I pretty much think alike. Patriarchy was a social construct necessary in order to distribute the sexual ressources amongst the citizens.
However, patriarchy is "bad" in the sense that it's doomed to fall unless every other society establishes it.
Look at it from an evolutionary biology perspective, a society where patriarchy isn't established would have a fierce jungle-like evolutionary pressure. This pressure would lead, after few generations, to breeding out the bad genes and only promoting the most fit ones. Thus creating the most optimized individuals and groups.
While a partriarchal society would have many non optimized individuals and at the same time, it would have wealth due to the absence of war, crime and such.
Eventually, the evolutionary optimized group would want to lay hand on the wealth the patriarchal society created.
A war would set up in motion and soon the ripples would become waves, needless to say the non-patriarchy optimized society would soon or later obliterate the patriarchy non-optimized group.
Think of it like Rome the epitome of civilization being sacked countless times, until it eventually kneeled to the barbarians.
The cycle would carry on. The barbarians would become civilized and establish patriarchy leading to a non-patriarchal society gaining the upper hand later due to genetical superiority.
This is why i think immigration was set up in the western world by feminism, what's the most sexual evolutionary pressure a man can face other than, not only having to compete with the male of his ethnicity, but also the males of foreign lands ?
The dream of feminism would be to have a global world where every single male competes with all the males. Thus, no society would get the upper hand over another due to the establishement or not of social construct such as patriarchy.
The species would become optimized at a global scale.
Patriarchy will always fail. It cannot withstand the sheer power of massive breeding of evolutionary fit traits.
@IncelKing what's your take on immigration and how does it insert itself on this framework ?