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Gender roles are reversed in the 21st century. It's apart of why life sucks.



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
In the 20th century we had the nuclear family.


The father would be the breadwinner, the mother would stay at home and take care of the kids, maybe sometimes the foid would have some sort of side hustle on the side to supplement a bit of income but nothing on the level of the fathers breadwinning.

In the 20th century, foids who were employed were often unmarried, if they married later on they would often end up leaving the workforce. Back then a foid could actually rely on her husbands wage and drop out of the workforce.

Throughout the 20th century though things changed, the rate of education for foids increased,there were feminism movements, technological advances gave rise to new jobs such as clerical positions that foids could fill, as well as legislation put in place for foids to not discriminate against them.


I'm not against equality, and I think analysing all the little changes would be far too long, I'm just explaining how we got to where we are today.

Because eventually we get to where we are today, foids are starting to outearn men, so men can't effectively function as the breadwinners anymore.

And this actually changes ALOT about the world.

This happens in part because education has become an environment that foids succeed in compared to men, its a docile environment where obedience is mandated, as well as the fact that attractive people are favored and recieving better grading in education.


:soy: - "But RegularManlet!" "If foids work harder than you do in education than they deserve more jobs and more funny, and foids can be the breadwinners instead!"

It doesn't really operate the same when we reverse the roles like we now have in the 21st century.

Firstly the reason for this is our own human nature.

Men have more of a tendancy to go out and work and take charge. Whereas foids tend to be better suited to child caring, which can't be done as effectively if they are in the workforce. Everything is just turned upside down on its head and it doesnt function as nature intended.

The second reason, is what foids will do in a position of privilege where they outearn men.

With men as the breadwinners, we will select a wide variety of foids to partner with, it doesnt give us the "ick" if a foid does not earn as much as us, or is a little unattractive, so we end up providing for a wide variety of foids, you don't end up with a crisis of there being nearly 30% of young women single virgins like we do with males now. Just take a look at this graph


And look at the sheer amount of female ratings placing mean between 6 and 0 (sub 6 theory I guess)

Foids have higher standards for attraction in terms of looks and income, so when foids end up as high earning breadwinners, they end up finding a bunch of males unappealing, all the sudden it is like how it was for men in the 20th century, you would try to pick a partner that looks good, the problem is foids do not rate the same as men.

The third reason why this changes alot, is the shift in children born from boomer parents in the 20th century, and children born in the 21st century such as myself.

In the 20th century, a sub 6 male like my father could oofy doofy maxx and betabuxx a foid. So his reproduction strategy works in the 20th century, however 20 years later now I am 2 decades into the 21st century and I can no longer replicate the reproduction strategy my father used and I have his genes so it means that I am absolutely fucked, I can't betabuxx because all the foids earn more than me and education favors them, and their looks criteria is rated way too harshly to make the cut for one of them to betabuxx you instead. It truly is chad only.

To conclude I really do have to hammer home on the third point because it really is that big of a deal, by reversing the gender roles you absolutely fuck a generation of young men like us. My parents met in their 20's but had me in their 40's. In the meantime in those 20 years things changed and mating practices moved away from the 20th century nuclear family, and more towards the 21st century where stuff such as looks and height are much more important. So I end up being the child of an oofy doofy while my peers ended up getting chad tallfag genes and all completely heightmog me, so they get selected and I have no chance of betabuxxing anymore in 2024 and beyond without maybe trying geomaxxing.

