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Serious Free tarot reading

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The cavalier de deniers represents you on an adventure
@PointOfNoReturn OK, the first card says you will eventually get pussy. The reversed reyne d'epee is bad experiences you had with hoes. The valet de coupe is you either now or in the past. The card represents someone who naive about pussy. The reversed 8 of wands are more bad experiences. The cavalier de deniers is you grown up. You have learned that you can get Arab schizophrenia pussy using magick, and your now on a pussy seeking adventure. Your too low inhib, so you hesitate at first, as represented by the 2 of wands reversed. You ultimately drown in pussy after using love magick as represented by the 9 of cups, or 9 wet pussies.
@PointOfNoReturn OK, the first card says you will eventually get pussy. The reversed reyne d'epee is bad experiences you had with hoes. The valet de coupe is you either now or in the past. The card represents someone who naive about pussy. The reversed 8 of wands are more bad experiences. The cavalier de deniers is you grown up.
You have learned that you can get Arab schizophrenia pussy using magick,
:ahegao::ahegao::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: @GriffithIsInnocent schizo Arab pussy :owo::owo:
and your now on a pussy seeking adventure. Your too low inhib, so you hesitate at first, as represented by the 2 of wands reversed. You ultimately drown in pussy after using love magick as represented by the 9 of cups, or 9 wet pussies.
Based, I will always seek pussy(((video game)))
Give me my tarot plz
Give me my tarot plz
324px Benito Mussolini colored

Benito Mussolini
I drew this card for you. It means you will get murdered by a nigger today when you least expect it
@RobTenekin I'll put you on the list, and do your reading tomorrow
@Intellau_Celistic I can do your reading. Please ask me a question?
The first card I draw is the 8 of wands
The next card I draw is the 4 of cups
The third card I draw is the 10 of pentacles
I draw reyne de coupe reversed
@PointOfNoReturn @Betrayed you guys both have interesting spreads
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Eight of Wands Meaning - Tarot
The Eight of Wands Tarot Card Description
The Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as if they are suspended in the air. Some may look at them as wands that are blossoming that are traveling at a maximum speed. The background where they travel through is a clear sky which represents that there is likely nothing that will stand in the way of these making it to their destination. It shows a majestic landscape with a river that is streaming, the water breathing life to the image. The wands also appear like they are about to land, which signals the end of a long journey.

Upright Eight of Wands Meaning
The image depicted by the Eight of Wands means that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yet steady positive growth. The Eight of Wands meaning may also pertain to your work. There is a chance that the decision that you are waiting for will come your way soon. You need to be patient and just wait for it.

Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yet steady positive growth.
Career Meaning - Upright 8 of Wands
The eight of wands represents rapid movement forward. Applied to your career, this principle can mean rapid movement in the literal or figurative sense. Physically, this card can sometimes indicate that you are about to take a business trip. If that is not the case, it is likely a more broad feeling you have towards the progress you are making at work. You might feel like you are growing rapidly in your career. This is a positive sensation for you right now. It is like you are bursting out from your shell and are finally able to make the impact you desire. This advancement is exciting and invigorating. Go forth with confidence that you will continue to surpass expectations.

Finances Meaning - Upright 8 of Wands
The speed associated with the eight of wands applies to your money in this position. It could seem like money is out of your hands as quickly as it came into them. This tendency is not inherently good or bad. Your ability to prosper at this time depends on your ability to remember just how much came in and how much went out. While it is particularly tempting right now, be warned against impulsive spending if you see this card here. The old adage “easy come, easy go” might merit repeating for the next little while.
Upright Four of Cups Meaning
The Four of Cups tend to appear when you are feeling discouraged and unmotivated. You may feel as if there is no solution or way forward in your situation. Life has become stagnant, and nothing seems to make you happy or passionate. You are feeling apathetic - regardless of what happens, whether the day is good or bad, none of it matters to you. The Four of Cups commands a self-evaluation of your attitude so that you can pull yourself out of this rut. The solution is likely right in front of you, the hand is offering you a way out, but you release yourself out of your mental stubbornness and deploy new approach.
Career Meaning - Upright 4 of Cups
If you see the four of cups in a tarot reading about your career, you may feel distracted and distant at work. It might be hard to focus on the tasks at hand or get excited about projects. This boredom can also be impacting your mood negatively. You might feel down on yourself and thus find it even harder to be productive. None of this is aided by the overwhelming stagnation you probably feel. This stagnation might be the root of the issue. It can be hard to focus if you feel you are going nowhere. It may be helpful to take some time to detangle this issue; looking inward and knowing what makes you feel so unhappy and doing something about this can help you make a change for the better.

