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From The Last Messiah To Monoteism



The Knight Of The Swords
Oct 1, 2018
In Peter zapffe's "The Last Messahiah" we witness the drammatic collision between consciousness and being.
Consciousness witnesses absolute
meaningless and futility of being.

"Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker".

What consciousness witnesses in a being is the total lack of meaning. Therefore consciosness points at the void in a being left by lacking meaning that consciosness witnesses as the wound "as a breach in the very unity of life"( P.Zapffe).

Zapffe calls it a paradox, thinking that consciousness had appeared from nature like a flower from the soil only to be left alone contemplating cold indifferent and meaningless cosmos around.

Consciousness is transcendental. Meaning of consciousness can not be revealed through scientific explanation of its essence because consciousness can not be at one with object of its perseption ( consciousness percieves its object but never itself) nor meaning of highly developed conciousness can be explained from the point of view of evolutional adaptation because consciousness is maladaptive in its advanced phase as it is shown in the Zapffe's work. But Zapffe thinks that nature simply" overshot its target" by creating susplus of consciousness.

Consciosness has nostalgy for realm of meaning that is not present here where we exist. And we can not even imagine meaningfull existence because even the happiest existence is "malignantly useless" as T.Ligotti points out. Eternal realm of happiness would be as meaningless as existence of animals of short life span who live in piecfull ignorance and therefore knows not death but only furtive presence of effemeral sensation.

Therefore the possible realm of meaning never can be present in a being , wich means that meaning can be thought as something that transcends to the realm of unknown , of wich we have only nostalgy, but that we can not even imagine.

Perhapse the good example of our situation can be well illustrated by mirror test with animals, lions for example. Lions aproach to a mirror and see their reflection. They start to search reflected lions behind the mirror, but find nothing. They understand that something odd is happening but they dont know what exaclty is going on. Probably the same is going on with our consciousness witnessing a being; we percieve some breach in our existence, we witness a paradox, the gap between a being and consciousness but we dont see clearly the source of it. Probably there is something that avoids our comprehantion. Some invisible "mirror" that stand before us.

But the logical consequencess are clear , the only one possible meaning of our existence can be given in pursuit of the treshhold , - the perception of the void right inside of a being left by something that is not here, but somewhere else, in the realm of transcendence. This is something of whose abscence we were given capacity to crave for. As Thomas Ligortti put it " The only value of this world lay in its power - at certain times - to suggest another world".

And this is not a speculation, this is reality that we face everyday, ontologicaly we crave for something that is not of this world. We have only this wound in our consciousness, that desperately returns to the treshhold of the ultimate revelation. A human ontologicaly, by virtue of consciousness, desires meaning that is out of the world, and that can not even be imagined, or given in intuition.

In order to sattiate this craving comes the revelation of moniteism, that subordinate people in the act of submituion to forse of wich we have no any clue. In a monoteism this forse is unimaginable, the forse is out of even any intutuion, it is not present here in any possible form, but it is present as the wound in our consciousness.

The meaning of monoteism is to mobilze human existence around of this treshhold, to reorginize all human resourses , moral and societal, around the spot of transcendence, for gathering an army against earthly existence, and those who propagate earthly values of meaningless unjust and ugly world of being that exploits and sucks, that belongs to the totality of being that moniteism calls Eblis or Satan.

Before people understood meaning of revelation of moniteism intutively , but now we can witness what the meaning of revelation of monoteistic religions has always been.

Now we see from the point of conseptual view that revelation as the presence of the transcendental treshold is what is the necessary for human nature. This is the root of our existence. And this voice of transcendence demands complete rebuilding of all the society, all the way of life in evert aspect around the spot of transcendental treshhold in order to prepare destruction of all life on Earth as the realisation of eschatological intention of monoteism.
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In Peter zapffe's "The Last Messahiah" we witness the drammatic collision between consciousness and being.
Consciousness witnesses absolute
meaningless and futility of being.

"Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker".

What consciousness witnesses in a being is the total lack of meaning. Therefore consciosness points at the void in a being left by lacking meaning that consciosness witnesses as the wound "as a breach in the very unity of life"( P.Zapffe).

Zapffe calls it a paradox, thinking that consciousness had appeared from nature like a flower from the soil only to be left alone contemplating cold indifferent and meaningless cosmos around.

Consciousness is transcendental. Meaning of consciousness can not be revealed trough scientific explanation of its essence because consciousness can not be at one with object of its perseption ( consciousness percieves its object but never itself) nor meaning of highly developed conciousness can be explained from the point of view of evolutional adaptation because consciousness is maladaptive in its advanced phase as it is shown in the Zapffe's work. But Zapffe thinks that nature simply" overshot its target" by creating susplus of consciousness.