But even if I geomaxx, my father didn't have to travel halfway accross the world and abandon all his family and friends, just to get an incel factory wife.
20th century way of life where man have to work hard to financially support a woman while she sits at home doing almost nothing is gynocentric as hell.
the mans main role is to provide, which the government has subverted. thanks to this, women dont really need men for anything beyond the emotional, which theyre made to believe men cant provide for them either, and here we are.
They disrupted the natural order and set our society on the path of destruction.
20th century way of life where man have to work hard to financially support a woman while she sits at home doing almost nothing is gynocentric as hell.
I guess, but you would end up having kids, she would take care of them and maintain the house, which isn't nothing. Even if you think its a bit gynocentric it still worked in the fact that inceldom wasnt really a thing back then, 30 percent of men werent virgins.
the mans main role is to provide, which the government has subverted. thanks to this, women dont really need men for anything beyond the emotional, which theyre made to believe men cant provide for them either, and here we are.
Yep and here we are, this is why inceldom has risen. On one hand I do want foids to be equal to us, it doesnt sit right with me to bar rights to education, however the problem is in their human nature. It's just salt in the wound that they actually OUT perform us now. Equality itself is risky enough but having them make more money than men means its absolutely over for sub 6 men.
guess, but you would end up having kids
back then there was no DNA tests, raising kids from a local thug Jock is crap. While you work your wife could easily bang with dudes she likes.
They disrupted the natural order and set our society on the path of destruction.
Yes, some of it is because of the jews (behind feminist movements and foid biased legislation)

I guess its an argument for technology not being natural too, this in part happened due to technology providing foids more jobs suited to them, as well as stuff like social media and dating apps. The latter not relating so much to the initial post I made but it still certainly contributes to our inceldom
back then there was no DNA tests, raising kids from a local thug Jock is crap. While you work your wife could easily bang with dudes she likes.
I suppose back then, it was less likely to happen due to lack of technology, as well as there being more at stake if a foid was caught cheating, now if a foid cheats she has the economic power to sustain herself, and technology to find other men for intimacy and long term relationships.
Also back in the day there was no internet and social media that would let a woman compare her Oofy Doofy to Chad. Now with internet, social media, smartphones it's impossible to bring back these times.
Also back in the day there was no internet and social media that would let a woman compare her Oofy Doofy to Chad. Now with internet, social media, smartphones it's impossible to bring back these times.
Yeah, technology did alot too, from the purposes of this post I just kind of discussed how it impacted foids getting more jobs but it does alot more than just that too. Reversing gender roles is bad.
Yeah, technology did alot too, from the purposes of this post I just kind of discussed how it impacted foids getting more jobs but it does alot more than just that too. Reversing gender roles is bad.
and it will get only worse, there will be definitely more murders in the future because of a hatred towards injustice and arrogance of women.
gender roles didnt reversed its just men who became a second class citizen
gender roles didnt reversed its just men who became a second class citizen
In a way yeah I guess they have not reversed in the old traditional sense like it was just men and women that were swapped. But I needed a title to summarise what I was saying. Because foids arent betabuxxing men.
Good post, could have been put in the “must read” category.

There’s another problem you didn’t mention. Even if you become successful as a man and earn enough money to attract a femoid, she can take your money away by divorcing you.

You’ll be financially and emotionally ruined and cannot attract another femoid. At the same time, she gets money for existing from you. Laws differ from country to country, but almost everywhere, the odds are stacked against men.
Good post, could have been put in the “must read” category.
Thats kind of you to say thank you, I was kind of going for that but it ended up not being structured properly and being too autistic as it went on. I don't think mods really put anything in must read catergory anymore anyway because I made a couple threads with way more effort than this one time and it didnt even get a pin so I don't go full autist with the effort like @GeckoBus bcuz its pointless
There’s another problem you didn’t mention. Even if you become successful as a man and earn enough money to attract a femoid, she can take your money away by divorcing you.

You’ll be financially and emotionally ruined and cannot attract another femoid. At the same time, she gets money for existing from you. Laws differ from country to country, but almost everywhere, the odds are stacked against men.
Yeah honestly thats true, I think it relates to my post a bit since the gender role for foids there kind of eroded and divorce became more mainstream, although I would have to research if it was always the case that foids could divorce a rape a guy for his cash, I would bet it wasnt always like this, theres endless stuff to talk about once you realise it. Theres what I mentioned in my post then @supersoldier mentioning about the technology, and you talk about the divorce courts. It's just like the deck is stacked against you as a man and nothing is in our favour. The 21st century sucks.
Another reason female liberation was so ascendant is the shift from manufacturing to service-based employment, which dramatically reduced the economic power of the working male. They offer lower wages, less benefits, and real wages as a whole have largely stayed stagnant since 1979. The shipping of jobs overseas devastated the working and middle classes, for example. This dampened the relative economic influence of men.

