Klokov is an animal. I think Koklyaev is the greatest strength athlete to ever live though. What's so impressive about these Russian athletes is their endurance capacity despite being 300+lbs (the heavyweights at least). I've seen both Kirill Sarychev and Mikhail Koklyaev swim 25m underwater repeaters, super hard when you consider that 170lbs Navy SEAL's pass out doing 50m repeaters.
I don't think you have to bloatmaxxx to be a great powerlifter. There are different weight classes you know, everyone under 120kg is fairly lean. Some competitive powerlifters are even almost bodybuilder shredded (and a lot of bodybuilders, powerlift in the off season, such as Dr. Eric Helms and Alberto Nunez), Charlie Dickson comes to mind who just won the 83kg IPF Worlds. However, once you get up over 120kg, most PLifters are indeed bloatlords (Larry Wheels and Stan Efferding are the exceptions but they're prob blasting so much gear) but this holds true in Olympic Weightlifting as well. In terms of records though, for the squat in sleeves it's Ray Williams who is bloatlord, squat in wraps its Vlad Alhazov who is bloatlord, deadlift it's Benedikt Magnusson (B!) who is bloatlord, Kirill Sarychev for bench who isn't really bloatlord just big guy, and for all time total it's Andrey Malanichev who is bloatlord. However, overall, the greatest two powerlifters to ever do it are Yury Belkin and Ed Coan who are both not bloatlords. Yury might pull 1000lbs in the near future while weighing 220 and being fairly lean, super impressive.