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Experiment Foids preferer to be in Harems...



Nov 8, 2020
I was having some guys over the other day and we had just about right amount of drinks to start talking about weird topics, and one of those topics struck gold...
We were exploring different scenarios but what would happen if there were too few women in the world or too few men... and we realized something about the world...

If the men to women ratio was 50 - 50 (like it more or less is now) and it was up to men each man would have on woman, we see that in the form of arranged marriages in the past.
But if women are left to chose they would always go for the elite of the elite of male samples and would never settle for less of what they think is the best. They don't mind being one of Chads side chick.

If there are less women than men, regardless of how many men there are in the world, women would always go for the elite of the elite.
While If it was up to men, men would try to organize and share what they had in the form of a pyramid scheme, some type of tests of worthiness would be needed before you could get a wife. We can see that in some historical references where villages where raided and the young, good looking girls where taken away and the villagers had to move on.

In both of those those scenarios if women are left to chose they will form a harem around the most attractive men they can get their hand on.
They don't want their own man they want to take turns in sharing the best dude.

Unfortunately the current birth rate data say that we get 105 boys born for every 100 girls.
So if our little thought experiment here is anything to go by, it explains why women act the way they do.

However here is the interesting part...
If there are considerably more women than men say there are 2 to 3 women for every man. Women form group together to become a mans girlfriends they don't even wait to get a turn. This what is happening in a Chinese city called Dongguan where every man has about 2 to 4 girlfriends. Another interesting fact is that infidelity in Dongguan is almost zero.

Historically men would die off much faster and more frequently than women would in the past. War, work accidents, exploring new dangerous areas on the planet. Most boys would not survive to become adults, and most adults would not live long enough to have children. So in the past you use to have multiple wives, servants and concubines in your house because if they where not in your house they would homeless, hungry and unprotected. That is true for more of the ancient world. So women use to treat men better not only because of what they offered but also because they where so rare.

So my theory is that women as a collective would treat people better If they had more competition for men's attention.
Say for example if there where mostly female births for a few years most of our social issues would go away.
All the discrimination, looking down at us, shaming tactics even their code of conduct would change I think.

If I am right about this and if we could just find a way to get more girls born than boys then women would start fighting each other instead of fighting us.
What do you guys think?
If I am right about this and if we could just find a way to get more girls born than boys then women would start fighting each other instead of fighting us.
Totally bro. Promoting more female births in a matriarchal society skewed against men.

Lets have women out number men
Daily reminder, that for 11 men there are only 10 girls born.
I'm conflicted about this, tbh.

Maybe it's a good idea, but it also sounds risky.
they would have to outnumber us by a lot to account for their hypergamy
Did you know that some radical feminists pursue selecting female embryos over male ones? :feelsEhh:
That's lifefuel actually there will be less competition and less incels
cope 99.999999999% of the population could be trucel and theyd still be chad only hypergamous.
There won't be enough Chads for everyone, he can't have 100 foids at once, some will have to settle down
I was having some guys over the other day and we had just about right amount of drinks to start talking about weird topics, and one of those topics struck gold...
We were exploring different scenarios but what would happen if there were too few women in the world or too few men... and we realized something about the world...

If the men to women ratio was 50 - 50 (like it more or less is now) and it was up to men each man would have on woman, we see that in the form of arranged marriages in the past.
But if women are left to chose they would always go for the elite of the elite of male samples and would never settle for less of what they think is the best. They don't mind being one of Chads side chick.

If there are less women than men, regardless of how many men there are in the world, women would always go for the elite of the elite.
While If it was up to men, men would try to organize and share what they had in the form of a pyramid scheme, some type of tests of worthiness would be needed before you could get a wife. We can see that in some historical references where villages where raided and the young, good looking girls where taken away and the villagers had to move on.

In both of those those scenarios if women are left to chose they will form a harem around the most attractive men they can get their hand on.
They don't want their own man they want to take turns in sharing the best dude.

Unfortunately the current birth rate data say that we get 105 boys born for every 100 girls.
So if our little thought experiment here is anything to go by, it explains why women act the way they do.