You went from 35% employment in manufacturing in the 1950's America to like 9% today.

Just my take, but something worth considering.
The shipping of jobs overseas devastated the working and middle classes, for example.
Thats another important point that makes it hard to act as a breadwinner as a male, you lose job opportunities and wages get lower. I'm a broken record at this point saying this, but it just feels like the deck is stacked against us in all these little ways, and they add up to a massive effect leading to our inceldom.

Technology too is going to start replacing more and more jobs, the future will be interesting going forward I think, for the first time in human history foids will not need men, we will probably need some sort of basic universal income too.

I wonder if it will just become an unspoken truth and accepted fact in the future, that only a small amount of men get to fuck all the ladies whilst most men just rot aimlessly doing whatever with their UBI (basically neetbux)
Thats another important point that makes it hard to act as a breadwinner as a male, you lose job opportunities and wages get lower. I'm a broken record at this point saying this, but it just feels like the deck is stacked against us in all these little ways, and they add up to a massive effect leading to our inceldom.

Technology too is going to start replacing more and more jobs, the future will be interesting going forward I think, for the first time in human history foids will not need men, we will probably need some sort of basic universal income too.

I wonder if it will just become an unspoken truth and accepted fact in the future, that only a small amount of men get to fuck all the ladies whilst most men just rot aimlessly doing whatever with their UBI (basically neetbux)
This might sound pithy and reactionary, but the primary reason so many immigrants are being brought in is to sustain an unsustainable system of pensions and benefits for the elderly because abortion and contraception were legalised - which drove birth rates through the floor. Without that, and with below replacement birth rates, the pyramid scheme economy we've built since Thatcher and Reagan would collapse.

Pair this with evaporating economic opportunities and a squeezed middle class, you're basically out of luck as an average male in current year. MAGA guys might hum and harr about how Trump is going to save civilisation, but he never really ventured outside of the paradigm created by his predecessors. Basically, no politician has an answer for our woes, because they are, as you rightly pointed out, often caused by technical shifts. With that said, a lot of the shittiness in current year was a result of conscious policy decisions.

The 'West' is a dying society, and nobody has an answer. Some want a radical shift towards socialisation of the economy, others blame our problems on inherent racial characteristics, but the economy remains the same - and the elites remain firmly in power. We're all on a sinking ship, and it all depends on how you, I, and society deals with that.
No, they are not reversed. It's that the male gender role is constantly supressed. It's against nature.
but the primary reason so many immigrants are being brought in is to sustain an unsustainable system of pensions and benefits for the elderly because abortion and contraception were legalised - which drove birth rates through the floor. Without that, and with below replacement birth rates, the pyramid scheme economy we've built since Thatcher and Reagan would collapse.
This is true yeah, as well as populations are aging in general.

I think its not just unique to australia though, populations are aging everywhere.
I think they are trying to get people to save more and more money for retirement, in australia you have to put some money away by law, but it just leaves you poorer in the present, I really don't care if I have money when I am 60, I will either be a lifelong virgin or I have gone ER or something
Pair this with evaporating economic opportunities and a squeezed middle class, you're basically out of luck as an average male in current year. MAGA guys might hum and harr about how Trump is going to save civilisation, but he never really ventured outside of the paradigm created by his predecessors. Basically, no politician has an answer for our woes, because they are, as you rightly pointed out, often caused by technical shifts. With that said, a lot of the shittiness in current year was a result of conscious policy decisions.
I dont think one person can fix it, the world is irreversably fucked, when you try to go backwards like the roe v wade thing there is massive outrage and even then foids probably just have abortions illegally and dangerously now. The only way is forwards, but I dont see anything good on the horizon.
No, they are not reversed. It's that the male gender role is constantly supressed. It's against nature.
Yeah thats a good way to put it, its really only reversed for chads kind of since foids can now betabuxx a 10/10 chad
This is true yeah, as well as populations are aging in general.
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I think its not just unique to australia though, populations are aging everywhere.
I think they are trying to get people to save more and more money for retirement, in australia you have to put some money away by law, but it just leaves you poorer in the present, I really don't care if I have money when I am 60, I will either be a lifelong virgin or I have gone ER or something

I dont think one person can fix it, the world is irreversably fucked, when you try to go backwards like the roe v wade thing there is massive outrage and even then foids probably just have abortions illegally and dangerously now. The only way is forwards, but I dont see anything good on the horizon.

