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Hypocrisy Foids have no personality



Welsh presbyterianmaxed and Crymupilled
May 18, 2024
Bluepillers if “It’s your bersonality” 90% of foids would be virgins.

I don’t really speak to anyone irl anymore but in high school , primary and threwout my life I’ve Made friends easily and people found me funny. As I became more witty I would make GIRLS laugh on a regular basis. Unfortunately no girl would go out with me.

I am also a really kind person. I go out of my way to help people, especially old and disabled people. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and I try my best to be nice to everyone.

Arguably this makes me more of a trucel. Because it proves I’m not a mentalcel. If I was horrible to everyone and then complained about not getting a girlfriend that would be stupid.

However foids are rude, entitled, unempathic, unfunny etc . So if it’s muh bersonality then how come these obnoxious women and men have partners and I don’t?
Yes, most women are just sheep with no mind of their own and do nothing interesting
Bluepillers if “It’s your bersonality” 90% of foids would be virgins.
jfl read this as 'bearsonality' at first

would make sense ig since foids think men have bad pERsonalities but bears are gentlemen

brutal bearpill
jfl read this as 'bearsonality' at first

would make sense ig since foids think men have bad pERsonalities but bears are gentlemen

brutal bearpill
lol. I used to do it to make fun of my Arab friend Khaled.
Yes, most women are just sheep with no mind of their own and do nothing interesting
If you told me they were all from the same lab id believe you
tbf bluepillers don't think that foids are primarily judged by personality

as soon as foids are mentioned they suddenly start whining abt toxic patriarchal beauty standards and how men are shallow + only care abt looks. or w/e the usual shit

they also ignore how foids can be judgemental bitches to each other and will look down on other foids or exclude them for not fitting in, which can be damaging. but if foids do it then it's ok apparently

but yeah foids rarely have personality but are elevated above males regardless, so apparently it's just not that important
If you told me they were all from the same lab id believe you
Same. They are like cookie cutter copies of each other, personality wise anyway
If you ever talk to a foid, you will notice how terrible they are at conversation. They are essentially sexual vessels devoid of anything meaningful
If you ever talk to a foid, you will notice how terrible they are at conversation. They are essentially sexual vessels devoid of anything meaningful
Yes. It’s so boring. You can’t have Deep conversations either. You have to keep it playful and lighthearted because there little brains don’t want to do anything intellectual.

They always have little input in the conversation, they just wait for someone funny to come along so they can milk them
Sure they have personality. Each human is slightly different, everyone operates on different environmental factors, emotional differences and characteristics.

I think nowadays a lot of girls are simply social media addicted to the point that the Algorithm brainwashes everyone into essentially the same being, the Same character you might say.

The same goes for men especially Gen Alpha.

You have guys that basically are just loners and then you have these self improvemennt guys that always hustle and try new shit until something works.

Girls are all about that Social Media game, Snap, Insta, Tiktok and beauty sector.

Literally the beauty sector wouldnt exist if women arent attracted to look like a doll.

The habits and traits of people became all the same.
Sure they have personality. Each human is slightly different, everyone operates on different environmental factors, emotional differences and characteristics.

I think nowadays a lot of girls are simply social media addicted to the point that the Algorithm brainwashes everyone into essentially the same being, the Same character you might say.

The same goes for men especially Gen Alpha.

You have guys that basically are just loners and then you have these self improvemennt guys that always hustle and try new shit until something works.

Girls are all about that Social Media game, Snap, Insta, Tiktok and beauty sector.

Literally the beauty sector wouldnt exist if women arent attracted to look like a doll.

The habits and traits of people became all the same.
“It’s the ___ for me” SHUT TF UP!. They change their dialect every 10 minutes
Genuinely never met one that could make me laugh.
Same. They can't tell jokes for shit. I'm a sperg, and even I'm funnier than almost any woman.
Same. They can't tell jokes for shit. I'm a sperg, and even I'm funnier than almost any woman.
I’m genuinely a funny guy. Not to hoot my own horn but I have been told that I’m hilarious. One bitch online said I was too funny to be an incel (she blocked me after seeing my face lol).