Consciosness has nostalgy for realm of meaning that is not present here where we exist. And we can not even imagine meaningfull existence because even the happiest existence is "malignantly useless" as T.Ligotti points out. Eternal realm of happiness would be as meaningless as existence of animals of short life span who live in piecfull ignorance and therefore knows not death but only furtive presence of effemeral sensation.

Therefore the possible realm of meaning never can be present in a being , wich means that meaning can be thought as something that transcends to the realm of unknown , of wich we have only nostalgy, but that we can not even imagine.

Perhapse the good example of our situation can be well illustrated by mirror test with animals, lions for example. Lions aproach to a mirror and see their reflection. They start to search reflected lions behind the mirror, but find nothing. They understand that something odd is happening but they dont know what exaclty is going on. Probably the same is going on with our consciousness witnessing a being; we percieve some breach in our existence, we witness a paradox, the gap between a being and consciousness but we dont see clearly the source of it. Probably there is something that avoids our comprehantion. Some invisible "mirror" that stand before us.

But the logical consequencess are clear , the only one possible meaning of our existence can be giving in pursuit of the treshhold , - the perception of the void right inside of a being left by something that is not here, but somewhere else, in the realm of transcendence. This is something of whose abscence we were given capacity to crave for. As Thomas Ligortti put it " The only value of this world lay in its power - at certain times - to suggest another world".

And this is not a speculation, this is reality that we face everyday, ontologicaly we crave for something that is not of this world. We have only this wound in our consciousness, that desperately returns to the treshhold of the ultimate revelation. A human ontologicaly, by virtue of consciousness, desires meaning that is out of the world, and that can not even be imagined, or given in intuition.

In order to sattiate this craving comes the revelation of moniteism, that subordinate people in the act of submituion to forse of wich we have no any clue. In a monoteism this forse is unimaginable, the forse is out of even any intutuion, it is not present here in any possible form, but it is present as the wound in our consciousness.

The meaning of monoteism is to mobilze human existence around of this treshhold, to reorginize all human resourses , moral and societal, around the spot of transcendence, for gathering an army against earthly existence, and those who propagate earthly values of meaningless unjust and ugly world of being that exploits and sucks, that belongs to the totality of being that moniteism calls Eblis or Satan.

Before people understood meaning of revelation of moniteism intutively , but now we can witness what the meaning of revelation of monoteistic religions has always been.

Now we see from the point of conseptual view that revelation as the presence of the transcendental treshold is what is the necessary for human nature. This is the root of our existence. And this voice of transcendence demands complete rebuilding of all the society, all the way of life in evert aspect around the spot of transcendental treshhold in order to prepare destruction of all life on Earth as the realisation of eschatological intention of monoteism.

This sounds really fucking based are you an idealist ? of any kind or a dualist i tend to go more towards dualism their seems to be something spirtual about our consciousness
Now we see from the point of conseptual view that revelation as the presence of the transcendental treshold is what is the necessary for human nature. This is the root of our existence. And this voice of transcendence demands complete rebuilding of all the society, all the way of life in evert aspect around the spot of transcendental treshhold in order to prepare destruction of all life on Earth as the realisation of eschatological intention of monoteism.

this tbh
This sounds really fucking based are you an idealist ? of any kind or a dualist i tend to go more towards dualism their seems to be something spirtual about our consciousness
I would call myself neo idealist. And neo idealism means philosophical conceptualisation of revelation of monotheistic religions and total reformation of society in accordance to project of neo idealism.

Could you break that down to something which is understandable from what i got from it he is implying consciousness is transcendental and that the central thesis of monotheism is eschatology
I would call myself neo idealist. And neo idealism means philosophical conceptualisation of revelation of monotheistic religions and total reformation of society in accordance to project of neo idealism.

Ahhhhhhh right neo idealism sounds cool is it inherently monotheistic if so count me in i can't stand polythiesm of any variant
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Could you break that down to something which is understandable from what i got from it he is implying consciousness is transcendental and that the central thesis of monotheism is eschatology

What i got from this is that religion is tied to humanity
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Good coping, tho
Could you break that down to something which is understandable from what i got from it he is implying consciousness is transcendental and that the central thesis of monotheism is eschatology
I did not say that central thesis of monoteusm is eschatology. Eschatology is just the final chapter of the plot of human history from the point of view of monoteism.