Yeah thats a good way to put it, its really only reversed for chads kind of since foids can now betabuxx a 10/10 chad
Yeah, foids nature has not changed and their role hasn't really changed either. They just got more privilige while we are being deprived of our natural rights.
I remember when I used to be a bluepilled cuck and thought that women having little to no rights in medieval and classical antiquity eras being frightening and barbaric. I now see that women must be treated like this in order for them to be kept pure instead rotting away and getting passed around by Chads like they are nowadays.
good thread but you should Cope with the current gender roles and male/female dynamic. We will never go back to Pre-1950´s settings
I remember when I used to be a bluepilled cuck and thought that women having little to no rights in medieval and classical antiquity eras being frightening and barbaric. I now see that women must be treated like this in order for them to be kept pure instead rotting away and getting passed around by Chads like they are nowadays.
Yeah, on one hand, I don't want to just bar all foids from education, but even equality is dangerous, but in our society its not even equal, foids get everything and perform better (not because of merit though)
good thread but you should Cope with the current gender roles and male/female dynamic. We will never go back to Pre-1950´s settings
Yeah its never going back, I don't really see much of a good solution sadly, worlds taken a turn for the worst the past 2 decades
Is there some observable period in human history we could look at where the sexes were actually equal to see if it was bad or not? Because right now equality seems bad due to the gynocracy.
It's ovER. I see so many foids who are absurdely tall and have broader shoulders and sharper jaws than many men
First, I would start with the "equality" thing. In current times, even if it is called equality, there is definitely no equality between men and women. Women have so many privileges compared to men in the current society that there cannot be any doubt about who is the more privileged gender. All the little things, like affirmative action, divorce rapes, women's favoritism, gynocentrism, "equal pay," gynocentric laws, movements bashing low-status men, and enabling the worst out of women's behavior to be freely practiced, completely changed everything. Men became second-class citizens due to these things.

Secondly, is it really a good thing to make women equal to men in society? Just think about it for a second. Some users here have already pointed out the truth:

This is completely true. Whenever they have the free will to do whatever they choose, they decide to exhibit the absolute worst of behaviors that are destroying civilized society. I will point out a few of them here:

1. Whenever a girl has a choice to make between a nice, polite, civilized guy and an aggressive criminal brute, psychopathic dominant ape, or manipulative sociopath, she chooses the latter. Obviously, for the stability of a whole society, choosing the first one is a no-brainer. The society just does not benefit in any meaningful way from the latter. Just ask yourself a question if you would like to encounter in your daily life types of people from the first or second category. If you encounter a cashier, a clerk, a cop, a salesman, etc. from the first category, then you have a high chance of being treated nicely, with respect, and to walk off in a generally good mood. If you encounter the second one, though, you have a very high chance of being mocked, laughed at, or having your day ruined right from the start by this individual. Not to mention the crimes, the anti-social behavior, and other destructive things they exhibit. These put a big strain on a normal functioning society and are making the daily life of an ordinary person a hell. Despite all this, women would almost always choose these types of people to procreate and let the first category rot in depression, collecting multiple mental illnesses, and finally rope somewhere in their 30s. All just because they get the "tingles" from the second category, because life with these people provides them with thrills, adrenaline, and drama.

