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Brutal Foids Lose Their Virginity at 15 and Lower



cursed with inceldom
Aug 8, 2021
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her. I'm senior and I never had any relationship, I'm KHHV. Chads and normies dating foids and impregnanting them while I'm working lessons. There is no nice girl in this planet. They all got used by other men. Moneymaxxing is cope. The reason why I'm doing that is because I'll escortmaxx.
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her. I'm senior and I never had any relationship, I'm KHHV. Chads and normies dating foids and impregnanting them while I'm working lessons. There is no nice girl in this planet. They all got used by other men. Moneymaxxing is cope. The reason why I'm doing that is because I'll escortmaxx.
Agecucks on suicide watch
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her. I'm senior and I never had any relationship, I'm KHHV. Chads and normies dating foids and impregnanting them while I'm working lessons. There is no nice girl in this planet. They all got used by other men. Moneymaxxing is cope. The reason why I'm doing that is because I'll escortmaxx.
I met a foid long time ago and she told that she lost it when she was 14 yo.
Depends on the country, but yeah, in vast majority of them you will not find a woman past 20 years old that is a virgin. Whatsmore girls past 20 years is likely to have had numerous partners. Unless you go with the flow (and you won't as a sub-8) you will always have leftovers.
Depends on the country, but yeah, in vast majority of them you will not find a woman past 20 years old that is a virgin. Whatsmore girls past 20 years is likely to have had numerous partners. Unless you go with the flow (and you won't as a sub-8) you will always have leftovers.
I'm not surprised tbh. Turkish foids are one of the biggest whores in this planet
They can choose to have sex at any age, it's so easy if you're born a girl and can be passive and just answer yes when approached.
Remember that interview with a teacher who admitted that grade school foids are having anal sex by age 10?
I knew a couple 13 years old girls with 5+ partner count back in 2005-2007, I would walk around with one of them in her area and she would say hi to pretty much every guy that passed by and surely enough, she told me they were ex-boyfriends or had fucked them in the past. She most likely saw me as an asexual being in spite of my height due to my crippling autism and my face wasn't good enough to compensate.

I can't imagine how bad things are now in the tinder/social media/iphonemaxxed era. Society tells them it's empowering and birth control/condoms means they avoid most of the "bad" stuff that would usually come with recreational sex, so surely more and more teenage girls are doing it. Sexual revolution was a mistake.

“It's a fact...that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.”

― Michel Houellebecq, Whatever
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Makes me wanna cry
Imagine sending your 10yo kid to school and instead of learning something they get fucked in the ass. Good thing i will never have kids.
Imagine sending your 10yo kid to school and instead of learning something they get fucked in the ass. Good thing i will never have kids.
water OP

women at 20 are not virgins

at 18 they aren't either. its like finding a needle in a haystack to find a female who didnt lose virginity in middle/high school
this is what globohomo and American terrorism does to the world
Also mind you as many incels forget, this is just virginity. Many of them have already stroked and gagged on chads dick a couple years prior to 15 years old and don't count that as hooking up. :dab::feelsdevil:
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her. I'm senior and I never had any relationship, I'm KHHV. Chads and normies dating foids and impregnanting them while I'm working lessons. There is no nice girl in this planet. They all got used by other men. Moneymaxxing is cope. The reason why I'm doing that is because I'll escortmaxx.
Yeah right bro
Average girl in America loses their virginity at age: 13-15

Average guy in America loses their virginity at age: 18-25
just wait till you have a job bro
women will love it!:soy:
just wait till you have a job bro
women will love it!:soy:
Stupid dating coach channels: Just wait until 30 to get resources :lul::lul:
Average girl in America loses their virginity at age: 13-15

Average guy in America loses their virginity at age: 18-25
Brutal. And normiez aren't having good sex. They get it when they simp a roastie to out of galaxy.
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Stupid dating coach channels: Just wait until 30 to get resources :lul::lul:

Brutal. And normiez aren't having good sex. They get it when they simp a roastie to out of galaxy.


The moment you're told you need to do that is the moment you LDAR and leechmaxx. Or investmaxx/escortmaxx if you wish.
Average girl in America loses their virginity at age: 13-15

Average guy in America loses their virginity at age: 18-25
why is there such a difference in age between genders there?

in my country average female loses her virginity at 14-15, the average man here also loses it at 14-15

same age for both of them
why is there such a difference in age between genders there?

in my country average female loses her virginity at 14-15, the average man here also loses it at 14-15

same age for both of them

In the West, only Chad loses his virginity at a comparable age.

