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Nach Islamismus-Kundgebung: Hunderte bei Gegen-Demo in Hamburg
Vor einer Woche hatten rund 1.000 Anhänger der Gruppierung "Muslim Interaktiv" am Steindamm unweit des Hamburger Hauptbahnhofs demonstriert. An gleicher Stelle gab es am Sonnabend eine Gegendemonstration.
I've see this popping up in multiple articles about all sorts of random shit, however since reading almost entirely German media I see it everywhere. It's as if they are shit testing men day in, day out in this country. Heck, even approaching a foid (walking up to a chick and striking up a uninitiated conversation) is considered SA here.
>>On banners and signs there were messages like "Everyone against antisemitism", "Freedom" or "Matriarchy instead of Kalifat"
Krautland is probably the worst country to be an incel, because you have a mix of a shitty culture and an oppressive government.