2. Whenever they can speak their opinions freely, it is a shitshow of blackpilled stuff when they openly mock and ridicule short men, ugly men, or even people who struggle with depression and tell them not to be pussies, to man up, how privileged they are because of patriarchy, etc. Even you yourself posted yesterday some post from an Asian girl about how she prayed to not be seen by manlets and wanted some masked tall man. Whenever there are no repercussions for them to speak their nonsense, they do and show us their true colors. All just because we are unattractive. You can be a good person, help others, have empathy, etc., but to no avail. In their minds, you are viewed as bad because you are ugly.

3. They help criminals (if they are attractive) to get out of jail or provide them with intimacy and sex, despite the horrible crimes they committed or the pain they inflicted upon their victims. Somehow, this is tolerated because women do it. So much for a sense of justice in women, I guess.

4. Divorce rapes: This happens time and time again: women lose interest in her betabuxx, divorce rape him out of all his wealth, and ruin his life in the process, just because she wants to chase a chad or because she is no longer "feeling it." Why does she then just not walk away instead of taking all his stuff? Of course, a court almost always decides in her favor.

There are many other points, but I noticed that my post is gigantic now anyway, so yeah. :feelskek:

At the end, I have an analogy to this: Do you think that a criminal who is actively harming a society with his actions and exhibits evil tendencies should have the same rights in a society as a law-abiding citizen, or should he get to decide with his opinions or voting rights how the society should evolve? If foids do exhibit these evil tendencies and time and time again choose and celebrate anti-social behavior that destabilizes society, then why should they have equal rights? It makes no sense in the same way it makes no sense to give these rights to criminals.

Let's talk now about how and why girls outperform guys in school and earn more than them.

I think this phenomenon happens mainly after one gets into high highschool. This is the time period where you get all the reports about how girls start to outperform guys in every area, and it continues this way through the college and job environment. Funnily enough, primary and secondary schools do not have these problems. I think what is happening here is that once guys and girls get to puberty, this is the time the shit happens.

Girls get to fully indulge in their hypergamic behavior and enjoy their lives since their reproductive strategy (sleeping with high-value men) is fully fulfilled. They get to pick the hottest, tallest chad around and satisfy their needs whenever they want. Up until high school, there were no such needs; now there are, though. They get to feel loved, have an insane amount of attention, sex, intimacy, explore many relationships, and sexual fantasies; basically, they are living their lives to the fullest.

On the other hand, guys, not so much, right? Average and below-average guys struggle immensely to even have a longer chat with some girl and get to fulfill nothing of these new needs. Love? Intimacy? Sex? Attention? Nothing of this happens to the young guy, even if he craves it the same way a girl does. He does not get to fulfill it at all but is expected to perform the same way a girl does. These are the basic needs on the Maslow pyramid. Who will perform better? One who has her life intact, completely fulfilled, and so is motivated to reach whatever her goals might be since she already fulfilled her basic needs; or the one who did not even get his first kiss; his life is in complete disarray; he goes through his whole high school without even holding hands together with a girl; and then this shit repeats in college. You must take into account the mental states of these two genders. A severely depressed person will not at all perform in the same way as a non-depressed person.

Take a look at this example: You have a guy who gets to eat and drink normally, and on the other hand, you have a guy who is starving and dehydrated. You put these two to do some tests. Who will perform better? There is simply no motivation for these guys to perform better; they get to know in their early days if they made it or not with their looks, and if they did not, they will not be motivated to do anything with their lives. Their lives are already ruined; their goals never even took form because they never progressed past their high school years. What kind of future should Intel strive for? What kind of future should a cancer patient in his late stages strive for?
It could be said the dating pool has become smaller and smaller for guys who can't foot it.
There is an overrepresentation of decent, good looking people on social media apps. More ugly foids tend to (like us) tend to not use social media, which distorts our perception. Indeed, Chads often fuck anything that moves and get that endorphin hit, which makes our situation worse.

A big part of it, I think, is the absence of economic opportunity. In the late 1940's, 1950's. and early 1960's, there were high birthrates, real wages doubled during the 1950's from memory, house prices were laughably cheap as the untamed American wilderness filled with the suburbs, even ugly guys could easily foot a good manufacturing job with solid benefits and look at finding a prospective wife. This was true in Australia and New Zealand too, with both being filled by European immigrants and towns boomed because they were heavily protected from foreign competition. Even with the post-war loss of their Empire, the United Kingdom experienced an economic boom they will probably never experience again.