Finances Meaning - Upright 4 of Cups
When it comes to your finances, the four of cups can signal that you may feel distracted. Are you so busy being jealous of what others have that you do not see what is in front of you? You may be constantly comparing your own situation with others, but this envy can be preventing you from appreciating what you already have. Being more grateful can also help you see better ways of bettering your financial situation, and be more comfortable when it comes to taking material risks. If you are so fixated on what you do not have, you may never notice the opportunities to actually achieve that which you envy. At times this card can also present as a general disillusionment with money, capitalism and financial systems in general.
Upright Ten of Pentacles Meaning
The Ten of Pentacles deals with permanence and satisfaction. The card shows that everything you have put your efforts into for a long time will pay off in the future. It suggests that everything will work out well in the end - for you have always kept the long term picture in view, choosing to take no shortcuts. Your legacy is sure to stand for quite a long time to come. This is a relief, for the path to get here has been filled with setbacks and challenges, making this point of the journey even sweeter

Career Meaning - Upright 10 of Pentacles
If you have a business, you are in the process of building something that is lasting. The 10 of Pentacles can also suggest something about a family business. If you’re not a business owner, worry not - the 10 of Pentacles also signals that your job and career track is one that is quite secure and can provide for you financially in the long term. This reliable job may be in a large, traditional company with a long history.

Finances Meaning - Upright 10 of Pentacles

A sudden windfall may be coming your way with the 10 of Pentacles. Since this card is related to family, it can likely come from a relative. The card can also mean that you are setting up your financial future. You may be putting together your retirement plan, building your savings, or even creating a will. In a general sense, this card signifies wealth and money that comes from family.
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The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
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The Moon Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
Moon Keywords
Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, unconscious fear, deception, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, clarity, understanding
Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning
The Moon Tarot Card Description
When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance. On either side of the path stand a wolf and a dog, representing our animalistic nature - one is civilized, and the other wild and feral. There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. In the distance, we can see two towers flanking the central path, once again alluding to the doubles visible in this card. Everything in this card seems to echo the other, as if to allude to two possibilities. When we walk down the path, we walk the fine line between conscious and unconscious, between the tamed side of civilization of the dog, and the forces of nature represented by the wolf.

The towers on the opposing ends represent the forces of good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can allude to the difficulties that we face in distinguishing between them.

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Upright Moon Meaning
On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.

The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.

You need to be aware of the situations that are causing fear and anxiety in your mind, whether it is now or in the future. It alerts you not to allow inner disturbances and self-deception to take the best of you. These deep memories and fears must be let go, and the negative energies must be released and turned into something constructive.

Another reading of the Moon card is the existence of illusion. Some hidden truth must be discovered, for what you are seeing now may just be a trick of the light. You must search for the hidden forces that must be unraveled.

Upright Love Meaning Upright Career Meaning Upright Finances Meaning
complicated romance, uncertainty about love or relationship uncertainty around career path, confusion at job, lack of information unclear around financial decisions, lacking financial knowledge
Upright Moon Tarot Love Meaning
With the Moon in a love tarot reading, it’s likely that emotions are complicated at this time. The environment can be one full of misunderstandings, and not everything is as it appears. You may need to do some work to get to the bottom of things; be sure to not only ensure the intentions of others, but also understand your own emotions, desires and motivations. There may be old attitudes, beliefs or ideas that are clouding your judgement. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. Are past relationships haunting you? Have you lost faith in love? Do you believe you are unworthy of love? All of these can have profound affects on how we approach relationships. Now is the time to examine them and reveal them as they truly are.

