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Serious [For The Religious] - Could You Guys Please Stop Using Circular Logic In Arguments (You Seem To Lack The Self Awareness To Realize You're Using It)



Feb 28, 2018
Seriously, its the most common argument I see from you and it always just makes you look disingenuous and stupid, it literally ruins your arguments, you are making your own arguments less convincing




If you actually want people to stop then give some examples.
here we go again
LMAO based, laughed at the napkin. They won't stop, they were literally bred to be low IQ cannon fodder.
Does the device you're using not load images?

There are examples
I mean relating to inceldom. Call it out when you see it or some shit. These are all irrelevant and only serve for clarification of your point, but don't prove that this fallacy is actually present often here.
Ay ay ay, this is gonna be interesting. Don't mind me, I'm just taking a seat and watching the flame war begin with some popcorn. Anyone wants to chill with me?
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These are all irrelevant and only serve for clarification of your point, but don't prove that this fallacy is actually present often here.

You mean give examples of users doing it, how about you go to my last thread about religion or @IncelKing last thread, circular arguments are littered throughout the threads

Also the point of this thread isn't to "call out" specific individuals and doing so and directly quoting them does that, its about calling out a general behaviour
You mean give examples of users doing it, how about you go to my last thread about religion or @IncelKing last thread, circular arguments are littered throughout the threads

Also the point of this thread isn't to "call out" specific individuals and doing so and directly quoting them does that, its about calling out a general behaviour

Weren't you accusing me of stuff I never said & was putting words in my mouth?
In the end times,the old and young will have dreams about what will happen.They are similar.Even atheists are getting them.
But how come you never take a stand one way or the other ? Religious people are mostly brainwashed idiots and most of their arguments fall flat. The likelihood that there is no god is quite high. Atheism/agnosticism is also in line with the black pilled view of the world. To realize that you suffer alone and there is no caring god is quite black pilled.
I have never seen anyone here use circular logic, the one (1) example you gave us is pretty stupid because almosty nobody cited the bible let alone used it as an evidence. Also you aren't much better with your "If god exists why bad things happen" which is philosophy for 12 yo at best

I have never seen anyone here use circular logic, the one (1) example you gave us is pretty stupid because almosty nobody cited the bible let alone used it as an evidence

Then you aren't looking, so many users are quoting scripture and referencing religious doctrine as proof of God and that God is good, that is the same circular logic I showed in the images, you can't use scripture as proof of God because you have to presuppose that the scripture (which you think is the "word of God") is actually true

Also you aren't much better with your "If god exists why bad things happen" which is philosophy for 12 yo at best

Its a good thing I never made that argument then, you need to learn to read, my argument was never about God existing, its the fact that if he exists he is "evil" he is a sadist, because if he is an all powerful God (like every religious person says) then he had the power to create a perfect world without suffering AND HE CHOSE TO OPT FOR THE WORLD OF SUFFERING

Seriously think about it, God could have just created us with bodies that never hunger, never thirst, never yearn, never die, but instead HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO CREATE COMPLICATED AND INTRICATE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS TO SIMULATE YEARNING AND PAIN

It would have been way simpler to create bodies that simply need for nothing because they don't require anything to exist, but HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO DO THE OPPOSITE AND THAT'S BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SEE SUFFERING

This is all for his entertainment, if he is all powerful there is no other explanation because there is no other being or force ABOVE HIM that is forcing him to create a world of suffering, we suffer BECAUSE GOD DESIRED A WORLD WITH SUFFERING (END OF DISCUSSION)
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Why do you have a problem with people believing in god ?

Why do you have a problem with me having a problem with people believing in God?

Pro Tip: Your answer to this question is my answer to your question


Right, now apply your sarcasm here within the context of the blue pill and the black pill and see how retarded you sound, imagine a blue piller trying to parody a black piller like this, because that's essentially what you're doing but you don't have the self awareness to realize that


Yes, the black piller in this case is intellectually superior you retard JFL

Or are you going to now say blue pillers are right?