Now, in this globalised, service economy, none of this is true. Which is where the crux for us comes from.
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First, I would start with the "equality" thing. In current times, even if it is called equality, there is definitely no equality between men and women. Women have so many privileges compared to men in the current society that there cannot be any doubt about who is the more privileged gender. All the little things, like affirmative action, divorce rapes, women's favoritism, gynocentrism, "equal pay," gynocentric laws, movements bashing low-status men, and enabling the worst out of women's behavior to be freely practiced, completely changed everything. Men became second-class citizens due to these things.

Secondly, is it really a good thing to make women equal to men in society? Just think about it for a second. Some users here have already pointed out the truth:

This is completely true. Whenever they have the free will to do whatever they choose, they decide to exhibit the absolute worst of behaviors that are destroying civilized society. I will point out a few of them here:

1. Whenever a girl has a choice to make between a nice, polite, civilized guy and an aggressive criminal brute, psychopathic dominant ape, or manipulative sociopath, she chooses the latter. Obviously, for the stability of a whole society, choosing the first one is a no-brainer. The society just does not benefit in any meaningful way from the latter. Just ask yourself a question if you would like to encounter in your daily life types of people from the first or second category. If you encounter a cashier, a clerk, a cop, a salesman, etc. from the first category, then you have a high chance of being treated nicely, with respect, and to walk off in a generally good mood. If you encounter the second one, though, you have a very high chance of being mocked, laughed at, or having your day ruined right from the start by this individual. Not to mention the crimes, the anti-social behavior, and other destructive things they exhibit. These put a big strain on a normal functioning society and are making the daily life of an ordinary person a hell. Despite all this, women would almost always choose these types of people to procreate and let the first category rot in depression, collecting multiple mental illnesses, and finally rope somewhere in their 30s. All just because they get the "tingles" from the second category, because life with these people provides them with thrills, adrenaline, and drama.

2. Whenever they can speak their opinions freely, it is a shitshow of blackpilled stuff when they openly mock and ridicule short men, ugly men, or even people who struggle with depression and tell them not to be pussies, to man up, how privileged they are because of patriarchy, etc. Even you yourself posted yesterday some post from an Asian girl about how she prayed to not be seen by manlets and wanted some masked tall man. Whenever there are no repercussions for them to speak their nonsense, they do and show us their true colors. All just because we are unattractive. You can be a good person, help others, have empathy, etc., but to no avail. In their minds, you are viewed as bad because you are ugly.

3. They help criminals (if they are attractive) to get out of jail or provide them with intimacy and sex, despite the horrible crimes they committed or the pain they inflicted upon their victims. Somehow, this is tolerated because women do it. So much for a sense of justice in women, I guess.

4. Divorce rapes: This happens time and time again: women lose interest in her betabuxx, divorce rape him out of all his wealth, and ruin his life in the process, just because she wants to chase a chad or because she is no longer "feeling it." Why does she then just not walk away instead of taking all his stuff? Of course, a court almost always decides in her favor.

There are many other points, but I noticed that my post is gigantic now anyway, so yeah. :feelskek:

At the end, I have an analogy to this: Do you think that a criminal who is actively harming a society with his actions and exhibits evil tendencies should have the same rights in a society as a law-abiding citizen, or should he get to decide with his opinions or voting rights how the society should evolve? If foids do exhibit these evil tendencies and time and time again choose and celebrate anti-social behavior that destabilizes society, then why should they have equal rights? It makes no sense in the same way it makes no sense to give these rights to criminals.

Let's talk now about how and why girls outperform guys in school and earn more than them.

I think this phenomenon happens mainly after one gets into high highschool. This is the time period where you get all the reports about how girls start to outperform guys in every area, and it continues this way through the college and job environment. Funnily enough, primary and secondary schools do not have these problems. I think what is happening here is that once guys and girls get to puberty, this is the time the shit happens.

