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George Floyd full bodycam leaked.

still, fuck the police im coming from underground, young nigga got it bad cuz im brown
Despite resisting arrest I don't believe he needed to die. Nevertheless his criminal life is most likely what got him in that situation to begin with.

I do like how much the situation upsets cumskin though.

I forsee a few racial slurs and all black people are like this, rhetoric in this thread.

Basically a field day for cummy

20200519 133042
Dindu nuffin
So, how many cities will burn tonight ?
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I cand brif mr ofisa
Yes totally absolutely "leaked"
lmao of course. Every one of these dead black criminals are the same, jfl if you support BLM
The fact that most of us here never bought into this, even before this new footage was shown, is further proof that we are more intelligent than virtue signaling soyboys and feminist roasties. Not that we needed any more proof, but this is the latest vindication.

Reminder that no tall black man would rather be a 5'1 balding ugly nonblack man, despite the "muh systemic racism is worse than inceldom" garbage. Times change. Unattractive men are the new niggers getting arrested for little to no reason, like simply talking to a chick in public. Or how Bagelcel was treated like a terrorist despite committing no crime whatsoever. Meanwhile some tall repeat offender nignog can press a gun to a pregnant bitch's stomach, and still be branded as a gentle giant and a saint. So tell me, how are we more privileged than George Floyd?
I'm not exactly sure what you were hoping this video would prove. What George Floyd ostensibly did, or did not do, in this video still does not constitute justification for his execution. Unless I've been misinformed, please instruct me on what capital crime George Floyd committed in this video whereby his murder would have been justified. And to the extent that a criminal does indeed commit a capital crime, which is definitely not the case in this circumstance, it is not the role of officers to unilaterally mete out justice. This is a quintessential example of police officers exhibiting extremely low EQ and being quite frankly wholly incompetent in their ability to otherwise diffuse tense and fraught situations. A more empathetic and measured approach could most definitely have resulted in a more humane and just outcome. The depths of police incompetence, particularly in view of what we've seen over the past couple of months, really strains belief.
:feelsree: where's your ID niggeress.
Not sure why they don't just tase during arrests
Chokehold and martial arts are used bi the popos to combat and subdued bigger and stronger suspects being arrested. However , because of many choking death incidents , martial arts are being outlawed meaning the popo will just shoot them now if they are stronger. This give the green light to foid cops to execute more men with guns since most detainees will be stronger than foids and have the element of surprise if they decide to resist arrest and fight back.
he did deserve to die a slow painful death for resisting arrest doe
I'm not exactly sure what you were hoping this video would prove. What George Floyd ostensibly did, or did not do, in this video still does not constitute justification for his execution. Unless I've been misinformed, please instruct me on what capital crime George Floyd committed in this video whereby his murder would have been justified. And to the extent that a criminal does indeed commit a capital crime, which is definitely not the case in this circumstance, it is not the role of officers to unilaterally mete out justice. This is a quintessential example of police officers exhibiting extremely low EQ and being quite frankly wholly incompetent in their ability to otherwise diffuse tense and fraught situations. A more empathetic and measured approach could most definitely have resulted in a more humane and just outcome. The depths of police incompetence, particularly in view of what we've seen over the past couple of months, really strains belief.

You have to understand that this isn't police incompetence. Quite the reverse, in fact. This is by design. Police in the US are trained to act and treat people with extreme authoritarianism, and they're selected for authoritarian traits (and low to average low IQ) through their psychometric testing. One of the parameters they're selected for is low empathy.

The state loves to have dumb, brutish bullies as law enforcers. JFL if you didn't already know this.
Don’t care about thug niggers or police tbh.
So they burned buildings, looted multiple stores, killed innocent people because one guy died?
JFL at this gay earth
Love to Mr. Floyd from an incel. RIP
Rest in piss you mean? One less nigger thug on the streets.
He was choked out to death by pigs which led to a brief but intense anti pig sentiment all over the world. And idk anything about thugs. All my bullies have been douchebag white boy normies. Probably 5 to ten years my junior I might add, fucking punks.
He ODed on fentanyl and meth.
So goes the conspiracy theory, which i reject. Even if it were undeniably true, I would still reject it and make my own truth, for the sake of demonizing pigs.
I'm not exactly sure what you were hoping this video would prove. What George Floyd ostensibly did, or did not do, in this video still does not constitute justification for his execution. Unless I've been misinformed, please instruct me on what capital crime George Floyd committed in this video whereby his murder would have been justified. And to the extent that a criminal does indeed commit a capital crime, which is definitely not the case in this circumstance, it is not the role of officers to unilaterally mete out justice. This is a quintessential example of police officers exhibiting extremely low EQ and being quite frankly wholly incompetent in their ability to otherwise diffuse tense and fraught situations. A more empathetic and measured approach could most definitely have resulted in a more humane and just outcome. The depths of police incompetence, particularly in view of what we've seen over the past couple of months, really strains belief.
I agree with you but you're not going to get anywhere by writing a lengthy, detailed response to race bait

kneeling on someone's neck until they die is police brutality & excessive force. it's not even something that officers are trained to do, because it isn't actually a safe method of restraining someone
Didn't even watch the video, fuck yourself.
Yes I did. looks like murder to me. Thinking logically, you realize the cops like murder so why wouldn't it be.
So very few people die to police compared to the hundreds of millions of yearly interactions, yes, by this logic they must have intentionally murdered Floyd before he could OD on the fentanyl and meth that was in his system, enough to put down an elephant.
Bro it's in their bones to kill because they can and you know it stop bullshitting
The West surrendered to barbarians.
He did not resist any kind of arrest, and the cop who killed him is a murder.
He did not resist any kind of arrest, and the cop who killed him is a murder.

US cops are trained to tell people they put under arrest to "stop resisting" whether or not they actually are. This is a psychological trick to justify going over the amount of force necessary to place the citizen under arrest. When you pull people's limbs and force them into uncomfortable positions their own body naturally resists it. Just lay on your stomach and put your hands behind your back and hold it there. You'll already feel the natural tendency to undo the motion; it's an unnatural position to be in.

US cops would make literal Nazi Germany SS officers blush in how they treat people. What do you expect though? America is literally a police state.
Despite resisting arrest I don't believe he needed to die. Nevertheless his criminal life is most likely what got him in that situation to begin with.

I do like how much the situation upsets cumskin though.

I forsee a few racial slurs and all black people are like this, rhetoric in this thread.

Basically a field day for cummy

View attachment 307965
lmao you have a police hat on your gorilla pic

i'm speechless
" The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. "

Black men are also 42% of cop killers.

Cops are worthless, but BLM movement is based on commie lies.
What's your take on this video

View: https://youtu.be/JwyXHJvYXvw
It's scary how the news shapes things to fit their narrative. I only listen to the news for the wether and that's it.

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