The problem is you apply your logic selectively like a hypocrite and you have no selfawareness, you make exceptions for certain beliefs
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Then you aren't looking, so many users are quoting scripture and referencing religious doctrine as proof of God and that God is good, that is the same circular logic I showed in the images, you can't use scripture as proof of God because you have to presuppose that the scripture (which you think is the "word of God") is actually true
If someone here cited the bible or any sacred texts, I agree that it is stupid

Its a good thing I never made that argument, you need to learn to read
I was using plural you because I saw a lot of people here discussing about god lately

my argument was never about God existing, its the fact that if he exists he is "evil" he is a sadist, because if he is an all powerful God (like every religious person says) then he had the power to create a perfect world without suffering AND HE CHOSE TO OPT FOR THE WORLD OF SUFFERING
Suffering isn't an absolute idea, it exists only relatively to joy (maybe I need a better word but don't remember anything, but I think you get the point) and at the same time joy only exists relatively to suffering. In a world without pain we wouldn't be able to enjoy anything because we wouldn't know any better, we would just be

Seriously think about it, God could have just created us with bodies that never hunger, never thirst, never yearn, never die, but instead HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO CREATE COMPLICATED AND INTRICATE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS TO SIMULATE YEARNING AND PAIN

It would have been way simpler to create bodies that simply need for nothing because they don't require anything to exist, but HE WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO DO THE OPPOSITE AND THAT'S BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SEE SUFFERING
So you drop, let's say, 1 million people on this planet. They never die so they can't reproduce because we would overcrowd the world in a matter of nothing. They're also perfect so they have no need to better themselves, there's no scientific or social advancement, millions of years later they're still cavemen going around not knowing why. They are also braindead as in legit braindead) because they have no use of thought, they are already perfect. They also live in perpetual bliss so literally doing anything would be a waste of time, they just stand still all day, not even sitting or laying down or putting your hands behind your head or whatever, because they don't need these things, they don't feel tiredness. Millions and then billions of years passed standing still watching the void, what a great life

This is all for his entertainment, if he is all powerful there is no other explanation because there is no other being or force ABOVE HIM that is forcing him to create a world of suffering, we suffer BECAUSE GOD DESIRED A WORLD WITH SUFFERING (END OF DISCUSSION)
I doubt a god would have any sense of enjoyment, but in any case life isn't inherently suffering. Inceldom is extremely bad for anyone and a great source of suffering, but it isn't 100% 24/7 constant suffering, there a few moments here and there of abscence of suffering (I won't call it joy because it isn't). Also in a general sense suffering is needed to survive, if I break my leg but don't suffer for it I won't feel the urge to cure it and that may lead it to a bigger problem, just to give an example

I don't know if god exists or not and if he does he surely isn't good or anything like that, but for the same reason he isn't bad either, I think he would be above these things

Also inceldom stems both from nature (deriving by an hypothetical god) and society (made by men), how much is one responsible compared to the other is up to debate, but you can't give god 100% of the fault
i agree with the thread, i even made that point about muslims debating before, i just think that he's lame that's all.
Is he a lame ass?
Suffering isn't an absolute idea, it exists only relatively to joy (maybe I need a better word but don't remember anything, but I think you get the point) and at the same time joy only exists relatively to suffering. In a world without pain we wouldn't be able to enjoy anything because we wouldn't know any better, we would just be
That brings up the philosophical question of whether or not it is possible to conceive of a world in which suffering does not exist. Perhaps if you establish that we are meant to learn as we develop, suffering is absolutely necessary for learning because we avoid things which give us pain and go towards things that give us pleasure. I must point out, when you say suffering is relative, clarify, you mean mental suffering, correct? I can wake up and look at my reflection in the mirror and feel indifferent, while someone else who is of the same attractiveness as I feels disdain.
Physical suffering, on the other hand, I think we can agree is more of a constant (yes, there have been established studies that go into the details of different pain tolerances) but we all know a cut to the skin is going to hurt.
My final question is, if anything is possible, including the idea of continuous learning without suffering, can you explain why is it that God didn't conceive of that instead? Or is it simply not physically possible even with God?
What does this have to do with inceldom?
That brings up the philosophical question of whether or not it is possible to conceive of a world in which suffering does not exist. Perhaps if you establish that we are meant to learn as we develop, suffering is absolutely necessary for learning because we avoid things which give us pain and go towards things that give us pleasure. I must point out, when you say suffering is relative, clarify, you mean mental suffering, correct? I can wake up and look at my reflection in the mirror and feel indifferent, while someone else who is of the same attractiveness as I feels disdain.
Physical suffering, on the other hand, I think we can agree is more of a constant (yes, there have been established studies that go into the details of different pain tolerances) but we all know a cut to the skin is going to hurt.
My final question is, if anything is possible, including the idea of continuous learning without suffering, can you explain why is it that God didn't conceive of that instead? Or is it simply not physically possible even with God?
I said suffering exists relatively to joy as in without joy there would be no suffering and viceversa. If there was only night, there would be no day, but then night too wouldn't exist, it would just be. If everyone was chad there would be no incels, but then why call them chads, they would be just people, so there would be no concept of chad