Career Meaning - Upright Moon
There may be some uncertainty when it comes to your career path right now. You may not have a clear understanding of what your goals are and which direction you should go towards. Alternatively, your workplace right now can be a tense atmosphere, one that comes from haziness and confusion about project goals, or what everyone should be doing. Misunderstandings can be rife right now, so make sure you express yourself clearly; it may be better to repeat yourself. By the same token, you may find that you don’t have all the information you need right now to make sound work decisions. Who can help shed some light on the facts?

Finances Meaning - Upright Moon
Right now may not be the best time to make any big financial decisions, as the Moon signals that the information available to you right now isn’t complete. If you are in the process of taking financial action, don’t be afraid to dig deep and ask questions, so you can make the best decision possible. Confusion and uncertainty around finances may be a problem at the moment.
Career Meaning - Reversed 8 of Cups
When the eight of cups is reversed, you may be finding it difficult, or even downright refusing to do walk away from something out of fear. You may feel that you are in an unfulfilling career, which you have the power to change. You can choose to either accept a role that offers you no emotional reward, creative outlet, or opportunity for growth, or make the necessary changes to look elsewhere. Do not be afraid of leaving something behind if it is no longer serving you. This task is true for those who own their own business as well. If you are holding on to your business or job out of a sense of duty or fear, now is the time to let go.

Finances Meaning - Reversed 8 of Cups
The reversed eight of cups signals that you may find it difficult to leave behind some of your financial security in pursuit of something better for you. You may be holding onto a job that does not serve you out of fear that you won’t find a better paying job elsewhere. This concern is valid, but bold decisions and risks are sometimes required. You’ll need to consider how much your happiness is truly worth. Set aside a little bit of time each day to look for openings that might meet your economic needs while also serving your emotional ones.
Career Meaning - Reversed Queen of Cups
When the queen of cups is reversed and appears in the context of your career, you may be dealing with some emotional issues at work. You may find that the projects you’re working on, or the environment you’re in is emotionally draining right now. Sometimes, the exhaustion that we feel comes from our own needs being unmet. Since the queen of cups can be so focused on the needs of others, it may be difficult for her to put her needs as a priority. Have you been so focused on making your colleagues, clients or your boss happy that you have neglected doing what makes you happy? Take the time to take care of your own emotional health for now.

Finances Meaning - Reversed Queen of Cups
When it comes to your financial situation, the reversed queen of cups can be a card to look towards your own emotional well-being and its relationship to your sense of financial security. If you’ve been spending compulsively, or indulging in a little retail therapy, this can be helpful in the short-term, as long as you are also addressing the root cause of your unhappiness. Beware too of overstretching yourself; your considerate and loving nature can mean that it’s easy for you to take care of others, even when you are low on resources yourself.
Upright Hermit Meaning
The Hermit is a seeker for the knowledge that comes from within. A lonely wanderer in the path of the night, he searches for that which can only be gained with long periods of solitude - the inner voice. To hear it, he must disconnect from the crowds whose voices and desires threaten to overcome his own. He walks through the dark night of his unconscious, guided only by the low light of the northern star, with his destination being his home, his self.

Career Meaning - Upright Hermit
You may be spending some much needed time thinking about what you want out of your career right now. You may feel as though the path you are treading at the moment is not really working for you, and there can be the sense of not being fulfilled. Right now, you are trying to understand what kind of work would give you joy on all levels. If you’ve been pursuing a career purely for money, or financial stability, these qualifications are no longer enough for you. You may be looking for a purpose, or at least something that gets you closer to who you want to be.

Finances Meaning - Upright Hermit
You may be coming to the realization that money doesn’t bring you happiness right now. This may be a time with less focus on material things, and more focus on trying to understand where you can truly find fulfillment.
@Betrayed the cups are literally holes with water in them, wet pussies. You may achieve your goals, but you won't get any pussy in the process as symbolized by the 8 upside down cups, or dry pussies. The hermit is you, he symbolizes coming to terms with living a life devoid of pussy.
@Truckzo please ask me a question
Hey, can you do a reading for me? I want to know if I'm doing okay in life, and what path I should take.
@NowItsSlimeTime I'm shuffling the cards

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