The question is, why should they give a shit? Their reason for being, instinctual drives, brain wiring, and routes to their conception of success are completely different. They don't need to do any of that stuff. All they have to do is sit there and be young, pretty, fertile, and feminine for men. They just need to exist. That's all there is to it. The things they care about seem frivolous to us (and they are), but mean everything to them. They care about whether their purse matches their shoes - utterly frivolous - but in her reality part of her status amongst her peers in the female hierarchy is tied to such frivolities as fashion.
We, on the other hand, have to do literally build and maintain civilization. We share the same space and planet, but they exist in a completely different reality. There's data out of Sweden - the most egalitarian, feminist country in the world - that shows that when you force everything to be equal and give everyone the choice to do whatever, women choose female-oriented jobs and hobbies, while the men choose the male-oriented ones. Big fucking surprise, right? Aside from our shared need to eat, sleep, shit, and fuck, our existences are different on every level.