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fuck tribalism of today.



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
I'm sick and tired of moron's of all kind's arguing the us vs they mentality and saying it's biological well a no it's not we didn't evolve to be a hive mind species we are inherently selfish tribalism is just altruistic cancer that spawn's racism slavery the holocaust religious war's it all stem's from the idea that we are a combination of our ancestor's when we are not we are separate entities who live in this world in this time period in this life and i'm sick of the tribalistic shit our world goes through the enlightenment was to truly end that but what do we have more tribalism than ever before pessimism is rising this generation is the end result of statism god i hope it burn's
I'm sick and tired of moron's of all kind's arguing the us vs they mentality and saying it's biological well a no it's not we didn't evolve to be a hive mind species we are inherently selfish tribalism is just altruistic cancer that spawn's racism slavery the holocaust religious war's it all stem's from the idea that we are a combination of our ancestor's when we are not we are separate entities who live in this world in this time period in this life and i'm sick of the tribalistic shit our world goes through the enlightenment was to truly end that but what do we have more tribalism than ever before pessimism is rising this generation is the end result of statism god i hope it burn's
yes bro.
I'm sick and tired of moron's of all kind's arguing the us vs they mentality and saying it's biological well a no it's not we didn't evolve to be a hive mind species we are inherently selfish tribalism is just altruistic cancer that spawn's racism slavery the holocaust religious war's it all stem's from the idea that we are a combination of our ancestor's when we are not we are separate entities who live in this world in this time period in this life and i'm sick of the tribalistic shit our world goes through the enlightenment was to truly end that but what do we have more tribalism than ever before pessimism is rising this generation is the end result of statism god i hope it burn's
Bruh I ran out of breath reading that. You know what a comma and full stop are?
Bruh I ran out of breath reading that. You know what a comma and full stop are?

Sorry i like to rant on in 1 single line my mind is very monotonous it follow's a logical sequence
Gl trying to end this shit tbh
Yeah i know my fault for being born in a altruistic world i guess
I'm saying that because when you try to leave this tribalism behind, you leave yourself open for the other tribes to gang up on you
Wrong. This individualism that you imagine here is a very new concept. For most of human history we lived in a tribe and had to co-operate to survive and thrive. It's in our genes to want to belong to a tribe
Wrong. This individualism that you imagine here is a very new concept. For most of human history we lived in a tribe and had to co-operate to survive and thrive. It's in our genes to want to belong to a tribe

Genetic determinism is cancer prove that the burden of proof is on the active side this cancer of altruism has existed only since statism started though i mean it is inherently in our genes to be selfish even in tribe's you kept what you got and all innovation happened when we left that and see your doing the exact same thing i talked about your looking at yourself as a combination of tribes or ancestor's
First of all, you're wrong, tribalism is a good thing, it's the exact opposite of the selfish and individualistic nature of society today. True tribalism no longer exists in the modern world except among isolated groups of people who actively reject western culture like Hasidic Jews and the Amish.
Tribalism builds comradery, grants everyone a marriage partner to ensure the growth of the tribe, helps you get a job etc. We need more tribalism, not less. And yes, tribalism causes wars but I'd rather fight in a war over religion or race than for the benefit of a group of elite bankers like the wars we have now.
First of all, you're wrong, tribalism is a good thing, it's the exact opposite of the selfish and individualistic nature of society today.

No lol today is way to altruistic it's not even funny we pander all day long we can't say their are 2 gender's we can't say their is an objective right and wrong we can't say we have free will.

True tribalism no longer exists in the modern world except among isolated groups of people who actively reject western culture like Hasidic Jews and the Amish.

Tribalism is tribalism it just is us vs they mentality and it exists everywhere the left vs right dichotomy the chad vs non chad dichotomy their is all is relativity it comparison to something else it may not be as bad but we seen what even small form's of it does and we want to mimick larger form's of it why.

Tribalism builds comradery, grants everyone a marriage partner to ensure the growth of the tribe, helps you get a job etc.

Gtfo with this tradcuck bullshit i don't want a wife I want non of this but my biology cuck's me i'm more black pilled than fully incel at this point though i'm still an incel don't get me wrong but i no longer look at my life as something that i owe to my ancestor's i reject that thesis it is disgusting anti human stance.

. And yes, tribalism causes wars but I'd rather fight in a war over religion or race than for the benefit of a group of elite bankers like the wars we have now.

I'd rather have non i prefer voluntarism state's go to war but people don't again your proving me right your living your life for someone else
And those things are bad because?....

Slavery is wrong cause right's are objective concept's that are found in rational animal's so a slave has a right to life they cannot be taken or given.

The holocaust was wrong cause innocent jew's died and they also have a right to life it is not suddenly right to kill kike's cause some kike's kill other people.

and religion is self evident really
Wrong. This individualism that you imagine here is a very new concept. For most of human history we lived in a tribe and had to co-operate to survive and thrive. It's in our genes to want to belong to a tribe
First of all, you're wrong, tribalism is a good thing, it's the exact opposite of the selfish and individualistic nature of society today. True tribalism no longer exists in the modern world except among isolated groups of people who actively reject western culture like Hasidic Jews and the Amish.
Tribalism builds comradery, grants everyone a marriage partner to ensure the growth of the tribe, helps you get a job etc. We need more tribalism, not less. And yes, tribalism causes wars but I'd rather fight in a war over religion or race than for the benefit of a group of elite bankers like the wars we have now.
Slavery is wrong cause right's are objective concept's that are found in rational animal's so a slave has a right to life they cannot be taken or given.

