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It's Over for Youngcels: Suicide rates among young men hit record levels



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
"By 2017, young men between 15 and 19 killed themselves at a rate of 17.9 per 100,000, up from 13 per 100,000 in 2000. (...) The increase among older teen boys raised the overall suicide rate for Americans ages 15 to 24 to its highest level since 1960, said Harvard University’s Oren Miron, the lead author of the new research. (...)

Miron and his colleagues suggest a litany of factors that have contributed to the increase in reported youth suicides, including high rates of depression and anxiety, unprecedented levels of social media use, and a greater willingness of families and officials to acknowledge suicide as a cause of death. (...)

Twenge noted that by many measures, teens and young adults have become more depressed over the past decade and suffered higher levels of psychological distress than their predecessors. Research has failed to root out the causes for this distress, she acknowledged. But there’s evidence to suggest that this generation’s unique relationship to digital technology is a key factor, she said."

fuck life. dust in the wind bro
social media and internet is bad for normies!?!?!??!?! who would've guessed???
Social medias are menus for women
but women are the oppressed ones
Meanwhile virginity rates and hypergamy have increased to record levels!

Without pussy, there is no worthwhile life to live! :feelsree:

Foids want us non NT subhumans alone and dead. :reeeeee:
In OP's demographic, 41,000 per 100,000 rope
b, but muh patriachy :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
Yet, foids are the ones who are most oppressed, aren't they:feelsree:
Reminds me how a men can feel so worthless so he chooses to take his life.
This is what society (and women) want so its only going to get worse. TBH governments should just put young men to work at poppy farms, to grow poppies, produce heroin and let these young guys off themselves that way. They already hate young men and they want to get rid of us so at least give us our copes.

In the past young men were killed in wars. There has always been a need to cull young men, since 105 boys will be born for every 100 girls. Society rejoices when men commit suicide. Never forget that.
Bb...but women are more opressed!!!!:foidSoy::soy::soy:


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