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SuicideFuel (Follow up to my other thread) NEW, even MORE BRUTAL soyddit blackpills!



PhD in Agony & Anguish
Feb 25, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/188sioe/is_it_true_that_most_women_find_most_men/

This time, our question is,

Is it true that most women find most men unattractive?​

Whoo boy. We've got a real bad boy on our hands, gentlemen. Buckle up for the long read because this is a BLACKPILL GOLDMINE.


Starting off with some of the ole' reliable. Look, one can debate all he wants, but what really matters is the statistics. The data, the numbers! That is the undeniable reality. The biggest blackpills ALWAYS come from the statistics. Dickpill, Racepill etc. Here we're seeing almost 4k redditors upvoting raw blackpill. Mark my words, reddit is slowly getting blackpilled. The headquarters of anti-incel rhetoric itself, is getting blackpilled.


Ah, the classic 80/20 Rule. Also known as the Pareto Principle. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle) Can you believe it? You don't have to be a STEM major like me to understand that it is quite literally impossible for 80% of something to be below average. Yet women can't get this through their skulls. Only a whopping 2%, I repeat, 2% percent are above average to them. Those are the numbers you're competing with. As a side note...this may be one of the only threads where I've seen a redditor openly somewhat support incel/blackpill theories. Btw, JFL @ ''r/blackfemcels''.


What a brief but crushing answer. But I guess coping redditors still need confirmations from the horse's mouth. Just look at the guy whose Chad father has blessed with good genes. ''Most dudes just don't put the effort in their clothing and body'' J FUCKING L. That shit reads like a joke. He's aware that he's a mogger purely because of his genetics, yet he's still echoing the ''just improoov bro''. You know it's over when even people like ''@snoofler'' or ''@stripeymom'' are telling you it's over. Brutal lesbianpill jfl.


Again, this is water post, but I find it fascinating that REDDIT of all places is becoming this blackpilled. They're not ashamed to label it as such either! Other than that, here we have a woman admitting women are chad-only. Not much else to say about it...


Funny GIF


>bisexual flag
>unironic shower advice

The jokes write themselves.


Again...evidence from the horse's mouth. CHAD. ONLY.


Man, I am way too sleepy to debunk this shit properly...but what has to be said has already been said. Per$onality goes a long way indeed...but still, in the West it is a cope... Here is the reality of it!


also brutal Slavpill by @ Infinite-EV there, jfl.

Well, that will be all for now. I don't want to spam the forum with too many reddit posts but I felt like this a was a nice one. There's more blackpills in there, but I don't wanna make an extremely long post. Go ahead and check it out for yourself if you'd like.

As my brother @verybasedindeed would say...INCELTEARS WON'T TOUCH THIS WITH A TEN-FOOT POLE.

Tagging users that would be potentially interested:

@Friday I'm In Love
@Subhuman Trucel
Last edited:
Gonna enjoy this one :smonk:
Are trying to get me to rope bro? :feelsrope: but yeah for foids its either giga chad or no one at all
Gonna enjoy this one :smonk:
I certainly did. In retrospect it's masochistic in a way...but it is satisfying to see the masses, the sheep, the average Joe's get blackpilled.
I got tagged second haha
More evidence that women have super high standards for men's looks
Are you trying to make us all rope? Jesus christ
@Dregster @SlayerSlayer @Fat Link

Can you un-sticky my other thread and sticky this one in its place?
Bro are you trying to make me emulate my pfp? :feelshaha:. Brutal blackpill btw and ragefuel content. Clothing, body, shower, personality, makes me wanna rip my guts off

As a side note: I'm slowly convincing my female bluepill therapist about the BP. She even threw the 80% 20% right at my face without me saying anything. Almost rope right there
Only a whopping 2%, I repeat, 2% percent are above average to them. Those are the numbers you're competing with.
To add to this, ''above average'' ranges from 6 to 10. Actual 8s, 9s and 10s make up about 0.5%, I'd say. It is a handful of chads plowing their way through hundreds of women.
Yesterday was 20%
Today is only 10%
Tomorrow is going to be 1%

As a side note: I'm slowly convincing my female bluepill therapist about the BP. She even threw the 80% 20% right at my face without me saying anything. Almost rope right there
I think that's not necessarily a bad thing. I wish my therapist was also being honest with me.

And yes, the Pareto principle reigns supreme. I'm a math major, and yet I still can't figure out what the fuck causes this to happen. But it does. It's like 2+2=4. Such a solid, almost unchangeable principle. 80/20 is an interesting ratio.
Jfl this reminded of that dude who swiped 1 million time on tinder to get 1 date which failed miserably and he seriously was above average dude in looks.

One woman advised him to remove the picture with the fish thats why in her opinion hes not getting matches :feelskek:

Clown world.
Girls often prefer lesbian porn and will make lesbian porn to earn money. The system made it so they don't need guys anymore unless it's Chad.

Even a Rex is considered a better match than a typical guy. Even a Rex can get threesomes with human girls and many guys can't.