The holocaust was wrong cause innocent jew's died and they also have a right to life it is not suddenly right to kill kike's cause some kike's kill other people.

and religion is self evident really
Yeah horse shit. Tell that to ants.

Another Jewish shoah. No thank you. I'll stick with Islam in this one (kill them wherever you find them). The day the word goy is erased from the Talmud is the day I'll trust Israel and actually fight with them against Arab degeneracy
@ryhan I believe wizchan is a better place for you, they are exactly like you (trying to become non-human)
Good luck trying to end humanity, I also give good luck for trying to end humanity's shitty mentality.
Yeah horse shit. Tell that to ants.

Another Jewish shoah. No thank you. I'll stick with Islam in this one (kill them wherever you find them). The day the word goy is erased from the Talmud is the day I'll trust Israel and actually fight with them against Arab degeneracy

Dude i fucking dare you to say it to the jew's the thing is i'm honest i admit i'm selfish i admit i hate certain race's including my own however I will never out right claim slavery wasn't wrong and i'm not even black but i can realize when something is immoral especially slavery the idea you have a right to own another human being for superficial differences is the equivalent of hating a brown eyed person cause he was born brown eyed sorry but race is biological truth but the difference is so minor 1 could say it is dishonest to support any real difference if i was to cut you would bleed red you evolved from the same ape's as myself logically speaking you are just as much a human rather than the dishonest egalitarian way of saying were inherently the same wrong wrong their is difference however their the difference is superficial it's more aesthetics than anything else.

Also to call me a kike is a great dishonest statement i have advocated bombing isreal before to call me a kike when i hate kikes is the eqivalent of a kkk member calling a fellow white man a nigger just cause they don't go as extreme.

Last point i would rather be dead than stick with kiked religion who do you think created altruism ? have you read maimondes have you read the talmud or the torah cause i have and you guy's exaggerate a lot of it but it is very much so altruistic the same die for your nation and god your a collection of your ancestor's bullshit yeah yeah we get it it's tiring and repetitive

Dude i don't browse reddit reddit is for kike's i am advocating against the very same system these kike's created and your falling for their system hook line and sinker
@ryhan I believe wizchan is a better place for you, they are exactly like you (trying to become non-human)

Dude your projecting hard here the kike's are the ones that promote tribalism just shill for big brother goyim
didnt read

It is what it is your life not mine
i am advocating against the very same system these kike's created and your falling for their system hook line and sinker
I hear ya. Majority of humans are animal like and cannot even begin to fathom Natural Law. There is clear objective difference between right and wrong that can be rationally understood by a species with high enough self awareness, but since humans are a dumbed down wanna be animal species that denies Natural Law as a collective (in favor of moral relativism) we live in full blown slavery which will continue to get worse. Rightfully so.

Natural law = do no harm, but take no shit. If deadly force if ever needed to defend one self it's 100% justified no matter the laws set in place by the current slavemasters.

If the masses understood Natural Law the pieces of shit that are claiming OWNERSHIP over YOU would be purged over night.

Oh well....... The masses will never learn, they're too busy trying to catch cheese on their rat wheels. Idiots. I hope to fucking god when i die there's more to this so i can get away from all you fucking deluded animals, FUCK YOU ALL. I demand to be allowed to live in peace, free, without statist motherfuckers bothering me! I hate humanity SO FUCKING MUCH. What a waste, fucking apes.
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I hear ya. Majority of humans are animal like and cannot even begin to fathom Natural Law. There is clear objective difference between right and wrong that can be rationally understood by a species with high enough self awareness, but since humans are a dumbed down wanna be animal species that denies Natural Law as a collective (in favor of moral relativism) we live in full blown slavery which will continue to get worse. Rightfully so.

Natural law = do no harm, but take no shit. If deadly force if ever needed to defend one self it's 100% justified no matter the laws set in place by the current slavemasters.

If the masses understood Natural Law the pieces of shit that are claiming OWNERSHIP over YOU would be purged over night.

Oh well....... The masses will never learn, they're too busy trying to catch cheese on their rat wheels. Idiots. I hope to fucking god when i die there's more to this so i can get away from all you fucking deluded animals, FUCK YOU ALL. I demand to be allowed to live in peace, free, without statist motherfuckers bothering me! I hate humanity SO FUCKING MUCH. What a waste, fucking apes.

Exactly most if not all people here deny free will deny objective good and evil and they see themselves as their ancestor's rather than themselves they all literally proved it racism all cancer's spawn from the denial of free will like the I.Q argument say that is true okay i grant that on it's face value okay white's are smarter but does that mean 1 evolved to be smarter no 1 got a better chance at reason it's no coincidence that countries that follow statism religion the idea's that right's come from government it is no coincidence at all that these happen to be the pooerer ones the dumber ones not cause of genetic's but idea's i take a radical view no other side take's that idea's and reason form's a man not his biological or cultural upbringing it's his own action's and the own action of the individual the changes thing's

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