I always find it difficult to explain exactly what I mean when discussing this issue, but I'll set some things down regardless. Everything is ultimately "involuntary". All behavior is unavoidably deterministic, even if you want to dismiss molecular-level causality as underlying everything. Action and thought are no more "chosen" than looks are. How can anyone be actually be said to be "responsible" for anything? Did you choose to have high or low inhibition? Why does one person make choices better for themselves and another not? What innate qualities determine the kind of choice you will make? There is genotype and there is environment. You are born with something or it is produced within you in a kind of environmental dialectic: your surroundings change you, changing how you respond to your surroundings.
We are all automata, but one cannot live one's life with this idea hanging over them. It is necessary to ascribe blame, to develop an idea of "right", to assert yourself over others. Though you are a machine, it is better to run than break.