However here is the interesting part...
If there are considerably more women than men say there are 2 to 3 women for every man. Women form group together to become a mans girlfriends they don't even wait to get a turn. This what is happening in a Chinese city called Dongguan where every man has about 2 to 4 girlfriends. Another interesting fact is that infidelity in Dongguan is almost zero.

Historically men would die off much faster and more frequently than women would in the past. War, work accidents, exploring new dangerous areas on the planet. Most boys would not survive to become adults, and most adults would not live long enough to have children. So in the past you use to have multiple wives, servants and concubines in your house because if they where not in your house they would homeless, hungry and unprotected. That is true for more of the ancient world. So women use to treat men better not only because of what they offered but also because they where so rare.

So my theory is that women as a collective would treat people better If they had more competition for men's attention.
Say for example if there where mostly female births for a few years most of our social issues would go away.
All the discrimination, looking down at us, shaming tactics even their code of conduct would change I think.

If I am right about this and if we could just find a way to get more girls born than boys then women would start fighting each other instead of fighting us.
What do you guys think?
Amount of hair on chad's norwood 1 head IQ thread
It is know from various anthropological studies that when men/women<1, male SMV increases.

Well My thinking is that women's fear of being left out would cause them to behave in a certain way.
More like Gorillas, Lions or wolfs where the females do all the work provide for the male.

Did you know that some radical feminists pursue selecting female embryos over male ones? :feelsEhh:

Unfortunately the number of feminists getting selective breading are far too few. Most of them chose to rise boys if they have a chose to brainwash them in to behaving the way they want.

Yeah, there's something off... wdym exactly? Them enforcing their law on us even more easily?

Unfortunately women already put whatever laws they want in power because most men would do just about anything for some action.
Some of those laws are very sexists ageist men... Nobody cares...

It's not black or white. The more of them, the better, in theory...
I'm conflicted about this, tbh.

Maybe it's a good idea, but it also sounds risky.
I had the same thoughts, but isolated examples of cities and villages were women out number men point out a different type of behavior.
Chances are that even if men where 30 to 25% of the population they would be the majority of the leaders in our world.
Biology gives us a predisposition for preference and they things men like to do most is wining while women are more social creatures than men.

I don't understand your quote.
Sorry I messed up my response to you.
My thinking is that women's fear of being left out of the group would cause them to behave in a certain way.
More like Gorillas, Lions or wolfs where the females do all the work provide for the male.
Totally bro. Promoting more female births in a matriarchal society skewed against men.

Lets have women out number men
Instead of inceldom they are going to start killing ugly Men on the street with their bare hands.
So my theory is that women as a collective would treat people better If they had more competition for men's attention.
Say for example if there where mostly female births for a few years most of our social issues would go away.
All the discrimination, looking down at us, shaming tactics even their code of conduct would change I think.

If I am right about this and if we could just find a way to get more girls born than boys then women would start fighting each other instead of fighting us.
What do you guys think?
For this to happen Society needs to collapse.. or a recession or depression needs to happen. When resources are abundant more Boys will be born than Girls. It is the opposite way around when resources are scarce.. more Girls born than Boys. Can't remember where I read that.. but it was a source of information that was well researched.

My personal conclusion is that Foids see all the resources in the world and their brains react in a way that makes more males to help with the harvest and ensure their continued survival, more males means more workers. When there isn't a harvest to reap then their brains react differently, more females means more babies.. with a potential chance of genetics screwing up or the mother not getting enough resources to carry the child to term with the reduced resources.. the more baby making potential a family has (females) the more likely it would be for their lineage to survive and also less male competition (conflicts, wars).
they would have to outnumber us by a lot to account for their hypergamy
Even then there is no guarantee that they wouldn't take it upon themselves to lock us all up like dogs and treat us like slaves.
Instead of inceldom they are going to start killing ugly Men on the street with their bare hands.
Oh trust me they will.

Say ANYTHING bad against women and an army of white knights will ride in to protect her.
Our SMV would increase, that's for sure, but I somewhat agree with @THE TRUE HONKLER because the situation wouldn't be an exact gender swap. There wouldn't be total symmetry in the distribution of partners in both scenarios: lower tier truecels would remain the same imo.
Social Media would also play a huge roll in this as well. How viral a certain image, lifestyle or stereotype can become is sped up because of this. The Stone Age never had this technology, but that is where we are heading towards.
Instead of inceldom they are going to start killing ugly Men on the street with their bare hands.

