of control. It's not just our big cities now that are like American cities were in the 1990s. Even our small towns and villages are being crammed with niggers who bring their local ethnic strife and criminality with them. There used to be a Turkish snack bar in a district town. Today, niggers and arabs hang around in public places, train stations, supermarket parking lots, etc., terrorizing the population. Especially at night.
It has to be stemming from the low birthrates and the need for immigration to bolster the shrinking workforce. It's a vicious cycle. The more this happens, the more I want to quit my wagie job and LDAR.
JUST at the world being created.
So four horsemen of the apocalypse
Global eating, Global heating
Global mating, Global hating.
Brutal brutal brutal.
What jobs are all these sandniggers and niggers going to do?
Yes in a smaller number. And they behaved just as anti-socially as today's refugees. Only dared not yet such excesses as there are today. Quite simply because there were not enough. So you still had that under control. Now since 2015 everything is completely out of control. It's not just our big cities now that are like American cities were in the 1990s. Even our small towns and villages are being crammed with niggers who bring their local ethnic strife and criminality with them. There used to be a Turkish snack bar in a district town. Today, niggers and arabs hang around in public places, train stations, supermarket parking lots, etc., terrorizing the population. Especially at night.
@Rotter thought you said they weren’t in rural areas?
@Rotter thought you said they weren’t in rural areas?
1-2 Turkish families for every 50,000 German rural population. That used to be "normal". And they were under control, especially in the east of the country. When they caused trouble, their snack bar burned. But today the kike government put 400-1500 asylum seekers in places with 1000 german inhabitants. These are extreme examples, of course, but no longer isolated cases.
Lol at trying to rescue foids that don't even give you pussy

Can someone translate this shit or something?

How did he lose his eyes

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