I hope moneymaxx will still be possible in Eastern Europe if I got money but I don't think it's as easy or possible now. Maybe before Instagram, TikTok, OnlyFans, Americanization, K-Pop, and other things it would have been easy to moneymaxx but now it's almost impossible.

There's no point in trying to get a sloppy second slut cumdumpster then becoming a cuck and betabuxx. In my opinion, if moneymaxx isn't done with a jailbait and geomaxx, then there's really no point in dating a worthless slut that gives no value? Only jailbait gives value.

A slut has been 10 or 100 different guys, maybe a Rex, makes porn videos, did one night stands and flings and hookup, believes in feminism or slut culture or both, and is unsuitable for anything except living as a whore and being a single mom for a Chad, or nearing expiration gets baby fever and "settles" for a Betabuxx Cuck (who she'll divorce for 50% and child support then repeat with other Betabuxx while trying to get new Chads).

Foids don't need guys and can just go to a sperm bank if they want a child. Why don't they do that?
1. They want someone to provide resources. This is often why they either want a rich Chad or a betabuxx cuck (who they'll eventually divorce or cheat because foids don't respect weak betabuxx)
2. They are not honest. They aren't independent. They claim they are independent and don't need guys, but that's because they would rather be alone than settle.
3. They probably have a desire for male attention even when they prefer girls. That's why they love to friendzone, get a group of simps and white knights, and many cucks as fans.

All the videos of foids crying alone at age 28 or 30 or 36 about being alone and not getting approached is attention whoring and they want to try to get sympathy from cucks. No sympathy! They are past the wall and are total cumdumpsters who chose to be sluts. Only a betabuxx or a simp would accept a sloppy second slut. They can go to a sperm bank and get a lesbian girlfriend because old sluts past their prime will only be getting betabuxx or simps!
Even if they 're actually getting blackpilled, it won't matter, because they get off on mogging and bullying subhumans due to their innate sense of eugencis which will never change, only solution to the suffering of life is genocide

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/188sioe/is_it_true_that_most_women_find_most_men/

This time, our question is,

Is it true that most women find most men unattractive?​

Whoo boy. We've got a real bad boy on our hands, gentlemen. Buckle up for the long read because this is a BLACKPILL GOLDMINE.

View attachment 979885

Starting off with some of the ole' reliable. Look, one can debate all he wants, but what really matters is the statistics. The data, the numbers! That is the undeniable reality. The biggest blackpills ALWAYS come from the statistics. Dickpill, Racepill etc. Here we're seeing almost 4k redditors upvoting raw blackpill. Mark my words, reddit is slowly getting blackpilled. The headquarters of anti-incel rhetoric itself, is getting blackpilled.

View attachment 979886

Ah, the classic 80/20 Rule. Also known as the Pareto Principle. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle) Can you believe it? You don't have to be a STEM major like me to understand that it is quite literally impossible for 80% of something to be below average. Yet women can't get this through their skulls. Only a whopping 2%, I repeat, 2% percent are above average to them. Those are the numbers you're competing with. As a side note...this may be one of the only threads where I've seen a redditor openly somewhat support incel/blackpill theories. Btw, JFL @ ''r/blackfemcels''.

View attachment 979888

What a brief but crushing answer. But I guess coping redditors still need confirmations from the horse's mouth. Just look at the guy whose Chad father has blessed with good genes. ''Most dudes just don't put the effort in their clothing and body'' J FUCKING L. That shit reads like a joke. He's aware that he's a mogger purely because of his genetics, yet he's still echoing the ''just improoov bro''. You know it's over when even people like ''@snoofler'' or ''@stripeymom'' are telling you it's over. Brutal lesbianpill jfl.

View attachment 979890

Again, this is water post, but I find it fascinating that REDDIT of all places is becoming this blackpilled. They're not ashamed to label it as such either! Other than that, here we have a woman admitting women are chad-only. Not much else to say about it...

View attachment 979891

Funny GIF

View attachment 979892

>bisexual flag
>unironic shower advice

The jokes write themselves.

View attachment 979893

Again...evidence from the horse's mouth. CHAD. ONLY.

View attachment 979894

Man, I am way too sleepy to debunk this shit properly...but what has to be said has already been said. Per$onality goes a long way indeed...but still, in the West it is a cope... Here is the reality of it!

View attachment 979895

also brutal Slavpill by @ Infinite-EV there, jfl.

Well, that will be all for now. I don't want to spam the forum with too many reddit posts but I felt like this a was a nice one. There's more blackpills in there, but I don't wanna make an extremely long post. Go ahead and check it out for yourself if you'd like.

As my brother @verybasedindeed would say...INCELTEARS WON'T TOUCH THIS WITH A TEN-FOOT POLE.

Tagging users that would be potentially interested:

@Friday I'm In Love
@Subhuman Trucel

Wonderful post.

Although not religious, this verse speaks volumes to me:


Blackpill is the inevitable conclusion that logic and evidence will lead normies to, at least normies that are honest about it.

The question is: When more normies, men in particular, find out what women are up to, what is going to be done?