I know where you are coming from but I have to disagree.

Ok lets take it to the extreme...
Lets say there where just 10 men on the planet.
2 chads, 2 really ugly dudes and 6 guys on the average side.

Do you think women would kill off they the 2 ugly dudes?

Sure all the girls would like to sleep with the chads but in a world were there are 3,5 billion women and 10 men.
For a woman having sex with a man would be a once in a life time opportunity.
Beggars can't choosers.

What I think would happen is the guys would be in a human stud farm and because there is only so many times a day a guy can do it the guys would pick and chose the girls that would get to have sex with a man... Every other girl would have use toys or go lesbian and to go to a sperm bank and pay a bunch of cash.
Social Media would also play a huge roll in this as well. How viral a certain image, lifestyle or stereotype can become is sped up because of this. The Stone Age never had this technology, but that is where we are heading towards.
I agree... All the rich and famous guys have unofficial "harems" going on right now... Its common for a guy in his 30s to have multiple girls on the friends with benefits level as long as that guys is a chad, famous, loaded or all 3... And by loaded I mean shows that his has money... I am not saying he is actually rich.
I know a car mechanic with a 4 million dollar net worth and he is an incel because you look at him and he is an average guy covered in grease.
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There is someone out there for everyone :)

Well the statistic I use it 105 boys born for 100 girls.

But the dating pool is worst than that... Most guys don't want most women in there 40s, 50s or older with very few exceptions.
Most guys want women in there 20s and 30s... Women are fine to go with older men as long as they have money and fame. Some times in to their 60s and 70s
So there are 2 generations of women for 6 generations of men. If we account for the 105 to 100 ration and we don't mention looks and how fat they are.
We end up with 315 men for every 100 women.

So your daily reminder should be that...
3 men are fighting over 1 woman at any given time.
idea is on point but it will never be implemented
One of the lowest IQ threads I've read in a while.
Totally bro. Promoting more female births in a matriarchal society skewed against men.

Lets have women out number men
We incels are at the bottom anyway, there's no difference in (let's say) being under 3b other men and 3b foids or being under 5b foids and 1b other men.

Also less men means the value of one increases, the overpopulation of men is one of the most direct factors of inceldom
We incels are at the bottom anyway, there's no difference in (let's say) being under 3b other men and 3b foids or being under 5b foids and 1b other men.

Also less men means the value of one increases, the overpopulation of men is one of the most direct factors of inceldom
Nature always has a way of balancing itself out. Even if having more men than women was a benefit (which i don't think it is) it wouldn't last.

It would either be the death of the human race or go back to equal numbers eventually.
Nature always has a way of balancing itself out. Even if having more men than women was a benefit (which i don't think it is) it wouldn't last.

It would either be the death of the human race or go back to equal numbers eventually.
I'm not saying putting it to 5:1, at least make it so it truly is 50:50. I think humanity could do it with all the technologies available, and trying wouldn't hurt anyway
I'm not saying putting it to 5:1, at least make it so it truly is 50:50. I think humanity could do it with all the technologies available, and trying wouldn't hurt anyway
It couldn't hurt to try, you're right.

Unless its profitable though, I doubt the men behind the scenes would bother. Remember, humans are greedy selfish ignorant creatures. Unless its producing capital, the elite wouldn't bother.
We need to simply bring arranged marriages back.
In the hospitals we could slaughter male babies that looked ugly or weak or had anything wrong with them. And then just tell the mothers sorry your child got the CoronaChan.

For why it seemed to the people that there was 2 girls for every 1 boy, we would simply lie and say it is an anomaly in their school. And just fake the statistics.
Daily reminder, that for 11 men there are only 10 girls born.
In a society that allows people to freely express aberrant but harmless forms of sexuality, this is less of an issue
It couldn't hurt to try, you're right.

Unless its profitable though, I doubt the men behind the scenes would bother. Remember, humans are greedy selfish ignorant creatures. Unless its producing capital, the elite wouldn't bother.
Precisely and even if you somehow end up overcoming that obstacle you will end up having issues with the freedom of choice and the playing god arguments.

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