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- Nov 17, 2017
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ArtoriasWolf said:chad is a 10/10 and incels are 1-9.9/10 yes?
Not sure what you mean by that
ArtoriasWolf said:chad is a 10/10 and incels are 1-9.9/10 yes?
Framecel222 said:Nope, the guy who wrote it wasn't an incel. Nice job insulting me after I call you out for plagiarism.
Zyros said:![]()
How is my midface real ratio? how is my width to height facial ratio (I see its wider than in selfies)? Is my perceived height decent despite shit frame? (real height is 5'11). does my head look too disproportionate?
modus_coperandi said:We shouldn't have banned New Poster here, this guy is hilarious.
Framecel222 said:What did he get banned for? And I agree, some of his posts are absolute masterpieces.
modus_coperandi said:He got banned because he declared that he will only post here to brag about his most recent slays.
Framecel222 said:Lmao. Cuck mods need to get rid of the "no bragging" rule.
oilonthe-Rose said:The coat is peng.
Cope. With enough muscle mass, an incel can crush Chad's skull. Narrow or not my goal is body mogging Chad as a khhhv.dr-problematic said:its not even about rectangular, its about narrow torso that looks like woman's
its over
just ldar
ironcrusher38 said:Cope. With enough muscle mass, an incel can crush Chad's skull. Narrow or not my goal is body mogging Chad as a khhhv.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:You have an aura of mystery enveloping you, like someone from the matrix.
modus_coperandi said:But not in the sense of a Caspar David Friedrich painting, it looks completely artificial and more like a costume.
"The person who has learned the system of a certain philosophy, although he has the perfect knowledge of all the principles, definitions and arguments found in that philosophy, as well as of the divisions or branches that have been made out of that system, possesses no more than historical knowledge of that philosophy. He knows only what has been told him, his judgments are those which he has received from his teachers. Dispute the validity of a definition, and he is completely at a loss to find another. He has formed his mind on another's, but the imitative faculty is not the productive one. His knowledge has not been drawn from reason, and although objectively considered it is rational knowledge, subjectively it is merely historical knowledge."
incelman said:You are fucking 30 years old and you ask people who are 10 years younger for advice.
Kointo said:I'm only 3 years younger than him. Am I qualified?
Tempus Edax Rerum said:Which painting are you reffering to?
3.I get it, he is standing before the unknown, before the mystery of the world, but the unknown has to be portrayed as the darkness, or space.
Dark curly, hair. Deep set eyes, protruding brow line, dark clothes. Good facial structure, manly rugged features.
Certainly doesn't look like the average soulless,empty bloke that you see on the street.
I think you have a prejudice against Zyros, because he is certainly good-looking, or at least better looking when compared to the average INCEL.
I am not sure what his situation is, is he a virgin, or KHHV? Or is he not a virgin at all, and brags about his sexual exploits...IDK
Regardless, I don't really have a prejudice against him, he does have a sense of "mystery to him, due to his curly dark hair, dark clothes, protruding brow line, and sunken eyes."
If I had to attribute it to some character, I would attribute him to one of those Vampires from , "Vampire Chronicles" by Ann Rice. (Interview with the Vampire)
Those Vampires in the story, were basically very much in touch with being ALIVE like WOMEN/CHILDREN are, and very much in the midst of the DRAMA of LIFE, yet they had that DEPTH/PERSPECTIVE to them from long years of being alive.
I think that's where Zyros falls into, in terms of impressions/appearances. At least for me.
Kointo said:You look like a gay vampire sith Lord in that silly coat.
Please change your outfit lol.
jagged0 said:This summarizes Zyros perfectly.
Kointo said:Your avi summarizes Zyros perfectly tbh.
incelman said:Yes you are.
modus_coperandi said:I was referring to the third and probably most well-known painting of Friedrich, "The Wanderer", but even more about a general atmosphere of mystery and wonder you might have discovered and what Schiller and Kant both called "Das Erhabene" (the sublime?, I don't know how it was translated into the English language tbqh).
I tried to express my concern that you're giving Zyros way too much credit here. Because the association with Anne Rice and her manifestations of vampires you already expressed is not a coincidence, it's part of his "imitation game" and interestingly enough in a greater sense you could even relate this observation to the Kant quote you brought here. The pure imitation of reason Kant described, has been observed by Nietzsche as well, only in regards to the false artistry of some of his peers (Wagner for example) or more precisely the false aestheticism and nature of the dilettante, who has no depth at all but decorates himself with the "wreath of laurel" of greater minds. I would include some quotes of him as well, but unfortunately I know his texts only in German.
To put it in a nutshell: Zyros is a big fan of Anne Rices vampire books and adapted their specific aesthetic of the Romantic era to mystify his plain existence exactly in the same way a 16 years old goth chick would do it and you wouldn't give her any credit points for originality.