A common motif of the (Tempel ov Blood) Order of the 9 Angles is the
subversion and twisting of truth, as seen by the common eye, but this is far from the case. To the eyes of the beholder, one may believe that we act out of sheer conniving and sinister evil,
and sure, we like to accredit ourselves as such, and to those who are politically fuelled with in-native right-wing and naive ideas of a global white revolution, Ethno-state, and the saving of the so-called “
Western Civilisation“, outright accuse us of being Hebrew Israelites due to our supposed “
subversion and twisting of truth“.
To those I say, hear hear
sycophant! Your immense hypocriticy is why you are in a state of dire
extinction, and the weight of your own
hubris will lead to your own
downfall! The target is not on us, nor do you have the right target, in fact your aim is far from the target, shoot and aim well, because you shall miss in all cases.
Now here is where the “
truth” you have been told all your life; is a lie, all by simple mathematical logic. First things first, what is
Occam’s Razor? Occam’s Razor is commonly known as choosing the path of least
resistance/the path of least assumptions/the most probably point on the simplest of conclusive evidence. To re-iterate, Occam’s Razor is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the simpler one is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is.
With that in theory, Occam’s Razor can easily be understood by even simpler terms. Consider the following:
A = X
B = X + Y
Rebecca is a bank teller at the Bank of America. Rebecca during her high school years was apart of the Student Union and also had former work experience at Starbucks. Rebecca has also cited discrepancies and her dismay with gamers in the GamerGate movement and has also expressed feelings with the #meetoo twitter hashtag campaign.
Is Rebecca
A) A Bank Teller?
B) A Staunch Feminist?
Many, with the given information, would deduce that Rebecca is a Staunch Feminist however there is no citation or distinct information claiming so, this is called, Cognitive Bias, however, within the first sentence, it has also explicitly said that Rebecca is a Bank Teller. Therefore, A) is an objective truth, whilst B) can only be true, given that A) is true, therefore, we can deduce that there is also a highly certain chance that B) is entirely false entirely. )
With this logic,
1 + 1 = 2 may not entirely be true, or be a so-called “
Universal Truths” these profligates of the right-wing like to spout. Case in point, a “
Universal Truth” according to these 90 high IQ closet racists who have not seen any terror or combat within their lives except through the comfort of their computer screens, is something that is
morally objective, something
concrete in nature, something that is the
same within all corners of the universe. This is entirely false, since the “
truth” is 100% entirely
subjective. Now, you may argue that the truth is
objective, however, I argue the truth is subjective, and the fact that we are able to debate on the dialectics of the nature of truth poses a immense logical fallacy which leads to truth being subjective in all cases. I.e you base your truths on facts that you know that is certain, and I base my truths on my past experiences that I know was witnessed by a multitude of civilians. Both equally are truths yet dispute each other in terms of plausibility. In layman terms, the simple fact that a truth can either viewed as
objective in nature or subjective in nature, allows truth to be subjective in all cases, proved by our mathematical theory of
Occam’s Razor.
1 + 1 = 3 is an objective, Universal Truth.
So if a “
Universal Truth” is based on mathematics which in of itself comes with “
objective” rules (Which mind you, mathematics come with a whole set of different logic which entirely subjected to different environments and outside factors), then the logic of Universal Truth is then neither true nor false. Since we made a inherited implication, the opposite of said implication is also said to be true. Those of the right use the simple expression 1 + 1 = 2 to justify the “
White” Race is superior merely by the fact of an arbitrary scale of how much history, culture and civilisations the “
White” race has churned out throughout time compared to those with other skin, and the justification of the genocide of other peoples is righteous.
If this is such the case, it our job as Noctulians to infiltrate these Aryanism groups and feast upon the soul of the Aryan who propagate these false lies.
The rest of this article will debunk the whole “1 + 1 = 2 HENCE FASCISM !!!” nonsense by mere facts and logic these Nazis like to use.
“What is the contrapositive of a Universal Truth?”
Whilst, the first implication is true, and the 2nd implication is false.
The entire sum of both implications is thus, true. Back to the 1 + 1 = 3 allegory. The contrapositive of 1 + 1 = 3 would be “Not” 1 + 1 = 3, or alternatively, 1 +1 =/= 3, which is true, hence, 1 + 1 = 3 is a true statement.
Other examples
1 1 = 1
1 0 = 1
0 1 = 1
0 0 = 0
“(Not) Universal Truth. Or Universal False.”
Here are another of these so called “Universal Truths”
4 > 3
3 ≤ 4
5 = 6
1/2 ∈ N
N ⊆ Z
Looks good so far, right? Then consider these following sentences.
√ 2 ∈ Q =⇒ √2 ∈ Z.
3 > 4 =⇒ sin(0) = 1.
3 > 4 =⇒ 3 = 4.
Upon closer inspection, one may think that these sentences are false, hence a “
Universal False” or more importantly a
“Not” Universal Truths . To re-iterate my first point and the main point of the subject matter. They illustrate the fact that: if the assumption of an implication is false, then the implication is true (regardless of whether the conclusion is true or false).
i.e. 1 + 1 = 3 or the moon is made out of blue cheese.