Haiiii! What uu need is my Stand "Da Wowwd".
What uu can find beyond da powews of my Stand is whewe uu need to go in owdew to find Heaven. What uu need is a twustwowthy fwiend. He must be someone capabwe of contwowwing his own desiwes. He must be someone who is nut intewested in powiticaw powew, fame, weawth, ow sexuaw desiwe, and who chooses da wiww of God befowe da waw of humans.
Wiww I, DIO, be abwe to meet someone wike this one day?
What I awso need is da wives of mowe than 36 humans who haz sinned, because those who haz sinned hawbow a stwong powew within.
Thewe awe 14 phwases that one must keep in mind:
Spiwaw staiwcase (らせん階段 Wasen Kaidan)
Whinucewos beetweW (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Desowation WowW (廃墟の街 Haikyo nu machi)
Fig tawt (イチジクのタルト Ichijiku nu tawuto)
Whinucewos beetwe (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Via Dowowosa (ドロローサへの道 Dowowōsa e nu michi)
Whinucewos beetwe (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Singuwawity point (特異点 Tokuiten)
Giotto (ジョット Jotto)
Angew (天使 Enjewu)
Hydwangea (紫陽花 Ajisai)
Whinucewos beetwe (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Singuwawity point (特異点 Tokuiten)
Secwet empewow (秘密の皇帝 Himitsu nu Kōtei)
I'ww engwave these wowds onto my Stand so I won't fowget them. What is most necessawy is "couwage"; I must haz da couwage to destwoy my Stand momentawiwy. As it disintegwates, my Stand wiww absowb da souws of da 36 sinnews and wiww give biwth to something uttewwy new.
Whatevew is bown wiww "awaken". It wiww show intewest in da 14 wowds that my twusted fwiend wiww uttew... My fwiend wiww twust me and I wiww become his "fwiend".
Wastwy, I need an appwopwiate wocation. Nowth watitude, 28 degwees, 24 minutes, West wongitude 80 degwees, 36 minutes...
Go thewe and wait fow da New Moon...
That's when Heaven wiww come. (• o •)