Everyone I know thinks I’m funny
Same. They can't tell jokes for shit. I'm a sperg, and even I'm funnier than almost any woman.
True, the only jokes they make are about how they are sluts and cheat around which is ragefuel more than anything
There isn't a single foid who has a sense of humour. Or intelligence.
They all just seem like slightly worse clones of the last one
They all follow the same trends, have no opinions or interests, they truly live in an echo chamber. Only redeeming features of foids are their holes. (water)
They all follow the same trends, have no opinions or interests, they truly live in an echo chamber. Only redeeming features of foids are their holes. (water)

They are so robotic, it’s embarrassing
I hate foids with every inch of my being, yet can't help myself but want one.
Realist shit Ive ever read. I hate them so much but they are so erotic.

Im sort of disgusted in myself that I need one so bad
They all follow the same trends, have no opinions or interests, they truly live in an echo chamber. Only redeeming features of foids are their holes. (water)
They follow trends because they are submissive and have smaller brains than men so yes their only redeeming feature is their holes
They follow trends because they are submissive and have smaller brains than men so yes their only redeeming feature is their holes
U noticed that there trends are lead by homosexual men?. Even in there own spaces they still require men
Realist shit Ive ever read. I hate them so much but they are so erotic.

Im sort of disgusted in myself that I need one so bad
Its just the way our brains are wired unfortunately, it cannot be changed.
I’m genuinely a funny guy. Not to hoot my own horn but I have been told that I’m hilarious. One bitch online said I was too funny to be an incel (she blocked me after seeing my face lol).

Everyone I know thinks I’m funny
Just proves personality isn’t the problem for many of us
Just proves personality isn’t the problem for many of us
Whats hilarious to me is that, even if muh peehrrssonaality mattered (which it doesnt IN THE SLIGHTEST), you couldnt even change your peeehrrssoonality. The same as looks. You simply cannot change it.
Only mental-fakecels have personality to blame for there inability to get girls
I partially agree. Mentalcels aren’t all fakecels though. I myself have Asperger’s, and can’t find anything in common with normie men, lat alone girls. Only people I get along easily with are car guys like me. I can literally talk about cars for hours (and do) when someone actually wants to listen. This is another Aspie trait: having extreme interest in a narrow amount of things.
Whats hilarious to me is that, even if muh peehrrssonaality mattered (which it doesnt IN THE SLIGHTEST), you couldnt even change your peeehrrssoonality. The same as looks. You simply cannot change it.
Exactly. Its all about your genes at the end, you are essentially just like a video game character programmed to follow the commands that have been given to you in the form of genes. True free will is just an illusion and life is pretty much always predetermined in that sense
Whats hilarious to me is that, even if muh peehrrssonaality mattered (which it doesnt IN THE SLIGHTEST), you couldnt even change your peeehrrssoonality. The same as looks. You simply cannot change it.
Exactly. Personality is fixed, especially whether NT or autistic. This is when it matters though. Autists are fucked unless they have Chad tier looks, but a 5/10 NT can still do alright
I partially agree. Mentalcels aren’t all fakecels though. I myself have Asperger’s, and can’t find anything in common with normie men, lat alone girls. Only people I get along easily with are car guys like me. I can literally talk about cars for hours (and do) when someone actually wants to listen. This is another Aspie trait: having extreme interest in a narrow amount of things.
I’m autistic too lol. But I’m not that bad at socialising
I partially agree. Mentalcels aren’t all fakecels though. I myself have Asperger’s, and can’t find anything in common with normie men, lat alone girls. Only people I get along easily with are car guys like me. I can literally talk about cars for hours (and do) when someone actually wants to listen. This is another Aspie trait: having extreme interest in a narrow amount of things.
Im autistic too but autism alone isn't the reason Im here obviously. If I was good looking but still autistic Im sure I would get some anyways
never had any casual talks with a foid :society: :society: :feelsping: :feelsping:
I’m autistic too lol. But I’m not that bad at socialising
I’m not too bad at socializing on the surface level, but I struggle to make friends and obviously suck at talking to women
Im autistic too but autism alone isn't the reason Im here obviously. If I was good looking but still autistic Im sure I would get some anyways
Yeah, same.


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