All pigs deserve ambush killing. They enforce retarded laws and are often assholes and idiots.
I got a $59 ticket for doing a trick on my bicycle when I stand on the seat and handlebars. He said "I could fall in the street or fall on my head and he'd have to call an ambulance." He then told me I needed a helmet and when I told him I was 18 (implying I didn't need a helmet) he was like "no you're not," so I showed him my id and then he started asking me about my backpack and where I was coming from and saying that it looked full even though it was nearly empty and implying that I stole stuff. He asked to search it and I declined and he wrote me the ticket right after citing a statute I looked up as vaguely relating to what I did (chalked up to "you have to ride your bike properly, no fun! Big Brother is watching you") although he never stated this and didn't even seem confident in what he was doing. I told him "that's a dick move" and he just agreed with me and I left. I hope he get ambush killed by a pack of wild niggers. I wanted to fight the ticket but reddit were assholes when I asked them how and I couldn't make my own way to court so I'd have to get a ride from my mother who never fought a ticket and didn't know anything about that so she just paid it.