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"Gamer/Geek girls"



Angry Kikecel
Nov 15, 2017
Anyone else gets, for the lack of a better word, triggered by femoids calling themselves "gamers" and "geeks"?

Seriously, as I've gotten older I've learned not to give a fuck about a lot of potentially upsetting stuff (i.e. couples in public, PDA, happy groups in restaurants/bars), but gamer girls are straight up rage fuel for me. I legit miss the times when vidya was a safe place to rot. I'm old enough to remember that sweet spot when games made money, but it was socially detrimental to admit that you were a gamer, so femoids stayed the fuck away. I used to play MUDs (text-based precursors to MMORPGs), and you might have one or two femoids in the playerbase, and of course they were pedestalized as fuck because everyone was bluepilled...

Look around now, and you can't swing a sack of shit without hitting a youtube streamer whore, or a "gaming journalist" (really some shitty generic blogger) constantly bitching about how there are too many FUCKING WHITE MALES in games, or a "game developer" who is the shittiest coder in town, but was hired to maintain gender quotas. The worst part is perhaps is that gamers did it to themselves... we were so fucking bluepilled at some point that a lot of us believed that "someday girls will think vidya is cool and play with us and we'll all finally get laid! yay!"

Instead games are turning into shit thanks to femoid audience (which doesn't really give a fuck, but want to intrude on men-only spaces and fuck them up). It happens like fucking clockwork, even on a small scale. I was a part of an invitation-only forum once made up of a bunch of dudes playing the same game (it was a space sim). "LOL GAY"... not really, it was more like an internet cigar lounge where you could shoot the shit without wondering whose panties would get in a twist. Even better because the forum was founded by an older sarcastic Brit. Good times. Then they decided to invite a femoid, because she was a "cool cosplayer"... she was actually rather ugly and a bit pudgy, but cosplayed characters that showed a lot of skin. Within two weeks, the forum went to shit, I quit in disgust and in another month the forum got pulled down altogether. Fucking great.

Another thing, the fucking cosplayers. Jesus-fucking christ. You wake up one day and make a conscious decision to put on an outfit consisting of body paint and dental floss and go out in public. Yeah I get it, you are merely "convention hot", can't bang ALL the Chads you want to bang, so you get off cockteasing desperate dudes at cons. Yeah I get it, you aren't "quite there" to be a stripper or a whore, but you have no other talents so you sell your body anyway (for money or attention). But for fuck's sake, a whore-lite is still a whore, you're not an "artist" or a "performer", you're just a fucking prop to take pictures with. But god forbid you get too close in for a picture, or forget to hover-hand - "SECURITY!!!!"

IMO it all started with Tomb Raider. The original one. God I wish that us gamers weren't so thirsty and the game flopped and never became a franchise. The original one was nicely exploitative of femoids, but it was the "camel's nose under the tent" that started pushing the femoid involvement in games into mainstream.

Fuck it all. I miss the late nineties-early 2000s.
RichCel said:
Fuck it all. I miss the late nineties-early 2000s.


2006-2011 were my golden years. Everything has just gotten worse since then.
First of all, I have seen some "gamer" girls do playthroughs and no matter what games they play they always stink at it. You know what it means when someone sucks at games so much? It means they are not gamers because a gamer would have wasted so many hours on that game that his skills would eventually imporve and he would be good at it. The fact that these girls stink at games so much shows that they are not games but straight up attention whores trying to milk thirsty betas.
BillyBeta said:

2006-2011 were my golden years. Everything has just gotten worse since then.

It had already gone to shit way before then
Girls seem to instinctively need to pollute every male hobby out of jealousy and vitriol. It is primarily because they are absolutely incapable of creating their own hobbies or activities.
I find so many girls so uninteresting and have nothing in common with them - fine, whatever, I just don't speak to them.

These three girls start saying they're into Star Wars and we start talking, I wasn't planning on trying to hook up with any of them, but if I became friends with three of them then maybe people wouldn't think I'm some sort of anti social autistic mong.

Anyway, turns out one of them had never seen the prequels, none of them knew shit about any of the characters. I asked who their favourite Jedi was and they were all so puzzled when I said Kit Fisto and some other standard Jedi dudes...

Ugh, all so fake.
I pirate every games with female lead characters, only cucks pay for those games.
To avoid any gamer girls, I simply don't have any social media, don't watch Twitch, and mostly play singleplayer games, the only MP game I play right now it's Overwatch, and everytime a girl starts talking, I just become aggressive towards her. The beta orbiters will always defend the m'lady, but since I'm in competitive mode, they can't really kick me or they'll lose too. It's incredible how they always play support too.

Back in the day when liking vidya was a still taboo, I got mocked for liking it, now that is trendy, women started liking it too. Women are literal parasites and won't give a fuck to something until it's trendy, it happened to sports, anime, vidya and now it's happening to chans and forums, they always manage to ruin everything they touch.
Femail gamers are only there for chads.
They're just predators who know male gamers are extremely lonely and desperate.
Predators and parasites is just about right. And yeah... the "blessed" times when "girls would think vidya is cool and play with us and fuck us" have arrived, and the "gamer girls" still fuck Chads and think we are pieces of shit unworthy of any positive attention. Except now, femoids have an actual say in game design and can organize online mobs to bully almost any developer for wrongthink. Thank god there are good offshore studios still (CDPR comes to mind) that don't give a fuck.

What bothers me a lot is how unconvincingly fake their bullshit is, too. "Oh, so you like Star Wars? OMG YEAH, KYLO REN IS SO HAWT! AND REY IS TOTALLY GRRRL POWER! THE FORCE IS FEMALE!! WHAT'S EXPANDED UNIVERSE? SOUNDS BORING DUHHHH!"

Went to a strip club once and one of the whores had the Skyrim logo (the Septim dragon diamond) tramp stamp. So I flagged her down, "do you play Elder Scrolls?" She goes "Yeah, I played Skyrim!" Anything older? Morrowind? Daggerfall? She looks at me like a deer in the fucking headlights. I ask, "so what kind of character did you play in Skyrim?" She goes "oh yeah, she was a chick with a bow, an assassin, so powerful." I prod her a few more times, and she finally says "nah, I didn't really play it, the logo is cute, and geeks like you tip me extra for it." I almost fucking slapped her.
"Gamer girls"

I've been triggered for like 10 years it doesnt hurt anymore seeing as videogames and pc gaming in particular is so popular with normies now.

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