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Discussion Free speech and pro-rape viewpoints: Redditors prove yet again that they are constitutionally illiterate

Some Discordcel alerted me to the following CuckTears post from two weeks ago, where a few former .is members discussed rape and vigilantism on a separate forum.

First of all, let me say that JosefMengelecel is not someone I like. He was banned from .is several months ago, and rightly so. But the requirements of the First Amendment are crystal clear. The FBI cannot arrest him for writing this:

1a 4

Nevertheless, soycucks started screeching:


Oh, man. With every new post, their ignorance plumbs new depths.


Dissecting JosefMengelecel's speech

It's certainly a bizarre monologue. But JosefMengelecel never directed any person to commit illegal activity. Nor did he say that he was going to commit illegal activity. Depending on the specificity and context of said speech, the former would possibly be "incitement", the latter would possibly be a "true threat"; but his speech falls in neither category.

Rather, JosefMengelecel abstractly suggests that "rape should be properly legalized", and that rape victims and their "cuck[ed]" relatives should be "publicly tortured" should rapists be harmed. Here, he is merely engaging in political speech, expressing his viewpoint on a public policy issue. His viewpoint is that governments should not criminalize rape, but should instead protect the physical safety of rapists, and cruelly punish those who harm rapists.

Applying the First Amendment to JosefMengelecel's speech


JosefMengelecel's viewpoint is certainly unconventional. But the First and Fourteenth Amendments prevent the FBI from arresting him for expressing it. It is his fundamental right to express this viewpoint. This is not a legally contested issue; this has been clearly established for a few decades now.

Generally speaking, constitutional law classifies government actions regulating speech as either "content-neutral" regulations (i.e. the time, place, and manner of speech) or "content-based" regulations (i.e. what can and cannot be said). The latter is held to a higher degree of, or "strict", scrutiny. A subgroup of content-based regulation is viewpoint-based regulation, where the government discriminates against speakers based on the specific perspective of their speech.

Because, as the Supreme Court stated thusly, "Giving offense is a viewpoint," Matal v. Tam 137 S. Ct. 1744, 1763 (2017), the most important takeaway from case law addressing viewpoint-based regulation is that the First Amendment equally protects unpopular or even hateful speech as it protects socially desirable speech.

To say that the judiciary is extremely skeptical of viewpoint discrimination would be an understatement. Generally, the government is not allowed to "impose special prohibitions on those speakers who express views on disfavored subjects," R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377, 391 (1992). “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414 (1989) (Holding that the First Amendment protects the right to burn the U.S. flag.) "[W]e have indicated that in public debate our own citizens must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous speech in order to provide adequate breathing space to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment." Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network, 519 U.S. 357, 373 (1997) (Quoting Boos v. Barry, 485 U.S. 312, 322 (1988); internal quotations omitted).

Any reasonable person who understands First Amendment jurisprudence consequently recognizes that Josefmengelecel has every right to express his opinion that rape should be decriminalized; just as a Redditor has the same right to express its opinion that alleged rapists should be publicly executed without a trial. On a similar note, a meme that says "I support beating the shit out of pedophiles" is not entitled to greater constitutional protection compared to a hypothetical meme that says "I support beating the shit out of feminists." The unpopularity or offensiveness of the ideas being expressed is irrelevant.

"But what about social justice and m'lady?"


The most prevalent (yet unsound) argument proffered by normies on the question of "misogyny" is that:

P1) "Hateful" speech is harmful to femoids; and
P2) The government has a compelling interest to prevent harm;
C) Therefore, the FBI should suppress "hateful" speech and arrest you silly inkwells!

But the U.S. Constitution's answer is clear: No. The government is generally not permitted to redistribute the social costs of "harmful" speech from a listener to a speaker by punishing the speaker.

The FBI isn't a cabal of moral philosophers tasked to strike a normatively desirable balance between a misguided understanding of "social justice" and incels' civil liberties; they're a law enforcement agency tasked to enforce the law as it is written. And though the law excepts certain "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech" Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 571 (1942), from First Amendment protection, none of those categories applies to JosefMengelecel's political speech.

