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LifeFuel For Those Wondering why we Gymaxx

  • Thread starter PleaseKillMeLoseSkin
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I Wanna Fucking DIE
Apr 9, 2018
The only thing those commie bastards did right:

Fluff and pump, isolation mode faggots are only for chads, embrace your ogrecelism and start oly lifting or even PL but I think that's just lazy oly lifting.
Everutime i see the bar bend due to the weight i always am reminded how heavy that shit actually is.
Weightlifting is too technical, not worth the effort when you're incel. I might do a bodybuilding show soon tho, been PLing for a while
Everutime i see the bar bend due to the weight i always am reminded how heavy that shit actually is.
If you think that's impressive check this out

OHP with one hand my max bench, that's basically convinced me to stop trying to be the best apart from the fact that he takes roids and still has his hair makes me envious as all hell.

Weightlifting is too technical, not worth the effort when you're incel. I might do a bodybuilding show soon tho, been PLing for a while
For me, I feel like even though it is technical atleast you have something to aim for with weightlifting, with bodybuilding you lost sight at times unless you're full time dedicated to it which I can respect that kind of dedication. With PL you gotta bloatmax a lot just to even make it in the top 10 and I don't want to ruin my body like that the weightlifter still retain some form of flexibility and can live comfortable normal lives and not stand out too much no offense to you though PL is no joke.
For me, I feel like even though it is technical atleast you have something to aim for with weightlifting, with bodybuilding you lost sight at times unless you're full time dedicated to it which I can respect that kind of dedication. With PL you gotta bloatmax a lot just to even make it in the top 10 and I don't want to ruin my body like that the weightlifter still retain some form of flexibility and can live comfortable normal lives and not stand out too much no offense to you though PL is no joke.

Klokov is an animal. I think Koklyaev is the greatest strength athlete to ever live though. What's so impressive about these Russian athletes is their endurance capacity despite being 300+lbs (the heavyweights at least). I've seen both Kirill Sarychev and Mikhail Koklyaev swim 25m underwater repeaters, super hard when you consider that 170lbs Navy SEAL's pass out doing 50m repeaters.

I don't think you have to bloatmaxxx to be a great powerlifter. There are different weight classes you know, everyone under 120kg is fairly lean. Some competitive powerlifters are even almost bodybuilder shredded (and a lot of bodybuilders, powerlift in the off season, such as Dr. Eric Helms and Alberto Nunez), Charlie Dickson comes to mind who just won the 83kg IPF Worlds. However, once you get up over 120kg, most PLifters are indeed bloatlords (Larry Wheels and Stan Efferding are the exceptions but they're prob blasting so much gear) but this holds true in Olympic Weightlifting as well. In terms of records though, for the squat in sleeves it's Ray Williams who is bloatlord, squat in wraps its Vlad Alhazov who is bloatlord, deadlift it's Benedikt Magnusson (B!) who is bloatlord, Kirill Sarychev for bench who isn't really bloatlord just big guy, and for all time total it's Andrey Malanichev who is bloatlord. However, overall, the greatest two powerlifters to ever do it are Yury Belkin and Ed Coan who are both not bloatlords. Yury might pull 1000lbs in the near future while weighing 220 and being fairly lean, super impressive.
Klokov is an animal. I think Koklyaev is the greatest strength athlete to ever live though. What's so impressive about these Russian athletes is their endurance capacity despite being 300+lbs (the heavyweights at least). I've seen both Kirill Sarychev and Mikhail Koklyaev swim 25m underwater repeaters, super hard when you consider that 170lbs Navy SEAL's pass out doing 50m repeaters.

I don't think you have to bloatmaxxx to be a great powerlifter. There are different weight classes you know, everyone under 120kg is fairly lean. Some competitive powerlifters are even almost bodybuilder shredded (and a lot of bodybuilders, powerlift in the off season, such as Dr. Eric Helms and Alberto Nunez), Charlie Dickson comes to mind who just won the 83kg IPF Worlds. However, once you get up over 120kg, most PLifters are indeed bloatlords (Larry Wheels and Stan Efferding are the exceptions but they're prob blasting so much gear) but this holds true in Olympic Weightlifting as well. In terms of records though, for the squat in sleeves it's Ray Williams who is bloatlord, squat in wraps its Vlad Alhazov who is bloatlord, deadlift it's Benedikt Magnusson (B!) who is bloatlord, Kirill Sarychev for bench who isn't really bloatlord just big guy, and for all time total it's Andrey Malanichev who is bloatlord. However, overall, the greatest two powerlifters to ever do it are Yury Belkin and Ed Coan who are both not bloatlords. Yury might pull 1000lbs in the near future while weighing 220 and being fairly lean, super impressive.

Super impressive I couldn't even imagine pulling that kind of weight.
What are you stats if you don't mind me asking. I'm more or less shit right now because I don't take roids and trying to lose weight. I think I'm at oly levels of flexibility if I just didn't have a gut in my way, definetly impedes my ability to get that full range of motion in my squats and really get in tight when deadlifting.
My subhuman wrists would shatter beneath that kinda weight :feelsmega:
Super impressive I couldn't even imagine pulling that kind of weight.
What are you stats if you don't mind me asking. I'm more or less shit right now because I don't take roids and trying to lose weight. I think I'm at oly levels of flexibility if I just didn't have a gut in my way, definetly impedes my ability to get that full range of motion in my squats and really get in tight when deadlifting.

Squat- 405lbs for 6 @RPE 9 in sleeves, 500lbs in wraps last year
Deadlift- 500lbs for 3 @RPE 9
Bench- 275lbs for 3

Hoping for a 560lbs deadlift and 315lbs bench in the next few weeks, squat has gone down a lot because of injuries. Currently weigh around 210lbs and 19 but these stats don't hold any weight in the powerlifting world. This foid, Daniella Melo, just totaled like 1300lbs at 83kg and she just turned 19 too lol. What guys are doing nowadays is insane.

If you're trying to lose weight these are the best two videos that I could find. I'm also losing weight but I have someone doing my macros for me.

I don't know much about Olympic Lifting but from what I understand, finding the proper training facility is essential to success in the sport (although it may be hard because since Americans in general aren't very good at it, it's not super popular). On YouTube, Juggernaut Training seems like a good place to start.


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