Girls get to fully indulge in their hypergamic behavior and enjoy their lives since their reproductive strategy (sleeping with high-value men) is fully fulfilled. They get to pick the hottest, tallest chad around and satisfy their needs whenever they want. Up until high school, there were no such needs; now there are, though. They get to feel loved, have an insane amount of attention, sex, intimacy, explore many relationships, and sexual fantasies; basically, they are living their lives to the fullest.

On the other hand, guys, not so much, right? Average and below-average guys struggle immensely to even have a longer chat with some girl and get to fulfill nothing of these new needs. Love? Intimacy? Sex? Attention? Nothing of this happens to the young guy, even if he craves it the same way a girl does. He does not get to fulfill it at all but is expected to perform the same way a girl does. These are the basic needs on the Maslow pyramid. Who will perform better? One who has her life intact, completely fulfilled, and so is motivated to reach whatever her goals might be since she already fulfilled her basic needs; or the one who did not even get his first kiss; his life is in complete disarray; he goes through his whole high school without even holding hands together with a girl; and then this shit repeats in college. You must take into account the mental states of these two genders. A severely depressed person will not at all perform in the same way as a non-depressed person.

Take a look at this example: You have a guy who gets to eat and drink normally, and on the other hand, you have a guy who is starving and dehydrated. You put these two to do some tests. Who will perform better? There is simply no motivation for these guys to perform better; they get to know in their early days if they made it or not with their looks, and if they did not, they will not be motivated to do anything with their lives. Their lives are already ruined; their goals never even took form because they never progressed past their high school years. What kind of future should Intel strive for? What kind of future should a cancer patient in his late stages strive for?

Megamind IQ

This really helps explains the education and employment gap between men and women now.

In addition:

A man's biggest motivation in life is being the head of a family or taking care of a woman. This drives him to get more education, to get better jobs. If a man feels like he has no chance at a wife or a family, he'll lack the necessary motivation to improve himself. This is basic human psychology. Wanting to take care of a woman/family is a much bigger motivating factor towards making more money then just wanting to buy more stuff for coping hobbies.

Give a NEET the romantic attention of a woman and I guarantee you the next day he'll be on the internet all day trying to find a job. And if the man does have a crappy job he'll be trying to get a better one.

Men need women to be motivated
Women need men to be motivated

Women have access to high value men in spades today.
Men have access to nothing.
In the 20th century we had the nuclear family.

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The father would be the breadwinner, the mother would stay at home and take care of the kids, maybe sometimes the foid would have some sort of side hustle on the side to supplement a bit of income but nothing on the level of the fathers breadwinning.

In the 20th century, foids who were employed were often unmarried, if they married later on they would often end up leaving the workforce. Back then a foid could actually rely on her husbands wage and drop out of the workforce.

Throughout the 20th century though things changed, the rate of education for foids increased,there were feminism movements, technological advances gave rise to new jobs such as clerical positions that foids could fill, as well as legislation put in place for foids to not discriminate against them.

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I'm not against equality, and I think analysing all the little changes would be far too long, I'm just explaining how we got to where we are today.

Because eventually we get to where we are today, foids are starting to outearn men, so men can't effectively function as the breadwinners anymore.

And this actually changes ALOT about the world.

This happens in part because education has become an environment that foids succeed in compared to men, its a docile environment where obedience is mandated, as well as the fact that attractive people are favored and recieving better grading in education.

View attachment 1061367

:soy: - "But RegularManlet!" "If foids work harder than you do in education than they deserve more jobs and more funny, and foids can be the breadwinners instead!"

It doesn't really operate the same when we reverse the roles like we now have in the 21st century.

Firstly the reason for this is our own human nature.

Men have more of a tendancy to go out and work and take charge. Whereas foids tend to be better suited to child caring, which can't be done as effectively if they are in the workforce. Everything is just turned upside down on its head and it doesnt function as nature intended.

The second reason, is what foids will do in a position of privilege where they outearn men.

