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Blackpill Foids are more eugenicist than the fucking Waffen SS



Jan 13, 2021
These guys only accepted the fittest, blondest, best looking Germans into their ranks but even they weren't as brutally heightist as foids.


They didn't treat you like shit just because you aren't tall, which foids do, or because you aren't social maxxed. Plus to be that eugenicist these guys had to be indoctrinated for decades, while foids are fucking born that way and say "Eww" to ugly guys as if it is the most natural thing in the world.

While many Nazis were evil, they didn't actively promote evil like foids do with their fucking dark triad worship. You weren't promoted just because you were brutal and cruel, which foids also do by fucking only the biggest psychopaths.

Foids are literally naturally born Nazis, yet they larp as if they support BLM and tolerance and all that other shit, despite fucking only the elite - not because they indeed like different cultures, but because they like the idea that more men will compete for them. No matter what, white and asian whores always win.

Women are a joke and quite literally more evil than the most monstrous regime in history.
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Well said.

It's funny how foids virtue signal against racism by claiming "how can you discriminate against people based on how they look!!!!"

Yet they live exactly that lifestyle, by de-humanizing , ignoring, and selectively discriminating against any average or below average looking man based on

*checks notes*

How they look!
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most monstrous regime in history.
Pol Pot or Mao take that one. At least Hitler liked the non-Jewish Germans, communists massacred their own people.
Nazis are best, so was Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.

i hate this Jewfag world.
The first result from Google (Wiki):
>In 1934, Himmler set stringent requirements for recruits. They were to be German nationals who could prove their Aryan ancestry back to 1800, unmarried, and without a criminal record.
>A four-year commitment was required for the SS-VT and LSSAH. Recruits had to be between the ages of 17 and 23, at least 1.74 metres (5 ft 9 in) tall (1.78 metres (5 ft 10 in) for the LSSAH). Concentration camp guards had to make a one-year commitment, be between the ages of 16 and 23, and at least 1.72 metres (5 ft 8 in) tall. All recruits were required to have 20/20 eyesight, no dental fillings, and to provide a medical certificate.
That's before 1938, but I'm not sure if your point stands either way.

The Third Reich was still a Chad paradise where normies ran the show.
Well said.

It's funny how foids virtue signal against racism by claiming "how can you discriminate against people based on how they look!!!!"

Yet they live exactly that lifestyle, by de-humanizing , ignoring, and selectively discriminating against any average or below average looking man based on

*checks notes*

How they look!
Right of disassociation is not discrimination. Just because she wont date you doesn't make her comparable to murderers and eugenicists.
Right of disassociation is not discrimination. Just because she wont date you doesn't make her comparable to murderers and eugenicists.
Yes it is discrimination based on looks
Well said.

It's funny how foids virtue signal against racism by claiming "how can you discriminate against people based on how they look!!!!"

Yet they live exactly that lifestyle, by de-humanizing , ignoring, and selectively discriminating against any average or below average looking man based on

*checks notes*

How they look!
awesome take down of foid psychology completely desecrating the dichotomy and contradiction of what they say and what they do which is the epitome of hypocrisy.
These guys only accepted the fittest, blondest, best looking Germans into their ranks
They dropped their standards massively during the war. The average Waffen-SS officer in 1944:

discriminate a foid for the fact that she is fat = bodyshaming :no:

discriminate a man for the fact that he is short = good :yes:
Right of disassociation is not discrimination. Just because she wont date you doesn't make her comparable to murderers and eugenicists.
They don't want to be near ugly guys or talk to them. Even out of politeness.
Yet they live exactly that lifestyle, by de-humanizing , ignoring, and selectively discriminating against any average or below average looking man based on
Bluepillers, foids and iT cucks will say its the personality:feelsclown:
Foids want all ethnic subhuman males neutered, castrated, or dead.
They don't want to be near ugly guys or talk to them. Even out of politeness.
That ain't murder or eugenics. I would not want to be near most of this forum's racist, hateful population either.
foids are demons

Tbh, gaddafi is a saint
how is he a saint? he was just another run of the mill corrupt dictator like all the others. i swear if anyone ever said anything 1 time negative about jews, nazis will suck them off for all eternity and not look at the shit state of their societies.
Pol Pot or Mao take that one. At least Hitler liked the non-Jewish Germans, communists massacred their own people.
Mao destroyed the traditional arranged marriage in China because he was a chad and thought that in an arranged marriage, "parents raped their children" - that's an actual quote, unless I'm totally misremembering, but I can't find it currently for the life of me because of stupid Google censorship.
mongols would put all of 20th century butchers into shame though. the damage they did to the world is still felt to this day. many regions never recovered.
I still have no fucking idea how a bunch of nomands (basically hobos) living in fucking tents could rape almost the entire planet with the exception of Western Europe and Japan, who only survived through a miracle.

The Mongols are a total mystery.
Mao destroyed the traditional arranged marriage in China because he was a chad and thought that in an arranged marriage, "parents raped their children" - that's an actual quote, unless I'm totally misremembering, but I can't find it currently for the life of me because of stupid Google censorship.
The biggest communist genocider in history was an agecuck, who could have guessed. But didn't he rape children too? Wouldn't be surprised if he was also a hypocrite.
These guys only accepted the fittest, blondest, best looking Germans into their ranks but even they weren't as brutally heightist as foids.

View attachment 491067

They didn't treat you like shit just because you aren't tall, which foids do, or because you aren't social maxxed. Plus to be that eugenicist these guys had to be indoctrinated for decades, while foids are fucking born that way and say "Eww" to ugly guys as if it is the most natural thing in the world.

While many Nazis were evil, they didn't actively promote evil like foids do with their fucking dark triad worship. You weren't promoted just because you were brutal and cruel, which foids also do by fucking only the biggest psychopaths.

Foids are literally naturally born Nazis, yet they larp as if they support BLM and tolerance and all that other shit, despite fucking only the elite - not because they indeed like different cultures, but because they like the idea that more men will compete for them. No matter what, white and asian whores always win.

Women are a joke and quite literally more evil than the most monstrous regime in history.

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