The central idea is to serve to transcendental treshold, to great unknown X that monotesm calls God. Here i tried to show how this presence of X appears in human consciousness by leaving the trace of its absence.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Good coping, tho
Im sorry to dissapoint you but it happens right now. We now have many guys with such ideas. Im just a messanger.
Sounds like existential euro bullshit. The blackpill invalidates all of this collective consciousness psuedo religous cope. We're just collections of minerals and water floating on a rock. There's nothing deeper.
Sounds like existential eur o bullshit. The blackpill invalidates all of this collective consciousness psuedo religous cope. We're just collections of minerals and water floating on a rock. There's nothing deeper.
Yeas, you are minerals and your place is underground.
Consciousness is transcendental. Meaning of consciousness can not be revealed through scientific explanation of its essence because consciousness can not be at one with object of its perseption ( consciousness percieves its object but never itself) nor meaning of highly developed conciousness can be explained from the point of view of evolutional adaptation because consciousness is maladaptive in its advanced phase as it is shown in the Zapffe's work.
Yes exactly, it seems so obvious now, but it's amazing how many people just don't seem to fully grasp this. Consciousness is reality rather than simply being part of it, not the other way around.
Yes exactly, it seems so obvious now, but it's amazing how many people just don't seem to fully grasp this. Consciousness is reality rather than simply being part of it, not the other way around.
Yeas, the most obvious things are hard to notice. Consciousness witnesses objects by not being them. If percieved being and consciousness were the same then consciousness would never transcend from itself to being. Identification with being is the death of consciousness.
But there is more to it. Consciousness longs for something that is not here in being.
This ontological voice of transcendence is the cornerstone of human being. The very essence of our existence is purely idealistic, purely transcendent. The most real and imortant aspect of our existence is what is not present in it. And this can be given only by revelation wich witnesses not presence of the most important but the lack of it.
But there is more to it. Consciousness longs for something that is not here in being.
This ontological voice of transcendence is the cornerstone of human being. The very essence of our existence is purely idealistic, purely transcendent. The most real and imortant aspect of our existence is what is not present in it. And this can be given only by revelation wich witnesses not presence of the most important but the lack of it.
I agree, rather I'd say that acknowledging the aforementioned absence is the only important part of our existence, the only thing that could possibly matter. As you already were getting at, everything else in our lives, every pursuit, every activity, and every desire is entirely futile, at best you'll only get back to where you started before the imposition of "want", of need. It's all pointless, and we'd all be better off if none of this was imposed upon us in the first place.

Getting back to your main point, I think I know what you mean, as I've had a similar realization. I've been overcome by the feeling off loss, or perhaps the feeling of being trapped. It's as if I shouldn't be in this body, that everything I've ever done in life has been meaningless, and I keep finding myself attempting to remember something, obsessed with it really, but I can't seem to figure out what it is. This is difficult to describe with language, as I'm not sure that there are words for what it is that I'm trying to say. Can I retrieve something which was never there, the nature of which I don't know, and which can only be known by it's absence? It's maddening.
I agree, rather I'd say that acknowledging the aforementioned absence is the only important part of our existence, the only thing that could possibly matter. As you already were getting at, everything else in our lives, every pursuit, every activity, and every desire is entirely futile, at best you'll only get back to where you started before the imposition of "want", of need. It's all pointless, and we'd all be better off if none of this was imposed upon us in the first place.

Getting back to your main point, I think I know what you mean, as I've had a similar realization. I've been overcome by the feeling off loss, or perhaps the feeling of being trapped. It's as if I shouldn't be in this body, that everything I've ever done in life has been meaningless, and I keep finding myself attempting to remember something, obsessed with it really, but I can't seem to figure out what it is. This is difficult to describe with language, as I'm not sure that there are words for what it is that I'm trying to say. Can I retrieve something which was never there, the nature of which I don't know, and which can only be known by it's absence? It's maddening.
Me too. Ive been living with the sense of ontological homlesness all my life. But im afraid that there is only absence of what we crave for. The thirst of unknown nature.
But the absence is what makes us human. Without it we would have been happy with simply animal being not needing consciosness at all, like foxes or bears.
The consciousness presents this transcendental treshold that somehow conects us to the most important that is not present. Something beautifull was taken away from our sight, simething wich is hidden. This longing has inspired people to pursue the goal of higher plane . All those quests of Holy Grail, all our idealism and searches for the trurh. But it is not present and can not be present in our realm, it can not be even constructed by imagination, it is always outside. But the meaning of our lives can be only this ; pursuit of this treshold, worship of it, and silent longing for it, all human activities have to be built around this closed door.
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too long bro, didnt read

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