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News Gaming company Razer drops thot for saying "men are trash." Triggers white knights and roasties.

Deleted member 8

Deleted member 8

Nov 7, 2017

Razer's logo may look like three sperm cells butting heads, but they are based. At least the Brazilian branch is. I fully expect Razer of America to apologize to milady soon.

Either way, the soys and roasties are NOT happy :feelshaha::

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jfl at the existence of r/girlgamers

foids have to make everything about them
Tons of guys get deplatformed, banned, doxxed, fired and blacklisted on a daily basis for extremely petty reasons and the internet cheers because they were wrongthinkers.

One raging man-hater losses a sponsorship and the internet goes full white knight for m'lady.
jfl at not seeing the huge double-standard if the roles were reversed. Cucks are beyond retarded.
Based Razer Brazil
BrazilianSigma will be seething right now
jfl at not seeing the huge double-standard if the roles were reversed.
It's because you are a hateful inkel literally a billion times worse than Hitler. Here, I'll let a Kotaku commenter explain:

You can stop complaining about rabid misandry only when men and women become completely equal.
>Yeah for sure, we men suffer so much from misandry, we get lower wages, have to worry about being raped all the time, if we do live streaming we are always judged by our appearance rather then what we have to say. It's exactly the same

I didn't know this level of cuckoldry existed.
if we do live streaming we are always judged by our appearance rather then what we have to say.
Men don't livesteam in crop tops and thongs, maybe that's why people can pay more attention to what they're saying.
Men don't livesteam in crop tops and thongs, maybe that's why people can pay more attention to what they're saying.
Also toilets have nothing interesting to say.
fucking cucks at it again
all companies are owned by soys it seems
Razer products have shitty lifespan and break so easy tho.
Based and completely right razer brazil, I hope that american razer follows(not likely).
All twitch thots deserve this.
Totally deserved. I hope no one from Razer apologises for doing the right thing. Lets see if they bend to pressure of the ignorant masses.

Razer's logo may look like three sperm cells butting heads, but they are based. At least the Brazilian branch is. I fully expect Razer of America to apologize to milady soon.

Either way, the soys and roasties are NOT happy :feelshaha::

But it's true. Most men are trash. Most people are trash. That's why we end up in landfills called cemetaries.
Good news at last.
JEEEZ BIG YIKES :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
It's a little bit related to this topic and I am pretty pissed about this. Considering people that should be fired.
I play games, I use guides.
Can you see anything from the IGN page that might be completely fucking inappropriate?

All these bias and gender issues have no place in my damn games.
That bitch deserved to get fired, so does anyone that has any agenda about sex.
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Tons of guys get deplatformed, banned, doxxed, fired and blacklisted on a daily basis for extremely petty reasons and the internet cheers because they were wrongthinkers.

One raging man-hater losses a sponsorship and the internet goes full white knight for m'lady.
Did you see that the_donald got quanantined? I was surprised since I figured they were so mainstream and large.
It's because you are a hateful inkel literally a billion times worse than Hitler. Here, I'll let a Kotaku commenter explain:
View attachment 125462

You can stop complaining about rabid misandry only when men and women become completely equal.
View attachment 125464

Since when does a white woman have less privilege than a nonwhite man? Somebody needs to tell this cuck that white women are oppressors and therefore can be deplatformed for any reason, and that he's racist if he disagrees.
Based Razer. I use their products too.
Me after reading this article

FACT: 90% of men playing video games after age 18 is either A) Low tier normie borderline incel loser, or B) Incel.

Razer knows their customer base, this is very good PR move by Razer,
One raging man-hater losses a sponsorship and the internet goes full white knight for m'lady.
i could see her earnings only increasing from this news, cucks are rushing to rescure that bitch from patriarchy
Brb, buying more Razer products now, even though I detest modernist bullshit like that.
Thousands of men who have done nothing wrong are suffering in prison right now because of false accusations of rape. But no one cares about them. Meanwhile, one worthless thot makes a hateful comment towards all men on the planet, gets mildly rebuked for it, and suddenly cucks are acting like it's the greatest injustice in the history of the universe.
It's never about the gender war. The real war is the rich vs poor war. Do not fall for rich man games.
Razer brazil...im sure if this was in the states or the UK she would have ten trillion dollars on a gofundme by now as well as as the balls from the razer CEO who castrated himself as an act of contrition.
Reminder that ever time a female says "men a trash" she's thinking about the chad that pumped and dumped her while the average man and incel doesn't even cross her mind.
Its called the kitchen you frumpy cock carousel riding entitled whore, why is it illegal to beat women into unconsciousness
FACT: 90% of men playing video games after age 18 is either A) Low tier normie borderline incel loser, or B) Incel.

Razer knows their customer base, this is very good PR move by Razer,
True, a lot of big gaming companies in the past made the mistake of catering to the SJW crowd when in reality, most young men who play videogames absolutely despise feminism and that kind of stuff.
About time for a tech company to fight back against feminism, especially when 99% of their customers are men, and probably incel.
”safe spaces for women”

I don’t think it’s a “safe space” when you are insulting half of the world’s population.

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