As for the part about learning through suffer, I talked about it a bit still in the message. Basically if we were undying, perfect and constantly in bliss we would just spend our days standing still doing nothing, becasue why do anything when you don't have to worry abput anyhing and are in constant bliss? There would be no progress, no learning, no art, no nothing. So I don't think it's possible to learn without suffering

This brings also the question about omnipotence. Even if there was an omnipotent god he could't make it that 1+1=3 for example, you can write 2 as 3 but that would only change the word to indicate it, not the significate. Logic is what just is, 1+1=2 because it just doesand there could not be a world in which 1+1=3 because it simply wouldn't be at all. So in a way god has to stand under logic, maybe god is logic Idk
Enjoying my popcorn, already love this thread ngl
Why do you have a problem with me having a problem with people believing in God?

Pro Tip: Your answer to this question is my answer to your question

Right, now apply your sarcasm here within the context of the blue pill and the black pill and see how retarded you sound, imagine a blue piller trying to parody a black piller like this, because that's essentially what you're doing but you don't have the self awareness to realize that


Yes, the black piller in this case is intellectually superior you retard JFL

Or are you going to now say blue pillers are right?

The problem is you apply your logic selectively like a hypocrite and you have no selfawareness, you make exceptions for certain beliefs
No one here understands Natural Law, The religionist dunces on this platform are incapable of handling the truth.
What does this have to do with inceldom?

Religion is the most blue pilled thing ever, you have to be an idiot that lacks self awareness to go on and on about normies being stupid for believing in a "just world" (which all incels do) when you are religious, BECAUSE RELIGION IS THE ULTIMATE BELIEF IN A JUST WORLD

"Sinners will be punished one day"
"I will be rewarded in heaven one day"

Those are all "just world" beliefs, that one day everybody is going to have to "pay" or "be rewarded" based on their actions
Religion is the most blue pilled thing ever, you have to be an idiot that lacks self awareness to go on and on about normies being stupid for believing in a "just world" (which all incels do) when you are religious, BECAUSE RELIGION IS THE ULTIMATE BELIEF IN A JUST WORLD

"Sinners will be punished one day"
"I will be rewarded in heaven one day"

Those are all "just world" beliefs, that one day everybody is going to have to "pay" or "be rewarded" based on their actions

I thoufh women were the most bluepilled thing ever?
Religion is the most blue pilled thing ever, you have to be an idiot that lacks self awareness to go on and on about normies being stupid for believing in a "just world" (which all incels do) when you are religious, BECAUSE RELIGION IS THE ULTIMATE BELIEF IN A JUST WORLD

"Sinners will be punished one day"
"I will be rewarded in heaven one day"

Those are all "just world" beliefs, that one day everybody is going to have to "pay" or "be rewarded" based on their actions
That doesn't answer my question.
No one here understands Natural Law, The religionist dunces on this platform are incapable of handling the truth.
What truth? That atheists like to get high on their own farts?
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That doesn't answer my question

Yes it does, you just don't like the answer

If this has nothing to do with inceldom, then discussing the blue pill has nothing to do with inceldom, religion is blue pilled

It is the ultimate blue pill, just as nihilism is the ultimate black pill
Yes it does, you just don't like the answer

If this has nothing to do with inceldom, then discussing the blue pill has nothing to do with inceldom, religion is blue pilled

It is the ultimate blue pill, just as nihilism is the ultimate black pill
Nah, since according to you religion is a cope at best delusion at worst. So basically you are saying people can't cope anymore on this site?


