Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Fuck all the racists

This whole forum is owned by a nigger, and modded by another nigger.

Also dnr GrAYfag.

Also fuck all the mods for giving 2024 200post faggots name color styles and funny name changes while trucel 2020cels like me rot in here.

90% of fuckface retards on this site are normie-tier mentally and deserve what happens to them. I just with it happened to more normies.
The KKK is based because they opposed Christianity and gender equality but hating people because they look different is stupid
>KKK opposed Christianity
They WERE Christians, stupid. And they had it out for niggers because the niggers were destroying everything around them after the Civil War.
I'll make it clear that I'm not going to respond to the shitstorm that this comment session is going to be, go fuck yourselves. It's no wonder that the incel community gets a bad reputation in the eyes of the people, this type of behavior should be intolerable. These spaces should serve as a save support group for lonely men in a society that isolates and criticizes us, not be a hate community or something like that. I personally have other disagreements with some topics and subjects that I see in this forum, but for now I'll just say that racism should be a reason for banning

Millions must be racist and post racebait.

Chud mosley
I'll make it clear that I'm not going to respond to the shitstorm that this comment session is going to be, go fuck yourselves. It's no wonder that the incel community gets a bad reputation in the eyes of the people, this type of behavior should be intolerable. These spaces should serve as a save support group for lonely men in a society that isolates and criticizes us, not be a hate community or something like that. I personally have other disagreements with some topics and subjects that I see in this forum, but for now I'll just say that racism should be a reason for banning
Whatever makes you happy, nigger.
I'll make it clear that I'm not going to respond to the shitstorm that this comment session is going to be, go fuck yourselves. It's no wonder that the incel community gets a bad reputation in the eyes of the people, this type of behavior should be intolerable. These spaces should serve as a save support group for lonely men in a society that isolates and criticizes us, not be a hate community or something like that. I personally have other disagreements with some topics and subjects that I see in this forum, but for now I'll just say that racism should be a reason for banning
No one cares, you are mentally weak
>KKK opposed Christianity
They WERE Christians, stupid. And they had it out for niggers because the niggers were destroying everything around them after the Civil War.
They were anti-catholic, I assumed they were also anti- Christian, my bad
They were anti-catholic, I assumed they were also anti- Christian, my bad
Yeah they were Anti-Catholic, but they were more focused on Protestant Christianity.
Since when do GrAYs come in this forum demanding shit fuck off Nigger
Lol "muh reputation". How did that work out when you had subreddits with strict rules on racism? It didn't? The normies still didn't accept ya? "If we just cuck on our views a bit more maybe people will start caring and then and then... reputation".

Literally who gives a fuck about our reputation dude, you're an unfuckable male hated by society, the one upside that gives us is that we don't have to participate in this normie cucked mating ritual where we pretend to agree with all the current things in the hopes of getting in some obnoxious brainwashed liberal foids good graces.

Also starting off a post saying "i'm not gonna respond to anyone" is very single child gay behavior.
I'll make it clear that I'm not going to respond to the shitstorm that this comment session is going to be, go fuck yourselves. It's no wonder that the incel community gets a bad reputation in the eyes of the people, this type of behavior should be intolerable. These spaces should serve as a save support group for lonely men in a society that isolates and criticizes us, not be a hate community or something like that. I personally have other disagreements with some topics and subjects that I see in this forum, but for now I'll just say that racism should be a reason for banning
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that
A lot of the white nationalists here are annoying to deal with
Take a load of this retardation @DarkStar
Most soy thing I've read in ages.
I heard autism makes us more obsessed with race
Correct, because guys such as ourselves notice patterns.
White people will be replaced by ethnics, nothing you can do about it
Except it affects my life, because most non-Whites are lower-trust, contribute less, have higher crime, etc.
The KKK is based because they opposed Christianity and gender equality but hating people because they look different is stupid
Jfl KKK was Protestant, just anti-Catholic which was based.

And no, I don't "hate" people because they look different, I just notice patterns in behavior.
Racism is stupid
Racism is just noticing patterns, that's all it is

It's a meaningless epithet flung around nowadays
This whole forum is owned by a nigger, and modded by another nigger.
I have no hate towards anyone here based on race, mine is just directed at the average shitskin I'm forced to put up with daily.
Also dnr GrAYfag.

Also fuck all the mods for giving 2024 200post faggots name color styles and funny name changes while trucel 2020cels like me rot in here.
I feel bad for you pre-2021cels, must be brutal seeing so many leave & move-on

One day, I have a feeling I will be in your shoes,
90% of fuckface retards on this site are normie-tier mentally and deserve what happens to them. I just with it happened to more normies.
Most people here are just mentally ill mainly.
Racism is cope
Racism=noticing correlations

It's also a blanket statement
Im a race realist
Based racial-realism enjoyer.
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that
A lot of the white nationalists here are annoying to deal with
Sorry, I just have found non-whites harder to deal with & see the issues all this multicultural/racial bullcrap brings.

A lot of stuff is just shitposting & memes, don't take it too seriously.
It's an incel forum that has true free speech. What the fuck did you think it was going to be like? JFL @ this retard.
*Profile picture died in nigger gang bang violence.
As another user pointed out, he also broke up with a foid because she was White
It's an incel forum that has true free speech. What the fuck did you think it was going to be like? JFL @ this retard.
He can't apply nuanced thinking
He can't apply nuanced thinking
I don't understand why these fucking snowflakes are even bothered by this shit.

I don't get mad when @lifefuel is racist against White people. Sometimes we even have a constructive dialogue.
I have no hate towards anyone here based on race, mine is just directed at the average shitskin I'm forced to put up with daily.

I feel bad for you pre-2021cels, must be brutal seeing so many leave & move-on

One day, I have a feeling I will be in your shoes,

Most people here are just mentally ill mainly.

Racism=noticing correlations

It's also a blanket statement

Based racial-realism enjoyer.

Sorry, I just have found non-whites harder to deal with & see the issues all this multicultural/racial bullcrap brings.

A lot of stuff is just shitposting & memes, don't take it too seriously.
You don't actually care about niggers being destructive to society because you were never really a part of it either. The sole reason why you're a Nazi is because your skintone is really the only thing you could ever claim superiority over others with. Nationalism Is Cope
You don't actually care about niggers being destructive to society because you were never really a part of it either.
I do, because I live in it so im still impacted by it. Therefore, i’m apart of it albeit at the bottom

IMG 8860

The sole reason why you're a Nazi is because your skintone is really the only thing you could ever claim superiority over others with. Nationalism Is Cope
No it’s not jfl, i’m not even a “Nazi” i’m just a “white nationalist” because i want to live in a homogenous society which is safer

Literal SJW-tier argument
I think give them their own anarchy section like the sewers, but forbid racism everywhere else. The section shouldn't be publicly visible. Let them still post everywhere else, but keep racism in the anarchy section.

I came here to vent about being lonely, not to hate.
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I'll make it clear that I'm not going to respond to the shitstorm that this comment session is going to be, go fuck yourselves. It's no wonder that the incel community gets a bad reputation in the eyes of the people, this type of behavior should be intolerable. These spaces should serve as a save support group for lonely men in a society that isolates and criticizes us, not be a hate community or something like that. I personally have other disagreements with some topics and subjects that I see in this forum, but for now I'll just say that racism should be a reason for banning
Kys nigger

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