With men as the breadwinners, we will select a wide variety of foids to partner with, it doesnt give us the "ick" if a foid does not earn as much as us, or is a little unattractive, so we end up providing for a wide variety of foids, you don't end up with a crisis of there being nearly 30% of young women single virgins like we do with males now. Just take a look at this graph

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And look at the sheer amount of female ratings placing mean between 6 and 0 (sub 6 theory I guess)

Foids have higher standards for attraction in terms of looks and income, so when foids end up as high earning breadwinners, they end up finding a bunch of males unappealing, all the sudden it is like how it was for men in the 20th century, you would try to pick a partner that looks good, the problem is foids do not rate the same as men.

The third reason why this changes alot, is the shift in children born from boomer parents in the 20th century, and children born in the 21st century such as myself.

In the 20th century, a sub 6 male like my father could oofy doofy maxx and betabuxx a foid. So his reproduction strategy works in the 20th century, however 20 years later now I am 2 decades into the 21st century and I can no longer replicate the reproduction strategy my father used and I have his genes so it means that I am absolutely fucked, I can't betabuxx because all the foids earn more than me and education favors them, and their looks criteria is rated way too harshly to make the cut for one of them to betabuxx you instead. It truly is chad only.

To conclude I really do have to hammer home on the third point because it really is that big of a deal, by reversing the gender roles you absolutely fuck a generation of young men like us. My parents met in their 20's but had me in their 40's. In the meantime in those 20 years things changed and mating practices moved away from the 20th century nuclear family, and more towards the 21st century where stuff such as looks and height are much more important. So I end up being the child of an oofy doofy while my peers ended up getting chad tallfag genes and all completely heightmog me, so they get selected and I have no chance of betabuxxing anymore in 2024 and beyond without maybe trying geomaxxing.

But even if I geomaxx, my father didn't have to travel halfway accross the world and abandon all his family and friends, just to get an incel factory wife.
They aren’t. Period. We have radicalization of gender roles where women are hyper passive and feminine and men expected to be supermen
They aren’t. Period. We have radicalization of gender roles where women are hyper passive and feminine and men expected to be supermen
This post was a while ago, I forget if my point was that it is LITERALLY reversed.

However its almost like its encouraged by our own circumstances.

For example, its easier for foids to earn more in the workforce right? Therefore that would make the breadwinner position easier for the foid to actually do.
It was the better option. Now a man has to work hard to not financially support anyone, be alone all his life and if he ever finds a woman it's a mentally ill feminist who hates him and has slept with the whole third world + whole animal kingdom.
Very true. I've argued against feminists and the only "argument" they provide is that gender roles must not be upheld
Very true. I've argued against feminists and the only "argument" they provide is that gender roles must not be upheld
It honestly seems like a pretty good system that flows with out natural biology.

Look at the 21st century, this century fucking SUCKS! And the gender roles are not being upheld.
then you are still a bluepilled cuckold sadly :feelsbadman:
No, my life sucks and I am not an equal to others due to my height, so I don't want that for people where it is not necesarry, irrespective of stuff such as race, gender etc.
No, my life sucks and I am not an equal to others due to my height, so I don't want that for people where it is not necesarry, irrespective of stuff such as race, gender etc.
bluepilled cuckold take sadly :feelsbadman: holes must be controlled. they are basically mindless cattle. if you think holes can form valid opinions then you are still in la la land :feelsokman:
don't want that for people
holes are not people. they are primitive breeding stock meant to be owned by father then husband. don't cuckoldmax just because of your height, purchase a firearm instead, then you won't feel like a weak sissy :feelsokman:
This post was a while ago, I forget if my point was that it is LITERALLY reversed.

However its almost like its encouraged by our own circumstances.

For example, its easier for foids to earn more in the workforce right? Therefore that would make the breadwinner position easier for the foid to actually do.
But they won’t do that since they deep down are hardwired to be taken care of and being “conquered” by men
My parents met in their 20's but had me in their 40's.
Having old parents is teratrucel trait. Not only do you inherit the lower ends of the genes, but you also feel much more lonely growing up compared to your peers. Neither of my parents were ugly, especially for their time, and yet I ended up goblin. My older siblings mog me colossally.

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