Do you think Chad, Tyronne, Chaddam, Chang and Chadpreet are arguing about these things?

No! They all get laid! They bang our looksmatches and our oneitis and get high tier stacy. And most eventually get a unicorn as a wife.
Nah, since according to you religion is a cope at best delusion at worst.

Why are you speaking on my behalf I'm right fucking here and I did not say this

I'm saying its blue pilled period, its illogical, its for people who can't think for themselves, that's what I'm saying

So basically you are saying people can't cope anymore on this site?

Is spending time ignoring your problems rather that spending time fixing them (cope) a logical thing to do?
Why are you speaking on my behalf I'm right fucking here and I did not say this
I'm saying its blue pilled period, its illogical, its for people who can't think for themselves, that's what I'm saying
Right, that's what i said blue pilled=delusional

Is spending time ignoring your problems rather that spending time fixing them (cope) a logical thing to do?
I can't tell if your recent threads are serious or shitposts anymore, in case of the latter please use the sewers and shitpost to your hearts content and in case of the former...well im not gonna say anything.
I said suffering exists relatively to joy as in without joy there would be no suffering and viceversa. If there was only night, there would be no day, but then night too wouldn't exist, it would just be. If everyone was chad there would be no incels, but then why call them chads, they would be just people, so there would be no concept of chad

As for the part about learning through suffer, I talked about it a bit still in the message. Basically if we were undying, perfect and constantly in bliss we would just spend our days standing still doing nothing, becasue why do anything when you don't have to worry abput anyhing and are in constant bliss? There would be no progress, no learning, no art, no nothing. So I don't think it's possible to learn without suffering

This brings also the question about omnipotence. Even if there was an omnipotent god he could't make it that 1+1=3 for example, you can write 2 as 3 but that would only change the word to indicate it, not the significate. Logic is what just is, 1+1=2 because it just doesand there could not be a world in which 1+1=3 because it simply wouldn't be at all. So in a way god has to stand under logic, maybe god is logic Idk
I'm glad you agree that it is not possible for human suffering(sensory and emotional experience) to not exist since basically, we live in a world where we are meant to compete for resources and our biological desire to survive after its been established that such a world without suffering could not exist and also that worlds can only exist with the intrinsic logical aspect of the domain of mathematics.

Generally, I think everyone can agree suffering and pleasure/joy are things that can not be quantitatively explained or defined. But it is democratically accepted that they are 'real' as experiences in the brain. I was reading this thread from 2018 where a user said that consciousness is really a form of decreasing entropy in an open system. That is, a non-isolated system so as to not violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Let me elaborate on the learning part.

Let's say we tried to create an incredibly complex simulation such that we could simulate very neuron in a human brain to create the experience, or to see if we could mimic the experience of consciousness. I don't think, at least computationally, it'd be possible. This is because we know that neuron firings are really just tools, the deal lies with tissue that is formed among the neurons. What the brain does is it doesn't want more firing, it wants less firing and does so by forming tissue between neurons. In terms of resource efficiency, its great because it allows better connections for for firing that is used frequently. If one can imitate the activity of neuronal firing it wouldn't mean anything, because when we are learning things, the only thing that really changes in the brain is the structure. Which is only due to the tissues. (Simply put, learning can be classified scientifically as physical changes in the structure of the brain).

I think its more of an ontological problem. We, ourselves, our culture, have created the notions of suffering and joy, just as we have formulated the idea of a God (which is not well defined and I think varies subjectively across individuals and cultures).
Right, that's what i said blue pilled=delusional

No, I didn't say it was anything at best or at worst, I'm saying it is what it is period, delusional period, you were speaking on my behalf putting words in my mouth as if I would ever try to downplay the stupidity of religion by saying it was anything "at best"

I can't tell if your recent threads are serious or shitposts anymore, in case of the latter please use the sewers and shitpost to your hearts content and in case of the former...well im not gonna say anything.

Yeah good luck with that, try again when you are ready to answer the question, your response was nothing but a deflection



Do you think Chad, Tyronne, Chaddam, Chang and Chadpreet are arguing about these things?