@Zensfy @-BrettyBoy- @Infinity @Fat Link @FrothySolutions @JoeBruhcel @trying to ascend @SlayerSlayer @Rhaast @ilieknothing @IncelHQ @Lycan @Steiner Ex Machina @Lv99_BixNood @Wellington @based_meme @Mecoja @Arthas93 @fast_curry @Misanthropy1 @ThoughtfulCel @MarquisDeSade @erenyeager
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#FoidsLivesDontMatter :foidSoy::banhammer:
Okay this one's real, IncelTears. But it's not a Dot IS post so our hands are clean.
No laws were broken in the post because he didn’t say that he was actually going to rape.
will read it later but i know the core argument of the post is correct
What makes you think a bunch of obese anarcho commie faggots care about the first amendment or even the law for that matter?
The only good thing jewmerica has is the first amendment, but in a few years it'll probably be removed or very restricted like they did with the second amendment.

If I put a pot plant next to your face and water it every day, will it grow?
Those cucks attacked my forum the other week over a single users post and tried to get us de-platformed so badly jfl, reddit soys are filled with nothing but emotion. The user wasn't even enticing or encouraging any violence but they still felt the urge to mass report my forum, thankfully their reports didn't do shit, and it won't ever do shit since there's no illegal act being incited or committed in the country where the site is hosted.
I personally don't agree with JosefMengelecel, but like, I'm just amazed at how little CuckTears users understand the law for a group of people who keep spamming the FBI Tip Line. I think more than any other social media platform, Reddit attracts the kind of people who pretend to know a lot when they in fact know absolutely nothing.
Thanks for the tag, buddy boyo.

The FBI isn't a cabal of moral philosophers tasked to strike a normatively desirable balance between a misguided understanding of "social justice" and incels' civil liberties; they're a law enforcement agency tasked to enforce the law as it is written. And though the law excepts certain "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech" Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 571 (1942), from First Amendment protection, none of those categories applies to JosefMengelecel's political speech.
FBIcels seething. :dab:
No laws were broken in the post because he didn’t say that he was actually going to rape.
Even if he says he was going to do it so what? Its just empty words on an internet forum behind anonymus profile. Not really an admission of guilt or proof of anything
ITcucks: Any unpopular opinion from an Incel = “Silly inkwell who needs to get flamed and tortured by the FBI but my speech is morally right because they’re incels”
Nigga one day im gonna be beyond fucked and im gonna need you as a lawyer.
Better call PPEcel :lul:
a lot of words to say
Another excellent thread from @PPEcel

JosefMengelecel did nothing wrong and he broke no laws :feelsjuice:
The only good thing jewmerica has is the first amendment, but in a few years it'll probably be removed or very restricted like they did with the second amendment.
Indeed, the First Amendment is probably the very best thing about the United States, because "[freedom of speech] is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom." Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319, 327 (1937)
They literally want America which is already a police state to Crack down even harder. These people are retarded
Indeed, they don't even understand the law of their own country. I constantly see reddit fags going on about how much they know about the law and the first amendment but the instant someone posts a controversial post that they don't agree with (even if the post itself isn't against the law), they lose all ability to think rationally and just spam the FBI, CIA, and Interpol tip line and hope that something happens.
Oh man, I just lose it when they mention Interpol :feelskek: because it shows that their knowledge of Interpol is from TV.

Interpol does not have any law enforcement powers, their tasks are administrative in nature. Wrote about this a while ago:

Thanks for the tag. I couldn't agree more.

The fact that these retards can't see the negative implications behind calling big daddy government to censor anything they don't like is fucking hilarious
Those cucks attacked my forum the other week over a single users post and tried to get us de-platformed so badly jfl, reddit soys are filled with nothing but emotion. The user wasn't even inciting or encouraging any violence but they still felt the urge to mass report my forum, thankfully their reports didn't do shit, and it won't ever do shit since there's no illegal act being incited or committed in the country where the site is hosted.
Emotion? No. They are pretty emotionless bland retarded cattle. They were trained like domesticated animals to react to certain trigger words with violence. Their Jewish masters have brainwashed their weak impressionable minds the day they consumed the media or entered the educational system.