"The Blackpillers were right". This comment was the most enlightening of all. It is the epiphany that will hit a lot of men. I think they will go through the five stages of grief until they finally accept the Blackpill and start doing something about it.

Just let women genocide 90% of men theory. If men find out about this stuff and still decide to do nothing, they deserve to be lonely and sexless.
I wish foids would find me attractive.
Absolutely fucking brutal. This again confirms what we already knew.

Looks is literally the most important thing. That's all women care about. Fuck the gaslighters who tell you otherwise.

At this point, denying the blackpill is just denying reality itself.
Thanks for the blackpill shower, only just woke up too :lasereyes:
View attachment 979894

Man, I am way too sleepy to debunk this shit properly...but what has to be said has already been said. Per$onality goes a long way indeed...but still, in the West it is a cope... Here is the reality of it!

View attachment 979895

also brutal Slavpill by @ Infinite-EV there, jfl.

Well, that will be all for now. I don't want to spam the forum with too many reddit posts but I felt like this a was a nice one. There's more blackpills in there, but I don't wanna make an extremely long post. Go ahead and check it out for yourself if you'd like.

As my brother @verybasedindeed would say...INCELTEARS WON'T TOUCH THIS WITH A TEN-FOOT POLE.
Holy fuck, that top comment pissed me off so much. "Don't worry, there's tons of gorgeous girls with ugly guys, girls have been systematically told by patriarchy that personality is all that matters after all to make it easy for you guys to get laid:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

Nigga, the ENTIRE THREAD is about how women see most guys as unattractive already. You can't enter a thread and like and be like "Teehee, ugly guys get laid all the time:foidSoy::foidSoy:," when the ENTIRE THREADIS ABOUT HOW MOST GUYS ARE UGLY TO YOU, what you SEE an "ugly guy with a hot girl", there's a pretty good chance that, objectively speaking, those are two 6/10s pairing up because they are at a similar level lookswise, and the other woman just has slightly different preferences to you, such as liking his height or musculature while you focus on his face and that's why you see him as too ugly for her, it doesn't mean that men who are ACTUALLY UGLY are getting laid with beautiful women.

And I'm not even going to touch the suggestion that women are the ones being opressed by the notion that men's attractiveness is their personality, because I might break my monitor in rage from that. Let me just point out, who's more demonized for "failing" this? A woman who admits that she finds men's looks attactive will, in the eyes of the people who believe that, look, and maybe be told, that she's shallow and that's it, a man who can't get laid will, in the eyes of people who believe that men's attractiveness is their personality, look like a dangerous psychopath, a rapist, or otherwise a morally inferior human being, and be treated that way as well.

And yeah, that Slavpill was brutal, as they usually are:feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:. I've been saying for some time that people are underestimating the rest of the LMS triad, which, in my experience, is because they believe that thinking that money and status matter "isn't blackpilled" because "you can just get them", which is bullshit. You can't just, get money or status, literally every study ever conducted has shown that economic mobility is just barely not a myth and that it takes generations for low-income families just to become average-income oney, nevermind becoming rich. The few people who manage to go from rags to riches might be paraded in the media a lot, but they are the exception that proves the rule.

@Dregster @SlayerSlayer @Fat Link

Can you un-sticky my other thread and sticky this one in its place?

Thanks for the blackpill shower, only just woke up too :lasereyes:
Do the tags not work when you edit them in? :feelsUgh:
@Subhuman Trucel
inceltears on suicide watch.
@Subhuman Trucel
Brutal, the worst blackpills are truly the ones women openly admit themselves
You know it's bad when even normtards can no longer ignore the writing on the wall.
sex robots. NOW.
I'm going to castrate myself if I read these... I really appreciate the high effort post though, props :feelsYall:

“Bloody thou art, bloody will be thy end;

Shame serves thy life and doth thy death attend.”

― William Shakespeare, Richard III​

“Bloody thou art, bloody will be thy end;

Shame serves thy life and doth thy death attend.”

― William Shakespeare, Richard III​
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

-William Shakespeare, As You Like It
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

-William Shakespeare, As You Like It
“To beguile the time, look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth
it's fucking over, we need to invent intergalactic nuclear bombs with a power of black holes so we would destroy all living things in entire universe so other species won't repeat our mistakes
Wow.... It is beyond over.
TLDR: if you are ugly it is ovER
Just look at the guy whose Chad father has blessed with good genes. ''Most dudes just don't put the effort in their clothing and body'' J FUCKING L. That shit reads like a joke. He's aware that he's a mogger purely because of his genetics, yet he's still echoing the ''just improoov bro''.
Typical. Privileged people in a certain area are typically extremely bluepilled about it and take it for granted.

Men getting women effortlessly just by existing is what Chads have seen both in their own lives and throughout all bluepilled media, so why would they think this isn't how things work? Such people will also rarely think deeply about such subjects like an incel, desperate to figure out what's wrong, usually will do.
Reddit is the most cucked website on the internet. 90% of its users have a cuckold fetish and a tranny porn addiction
An average looking man struggles to get women now.

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