No! They all get laid! They bang our looksmatches and our oneitis and get high tier stacy. And most eventually get a unicorn as a wife.

Well we need to stop talking about anything that is blue pilled then, Chad and etc don't spend time arguing about whats cucked either, they also don't spend time talking about misandry or hypergamy, so by your logic we shouldn't be talking about anything
Yeah good luck with that, try again when you are ready to answer the question, your response was nothing but a deflection
There is nothing to answer, if you are still in "i can unfuck this all" mode then you need to stop posting here and come back when you realize that you can't.

No, I didn't say it was anything at best or at worst, I'm saying it is what it is period, delusional period, you were speaking on my behalf putting words in my mouth as if I would ever try to downplay the stupidity of religion by saying it was anything "at best"
Tenor 1
Can someone who's not blocked by this guy recommend that he stops arguing with christcucks and muslims? It's a circular endeavor

Notice how I didn't call muslims allahcucks though. Well, obviously since they have very based views on foids, unlike followers of the cucked Jesus Christ
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I'm glad you agree that it is not possible for human suffering(sensory and emotional experience) to not exist since basically, we live in a world where we are meant to compete for resources and our biological desire to survive after its been established that such a world without suffering could not exist and also that worlds can only exist with the intrinsic logical aspect of the domain of mathematics.

Generally, I think everyone can agree suffering and pleasure/joy are things that can not be quantitatively explained or defined. But it is democratically accepted that they are 'real' as experiences in the brain. I was reading this thread from 2018 where a user said that consciousness is really a form of decreasing entropy in an open system. That is, a non-isolated system so as to not violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Let me elaborate on the learning part.

Let's say we tried to create an incredibly complex simulation such that we could simulate very neuron in a human brain to create the experience, or to see if we could mimic the experience of consciousness. I don't think, at least computationally, it'd be possible. This is because we know that neuron firings are really just tools, the deal lies with tissue that is formed among the neurons. What the brain does is it doesn't want more firing, it wants less firing and does so by forming tissue between neurons. In terms of resource efficiency, its great because it allows better connections for for firing that is used frequently. If one can imitate the activity of neuronal firing it wouldn't mean anything, because when we are learning things, the only thing that really changes in the brain is the structure. Which is only due to the tissues. (Simply put, learning can be classified scientifically as physical changes in the structure of the brain).

I think its more of an ontological problem. We, ourselves, our culture, have created the notions of suffering and joy, just as we have formulated the idea of a God (which is not well defined and I think varies subjectively across individuals and cultures).
That's very interesting, do you know anything that talks about this? (like a book or something)

One thing I have to say though: I always find myself in disagreement with the concept that our consciousness can be reduced to just the activity of the neurons in our brain, if that was the case then it means our neurons are affirming both their existence and their power which is a paradox (you can't demostrate that you exist)
There is nothing to answer, if you are still in "i can unfuck this all" mode then you need to stop posting here and come back when you realize that you can't.

JFL good luck wasting the rest of your life living vicariously through media and imagination, that's all that your "coping" is, its not a good/logical thing and it never will be
JFL good luck wasting the rest of your life living vicariously through media and imagination, that's all that your "coping" is, its not a good/logical thing and it never will be
Alright thanks for the luck, i will. You have fun fighting an uphill battle that you cannot win i suppose.
Any incel who worships a God is by definition a cuckold because they are worshipping the architect of their own shit life.
That's very interesting, do you know anything that talks about this? (like a book or something)
If you have a basic understanding of neurons, synapses, axons, etc., and HS or intro undergrad physics/math, I highly, highly recommend:
Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience

One thing I have to say though: I always find myself in disagreement with the concept that our consciousness can be reduced to just the activity of the neurons in our brain, if that was the case then it means our neurons are affirming both their existence and their power which is a paradox (you can't demostrate that you exist)
That's why I think it's better left as a philosophical question tbh, rather than a question that science can answer.
If you have a basic understanding of neurons, synapses, axons, etc., and HS or intro undergrad physics/math, I highly, highly recommend:
Principles of Computational Modelling in Neuroscience


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