Normie rabble are the Jewish golem. A minless blob, a mass of human filh joined together in a hive like a bunch of ants or other similary worthless life forms.
Thanks for the tag. I couldn't agree more.

The fact that these retards can't see the negative implications behind calling big daddy government to censor anything they don't like is fucking hilarious
That's because they're really not the brightest. As the ACLU pointed out, "If the government gets to decide which speech counts as hate speech, the powers that be may later feel free to censor any speech they don’t like." Soys are really not going to enjoy a future GOP administration if the 1A is curtailed.
Some Discordcel alerted me to the following CuckTears post from two weeks ago, where a few former .is members discussed rape and vigilantism on a separate forum.
This is entirely OT, but what's your opinion of the EDP situation? How is entrapment not a crime? Granted, this particular case wasn't instigated by the police but I've always found it disgusting how even if these men are pedophiles, they are punished or at least shamed for victimless crimes.
Oh man, I just lose it when they mention Interpol :feelskek: because it shows that their knowledge of Interpol is from TV.

Interpol does not have any law enforcement powers, their tasks are administrative in nature. Wrote about this a while ago:

Seeing as how people misunderstanding Interpol seems to tilt the fuck out of you, I'm just going ask this bluntly: Did you have an internship at Interpol?
In principle @PPEcel I agree with you that with freedom of speech people should be allowed to express or say anything they want so long as It doesn't harm anybody, however, with that being said we need some current context to describe the social-political environment we find ourselves in now. Ever since 9/11/2001 even within the United States the nation that supposedly prides itself on freedom of speech it has been a heavily contested issue for the last twenty-one years something with which you members who don't live in the United States are probably not acquainted.

In the past, there have been individuals who have wished harm on presidents without being specific or directed at implicitly where a few days later have the F.B.I. knocking on their doors to detain them for questioning and in some cases charged with making violent threats despite not naming who they wish harm on and even out of non-serious humorous joking.

In the past, there have been Muslim imams or clerics residing in the United States saying death to America and wishing harm on the United States under the faith of Allah where once again law enforcement knock on their doors detaining them.

Another example would be anti-abortionists publicly saying that they wish for an abortion clinic to explode or be set on fire where once again law enforcement came in detaining them for making terroristic threats even though they said nothing about carrying out an attack themselves where they were merely expressing sentiments of disgust. Ever since 9/11/2001 you basically have the elite power structure in an environment of fear, their collective fear, where through the mass digital surveillance state they have made many forms of what used to be freedom of speech criminal to the point of transforming it to seditious language under law, a structure of law that more and more every single year becomes completely detached from the original constitutional declaration or bill of rights upon the United States historical founding. And while the majority of incels who talk about violence, rape, pedophilic relationships out of frustrations or mental angst have no intention of doing any of those activities themselves it only takes a few incels to indulge in such activities to paint the majority of us with a negative brush which has basically already happened in the last three years with various governments describing incels or inceldom as domestic terrorism which is why all the glow niggas have been watching us carefully the last five to six years. The goal of organizations like Plebbit's IT is to make a majority if not all incels look like terrorists because the Marxists or communists under its ranks would love nothing more than to see all incel cyber places of meeting throughout the internet de-platformed and to eventually make any criticizing or saying anything disparaging about women illegal entirely. That is their ambition and goal where in the last few years they have in their activism made it where we are roughly classified as domestic terrorists even though a majority of us have no such aspirations ourselves.

There are no easy answers to any of this since we now live in a global social-political environment of fear, virtue signaling, resentment, anger, and outrage. We can try to make amends toning down some of our rhetoric which I and some others do support, but even with that, they'll never stop their relentless coordinated attacks against us, even more, troubling it is obviously clear that the elites obviously support the ideological framework of our opponents making it hard for us to merely exist at all. Then of course, since the elites obviously support our opponents when they use equal violent inflammatory language it goes completely ignored or unpunished because of the various powers backing them.

