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Genetics DETERMINE every aspect your life



Jan 13, 2018
You can be born with genetic assets as a male

Facial Harmony
Masculine bone Development
High IQ
Low susceptibility to disease

Or Liabilities

Unusual Facial characteristics
Lack of androgen receptors
Poor bone development
Susceptibility to poor mental health
Low IQ

The balance of assets and liabilities determines your quality of life down to a T. Bluepilled people think you can overcome any defects with hard work and determination, this is the equivalent of telling a quadruple amputee that he can play premier league football with hard work and determination. What you are born with is all you are stuck with, upbringing can only make a minor difference.

Consider 6'5'' 'Terrachad' Dolph Lundgreen. 


He came from a dysfunctional family and his father used to beat him but he managed to graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering from a top university, become a professional actor due to his top tier looks and win at life in general due to god tier genetics.

Ask yourself why haven't you achieved any of this
There's more and more evidence that willpower is genetic too,some people are just born lazy.

So the whole "just work hard and you'll succeed" meme won't work for a lot of people.
I know this thread should explain lookstheory, but see it from this side. If you didn´t have any real person caring about you in childhood, do you really think he would still made his way? I mean you have literally no one, pretty sure he had some people who helped him or cared about him.
Because I'm ugly
One blackpill many incels are not ready to swallow.
just lol if you think he didn't work hard for his intelligence.

Genetics determine a lot of your life but what you actually do affects your life as well.

epigenetics buddy boyo
Spidey said:
just lol if you think he didn't work hard for his intelligence.

Genetics determine a lot of your life but what you actually do affects your life as well.

epigenetics buddy boyo

Most people work as hard as their brain will allow. Few truly achieve
_incelinside said:
Spidey said:
just lol if you think he didn't work hard for his intelligence.
Genetics determine a lot of your life but what you actually do affects your life as well.
epigenetics buddy boyo
Most people work as hard as their brain will allow. Few truly achieve

IQ=meme, if you are driven enough you can accomplish much tbh.
If most males are unattractive than just by sheer percentage most high IQ guys should be ugly. I do not think intelligence favor attractive people.
i agree all life success or failure is genetics plain and simple
Being good looking would have helped me in everything I do.
Genetic information determines every tiny detail. We're just a collection of information.
there are some obvious caveats. heritable factors explains 50-80% of variance b/w two people on a range of outcomes (physical, personality & IQ) but only if the environment b/w the two are equal

and the environment extends back to include the prenatal environment

that particular caveat is not trivial b/w two random people. 

It usually IS trivial w/ twins (because they share the same prenatal and postnatal/childhood environment), but obviously there was a thread today that showcased a set of identical twins where IT DID MATTER

Total Imbecile said:

But because one of them was born with no jaw and a narrow high arched palate his whole life was ruined. 

This guy has the BBC slayer genes in him, but due to being bullied and shun because he has no jaw his phenotype is all sorts of fucked. 

The difference is just SHOCKING

This is him on the left and his brother on the right

Notice that despite being identical twins he is much shorter, has a much smaller frame and has a much thinner neck - hes the epitome of an incel. Its insane to see how drastic of an impact on your overall physique and looks having a jaw a couple millimeters more protruded makes. Facially its even worse, not even worth commenting tbh.

Btw his brother is no 10/10 mind you, but hes running that BBC slayer ghetto game (look at his tattoo) and is looksmaxed. Because of having a slightly bigger jaw girls validated him and he developed properly and now mogs his brother to death.

The pic below is him post surgery, his mom says that now that he has a chin hes acting much more NT but the trauma caused by growing up with no chin and his stunted stature and frame will always stay with him.


Not being validated by girls during your key developmental years literally has the same effect on your body as being starved.

