Women DESPISE beta behavior, autistic behavior, any behavior that shows that you are defective as a man. The ONLY person who can get away with such behavior is Chad, because his looks completely override everything else. This is precisely why so many "nice guys" (incels) exist. If you are a good guy and not a scumbag, you're probably going to be incel for a long time. If you are not willing to beat your bitch up, spit on her, slap her, practically borderline rape her whenever you have sex with her, she will be repulsed by you and eventually cuck you. I've seen it happen time and time again. Degenerate, subhuman thugs who keep women precisely because they treat them like they are just a hole to fuck.
Shit on nice guys as much as you want, but they essentially tell the truth. If you were to clone two people with the exact same looks, the bitch would go for the guy who treats her bad, who treats her like she is "nothing special," EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Even if you don't agree with me, we can all agree on one thing; bitches are mentally ill.