Way too many male virgins in their 20s for mid teens to be the average anymore.
why is there such a difference in age between genders there?

in my country average female loses her virginity at 14-15, the average man here also loses it at 14-15

same age for both of them
Because in America, Women are encouraged to be sluts
Because in America, Women are encouraged to be sluts
In the West, only Chad loses his virginity at a comparable age.

Way too many male virgins in their 20s for mid teens to be the average anymore.
this doesn't make any sense to me

they are also sluts where i live

but guys lose it at same age instead of much older

how are you supposed to lose it at 20+ anyway? excluding hookers
True. I know a curry whore that lost hers at 15. Up until last year I used to think that teen whoring is for 1st world countries only but I was wrong. Now whenever I see a girl/teen I always assume she's a whore. Some curries are still delusional about it they think "muh conservative society" "muh virgin girls" jfl they think their future arrange marriage wife is gonna be a virgin just like them well fuckface when you were busy cramming Lakshmikant Polity 12 hrs a day your wife was whoring on Bumble and Tinder.

@ReconElement it's literally over for metropolitan curries.
True. I know a curry whore that lost hers at 15. Up until last year I used to think that teen whoring is for 1st world countries only but I was wrong. Now whenever I see a girl/teen I always assume she's a whore. Some curries are still delusional about it they think "muh conservative society" "muh virgin girls" jfl they think their future arrange marriage wife is gonna be a virgin just like them well fuckface when you were busy cramming Lakshmikant Polity 12 hrs a day your wife was whoring on Bumble and Tinder.

@ReconElement it's literally over for metropolitan curries.
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro".
why did you choose 15 for title and 20 here? seems arbitrary delineation of reference

No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her.
they will always claim the pregnant HS teens are outliers and anyone without explicit proof of sex (pregnancy) is a virgin

There is no nice girl in this planet.
there are definitely "nice" girls when you grock that 'nice' is a behavior and not some immutable attribute

there is no such thing as thorough 100% niceness because we're all multifaceted and complex people

the question is how deep the kindness goes and what motivations people have for polite and altruiistic behaviors

IE "does she actually care if I live until tomorrow, or is she putting on a performance to build a reputation for herself"
This is something that pisses me off, I hate people who say shit like “its normal to be a virgin at 20” no it is not, all foids and normies lose their virginity at 13-16, if you want a virgin then go fuck a 12 year old
I hate em
Normies think they live the same life as us. Someway they get sex, someway they get a relationship, someway they marry and have a child. Just, their chances are lower than chads. But for us, it's a different story. We get mogged all day all night. We get rejected. We get bullied.
Water. In my shithole of a country 16 y.o girls are roasties
Very true, they are truly living life on tutorial mode.
That’s why they need to have a heavy rock dropped onto their heads
Remember that interview with a teacher who admitted that grade school foids are having anal sex by age 10?
It was not admitting, she was just a perverted sexual deviant
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't.
there might be a total of two in the entire world due to some kind of obscure circumstance like dad locking them up and not fucking them, you never know
I even knew girls who did it at age 13, but I was subconsciously denying that until I was 17.
Stupid dating coach channels: Just wait until 30 to get resources :lul::lul:

Brutal. And normiez aren't having good sex. They get it when they simp a roastie to out of galaxy.
Yeah for real, like bro, ypu already slaved away your years woth highest test and libido, the ones where you will had the most enjoyment from sex, what is the point of getting sex from old womens with 25364 bodies when ur 30+ ? You will nevwr close that experiment gap which u dont even know exist.

Also most people here dont know not all guys in relationships dont get laid
I'm sick of hearing these bullshits. I can't take it anymore. "There are still virgin women at age of 20 bro". No there aren't. Freshman chad in highschool banged a foid and impregnanted her.

Justus Grossbier had no success, either:

Screenshot from 2022 01 15 14 21 45

Screenshot from 2022 01 15 14 23 59
10 year olds don't have sex lmao, that's elementary school
I didnt make that up, just repeating what the teacher in a video was saying. I didn't bookmark the video but it was posted somewhere here.
I didnt make that up, just repeating what the teacher in a video was saying. I didn't bookmark the video but it was posted somewhere here.
I don't know anyone who lost their virginity at 10

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