Not many Incels are willing to spit The Genetic Determinism Pill. I've done so much research on genetics and IQ. To put thing simply, your degree of talent is 80-90% determined by your genes. It's fucking hilarious how all the evidence points to human society being cleanly stratified into hierarchies of Individuals. But, most people will talk about muh hardwork and muh determination

Even researchers in the field of IQ talk about hardwork. I genuinely think these people have giga-cope level cognitive defenses so they don't go insane. Humans need to believe in the just world and upward mobility
Mahlo said:
Not many Incels are willing to spit The Genetic Determinism Pill. I've done so much research on genetics and IQ. To put thing simply, your degree of talent is 80-90% determined by your genes. It's fucking hilarious how all the evidence points to human society being cleanly stratified into hierarchies of Individuals. But, most people will talk about muh hardwork and muh determination
Even researchers in the field of IQ talk about hardwork. I genuinely think these people have giga-cope level cognitive defenses so they don't go insane. Humans need to believe in the just world and upward mobility

doesn't work so neatly w/ stratified societies, particularly those stratified along racial lines. That's where the environment-noise precludes interpretable assessment of the IQ-signal. E.g., IQ tests administered b/w different racial groups become mere proxies for peer-group-self-identification. Judith Rich Harris identified this "X-factor" decades ago but it's yet to be tested because the only researchers touching the subject are race realists who'd rather latch on to easy-to-measure (and dismiss) environmental indices like SES.
subsaharan said:
there are some obvious caveats. heritable factors explains 50-80% of variance b/w two people on a range of outcomes (physical, personality & IQ) but only if the environment b/w the two are equal

and the environment extends back to include the prenatal environment

that particular caveat is not trivial b/w two random people. 

It usually IS trivial w/ twins (because they share the same prenatal and postnatal/childhood environment), but obviously there was a thread today that showcased a set of identical twins where IT DID MATTER

That's interesting. Why did he turn out shorter? Did he eat less
Mahlo said:
Not many Incels are willing to spit The Genetic Determinism Pill. I've done so much research on genetics and IQ. To put thing simply, your degree of talent is 80-90% determined by your genes. It's fucking hilarious how all the evidence points to human society being cleanly stratified into hierarchies of Individuals. But, most people will talk about muh hardwork and muh determination
Even researchers in the field of IQ talk about hardwork. I genuinely think these people have giga-cope level cognitive defenses so they don't go insane. Humans need to believe in the just world and upward mobility
Cynistic said:
IQ=meme, if you are driven enough you can accomplish much tbh.

LOL it's leftist cucks who believe IQ is BS because it exposes some inconvenient truths about race differences.
IQ is a pretty good indicator of academic and professional success even if EQ matters as well. (Just be NT)
Genetics determine if you can become a Quantum Physicist or not.
FeminismsCancer said:
Cynistic said:
IQ=meme, if you are driven enough you can accomplish much tbh.
LOL it's leftist cucks who believe IQ is BS because it exposes some inconvenient truths about race differences.
IQ is a pretty good indicator of academic and professional success even if EQ matters as well. (Just be NT)
Genetics determine if you can become a Quantum Physicist or not.

So you are a horsefucker and a SFcel.
Cynistic said:
So you are a horsefucker and a SFcel.

Sfcel =?
And it's not like fucking horses invalidates my argument. You are resorting to an appeal to ridicule fallacy.
FeminismsCancer said:
LOL it's leftist cucks who believe IQ is BS because it exposes some inconvenient truths about race differences.
IQ is a pretty good indicator of academic and professional success even if EQ matters as well. (Just be NT)
Genetics determine if you can become a Quantum Physicist or not.

Hope you aren't one of those 'muh white race'-cels. They are the most pathetic breed of incel
Also how your parents raise you so you don't turn into an aspie schizoid. That's also partly genetics though.
_incelinside said:
Hope you aren't one of those 'muh white race'. They are the most pathetic breed of incel

No I'm not but I'm race realist and you just gave away your reason for dismissing IQ, blue pilled liberal correctness. As a matter of fact, it's Asians who IQ mog the most.
Schizoidcel said:
Also how your parents raise you so you don't turn into an aspie schizoid. That's also partly genetics though.

My parent's were good parents but i'm still an aspie schitzoid

FeminismsCancer said:
No I'm not but I'm race realist and you just gave away your reason for dismissing IQ, blue pilled liberal correctness. As a matter of fact, it's Asians who IQ mog the most.

I'm no liberal. I'm a part of the lowest IQ race apparently tho
you have to grow right as well
Bad genetics are the worst thing to happen to mankind.

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