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News Gen Z men say feminists have ‘gone too far’ for men to succeed: survey data.



Nov 20, 2022

"They’re considered the “woke” generation, but new research says Generation Z men aren’t necessarily on board.

Half of young men believe feminism “has gone too far and makes it harder for men to succeed,” according to “Young People in the Time of COVID-19,” a new study by Hope Not Hate, a UK-based advocacy group that campaigns against extremism.

“[Feminist] policies are well-intentioned, but can be abused and taken too far,” said Jack Joseph, a 26-year-old from central New Jersey who says he was wrongfully accused of sexual harassment, causing him to get fired from his job at a call center in May.

“Allegation is the new guilty,” Joseph told The Post.

According to the Hope Not Hate report, which surveyed more than 2,000 young people between the ages of 16 and 24 on a wide range of topics, “[anti-feminism] is appealing to young men feeling emasculated in an age of changing social norms.”

But it wasn’t just men who agreed with the sentiment.

Overall, more young people agreed (36 percent) than disagreed (35 percent) that feminism had gone too far, including 23 percent of women surveyed.

“It used to be that women were more discriminated against,” Ajay, 30, who works in public relations and lives in New Jersey, told The Post.

“These days, it’s more the other way around,” he said, pointing to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s decision to choose a woman as his running mate.

Ajay, who declined to give his last name, was also concerned about relating to the opposite sex in the post-#MeToo era.

“[Harmless] things can be construed in the wrong way,” he said. “Interest in someone can be construed as harassment. It’s gone too far in the other direction.

“It’s probably the hardest it’s ever been to be a guy right now.”

But it’s #NotAllMen.

Justin, a local 19-year-old who also declined to give his last name, disagreed that the women’s movement has gone too far.

“Feminism is about equality,” he said. “I’m not losing anything if other people gain the status in the world that I’ve taken for granted throughout my whole life. In fact — I gain a lot.”

He, for one, is happy about shifting societal expectations, including not having to always pick up the tab on dates.

“It’s pretty normal to assume that whoever asked the other person to go out is the one who pays,” said Justin. “Occasions where a girl asks me out, I never feel pressured to pay.”

That said, he admitted that he’s had to convince more than a few friends that political correctness hasn’t gone too far.

“A lot of people that I know have gone through phases of ‘anti-social-justice warrior’ content,” he said.

The Hope Not Hate report is just the latest research to point to a growing sense of alienation and resentment among young men, who feel they are falling economically behind their female counterparts.

According to data from last year’s General Social Survey: Researchers surveyed 2,348 adults and found that 28 percent of men under 30 had gone a year or more without sex. That’s nearly triple the amount of dudes who reported yearlong dry spells back in 2008, and was linked to growing economic instability."

Bottom line: The blackpill & views similar to it will go mainstream- male sexlessness is on the rise & men have had enough of foids bullshit.
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Makes perfect sense, gen z f*males in developed countries have got to be the most ridiculously privileged demographic in the history of humanity
I dont trust any survey. It seems like most people are pro faggot generally just to survive
''Overall, more young people agreed (36 percent) than disagreed (35 percent) that feminism had gone too far, including 23 percent of women surveyed.''

Only 36 percent, extremely low
i have heard in a study that more than half of gen z males think that feminism is ruining the rights of toilets,seems based that this generation might wake one day and end the globohomo propaganda:feelsjuice:
i forgot where i found it tbh
remember that it's the older generations that are responsible for this mess, they are the ones that gave rise to and still are upholding the degenerate dysfunctional infrastructure of modern society, if anyone is going to tear it down thereby restoring order it's going to be the younger generations.
When my fellow cohorts stop acting like cucks, I’ll believe it. However, most Gen Z males I encounter are incredibly progressive simps.
When my fellow cohorts stop acting like cucks, I’ll believe it. However, most Gen Z males I encounter are incredibly progressive simps.
I dont trust any survey. It seems like most people are pro faggot generally just to survive
Erm… according to FACT CHECKED SCIENCE 87.3% of retards say the FACTS don’t lie. Are you denying science???
Beta uprising incoming blud
Makes perfect sense, gen z f*males in developed countries have got to be the most ridiculously privileged demographic in the history of humanity
Straight facts. Never have we had a demographic so coddled as your average western woman.
remember that it's the older generations that are responsible for this mess, they are the ones that gave rise to and still are upholding the degenerate dysfunctional infrastructure of modern society, if anyone is going to tear it down thereby restoring order it's going to be the younger generations.
its more likely the younger generations will cave into degeneracy. If anything the older generations are the ones pushing for abortions to be illegal
Zoomers are based when it comes to toilets. That's how bad it is.
Gen Z must be saved and defemenized.
30 year olds are zoomers? :shock:
they are not. they will maybe sometimes make socially acceptable 'edgy' sexist remarks. that's about it.
They are redpilled and will become blackpilled as the situation becomes worse
Its nowhere near that high. "Hope Not Hate" will spew out any bullshit "sky is falling" survey that scares rich retarded liberals into donating to them.
They may say that but won't do anything to change things
Aren't girls enrolling to college and such at much higher rates than boys + boys have much higher drop out rate? + suicide stats, addiction, whatever. Of course the playing field is not level at all. If I was bluepilled I'd say that women are just blind but they're not, they know what they're doing. They hate men and especially ugly men. Except Chad, they love Chad

I'm not expecting women to have any empathy towards men though because women think that even the teenage boy who works at 7-Eleven or the heroin addicted guy who eats from the dumpster are their oppressors somehow.

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