I fear the day is coming where freedom of speech will either someday be seen as a past historical relic or merely some symbolic reference that no longer has any power under the law and over the last twenty years I have witnessed this become reality more and more everywhere. And while people or individuals like to think they have protected rights that are binding under the law in an official court setting my interpretation of the world anymore is that might is right where governments have a monopoly on violence where everything is enforced under a barrel of a gun to which what the government giveth the government in many multiple cases also taketh away. :feelsjuice:
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The first amendment is the greatest law in the world, I wish we had it here
IT cucks problems are not my problems, I encourage them to seethe even harder :feelshmm:
100% agree, based thred:smonk:
The 1A meant exactly for those unconventional opinions.
Seeing as how people misunderstanding Interpol seems to tilt the fuck out of you, I'm just going ask this bluntly: Did you have an internship at Interpol?
I don't care for that particular opinion, either, but I'll support his right to say it. Learning about the overton window has really helped me contextualize these kinds of attacks on the 1st amendment. It's annoying when someone from a different political persuasion offers their opinion, but if that opinion falls outside of the range of normal discourse, it can be downright enraging. Hence, Trump, and that whole shitshow. He had quite a few opinions that were outside of the window.

I do think it's tricky to strike a balance between learning to tolerate opinions you don't agree with while also actually giving a shit about anything at all. Either way, what's really easy is to realize that you can't call the laws on just anybody because they did something they didn't like. That's like the peak of privileged existence, to just assume that the State will back your every whim. I've always said that ITcucks lack life perspective, and there's just another drop in an already-full bucket.
Based attorneycel:bigbrain:
Yes, this also. This is how 1A works, even if I personally don't like this specific sentence.
Glad to see you're being consistent.
Thanks for the tag. I couldn't agree more.

The fact that these retards can't see the negative implications behind calling big daddy government to censor anything they don't like is fucking hilarious

They ignorantly believe a police state will cater to their wants and needs, censoring anything they personally disapprove of. Then when the dog they unleash turns to bite them they'll be completely blindsided. A modicum of historical knowledge would make this obvious but they are too stupid, narrowminded and ideologically blinded to see nor care.
Redditors are left-wing authoritarians, who are notorious for not understanding, or perhaps more likely, are diametrically opposed to the First Amendment. They want to control speech, because they want to be in control. Nothing new here. :feelsjuice:
Thanks for the tag man. Another excellent read.

I live in New Zealand, another former English colony. We have exactly the same problem; public discussion about any issue is dominated by left wing authoritarian NPCs.

They will scream about how everyone else's speech is making them feel unsafe and needs to be banned, but any time they want to talk about punching Nazis, that's fine.


Thanks for the tag man. Another excellent read.

I live in New Zealand, another former English colony. We have exactly the same problem; public discussion about any issue is dominated by left wing authoritarian NPCs.

They will scream about how everyone else's speech is making them feel unsafe and needs to be banned, but any time they want to talk about punching Nazis, that's fine.


View attachment 599181
Do you agree people should have the right to be pro-rape advocates?
Do you agree people should have the right to be pro-rape advocates?
Of course.

I mean, they are sure to be attention-seeking idiots, but the law isn't here to control taste.
Thanks for the tag man. Another excellent read.

I live in New Zealand, another former English colony. We have exactly the same problem; public discussion about any issue is dominated by left wing authoritarian NPCs.

They will scream about how everyone else's speech is making them feel unsafe and needs to be banned, but any time they want to talk about punching Nazis, that's fine.


View attachment 599181
Amazing meme
The user wasn't even inciting or encouraging any violence but they still felt the urge to mass report my forum,
Encouraging violence in self defense is ok. Like saying "if a foid hits you, then you have to hit her back."

Advocating for illegal activity isn't illegal, like telling someone they should escortcel or buy weed, or evade taxes.

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