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Foid was more interested in me when I told her I was an incel



Jul 8, 2024
Never thought I’d be back on here again but needed to share what happened today. Shit parents making me take summer classes, have a fucked up schedule so I spend some time between classes in the library. Started noticing cute foid studies in the library same times as me but to pussy to go up to foid. About a month ago my seat was blocking a small section for textbooks, foid taps me on shoulder and asks if she can reach over. Not sure why I was so shocked when foid tapped me on shoulder but I sort of froze and gave a stupid fucking face. She looks at me weird expecting a response and all I could give her was a nod. Another moment of awkward silence (I didn’t think to fucking move out of the way so she can reach) but foid just starts reaching for textbooks hovering right over me (closest I’ve ever been to a pair of tits besides my mothers).

As I’m still frozen foid apologizes and says she can’t find the book. Finally I get a word out and ask her which one she’s looking for, I find the book in the wrong spot and give to her, she thanks me and leaves. Ever since then this foid is all I can think about. 9/10 face very small (probably 5’2) small tits and ass but suits her well. I start noticing foid everywhere, on days I don’t have classes I come to library to see her and she’s almost always there but again I’m a 5’3 balding incel pussy who won’t ask for her number. Over a week ago I came to library to study and every single seat is taken besides right next to her (she has a whole table to herself). I walk around the room to grow some balls and ask if I can have a seat next to her. Eventually I do and foid says yes.

A few minutes in she strikes up a conversation with me. Just normal things like our majors and what clubs she’s in but the whole time I’m stuttering and acting like a retard. Foid picks up on it gets disgusted and stops talking to me. 20 minutes later I man up and start the conversation again, not stuttering this time and we have a great 30 minute conversation. I get a boner out of nowhere and start getting shy again. She leaves for her next class and I never asked for her fucking number.

Thankfully next time I’m in library I see her and ask if I can sit next to her again. 20 minutes in I get balls and talk to her. This repeats for about two weeks until today where I planned on finally asking for foids number. I walk into library and when I find her she’s talking to a 6’0 Chad. I immediately turn around and go on a walk. I come back and she’s sitting alone so I ask to sit next to her. “Was that your boyfriend?” I ask stuttering like a retard. Foid gives a confused face and says that he’s not. I ask if she has a boyfriend at all and she says no. Perfect right? I ask for her number but of course she says no. I ask her “why? I thought we got to really know each other over the past couple of weeks, why don’t you like me?” (We are basically alone in the library no one can hear us) foid says she’s a lesbian and has no attraction to men (typical).

Not sure what got over me but me being the retard that I am told her that I was an incel and that I’ve never gotten to talk to a foid like her (yes I know:feelsUnreal:). But instead of running away or giving a disgusted face she got excited??

She started asking me a bunch of random questions about my incelness like if I view foids differently than when I was a kid or what kind of relationship I have with my sister or mother. I hesitate answering these questions so she starts sharing more things about herself. One thing that stuck out to me was that she’s never even kissed a boy (yea right) and has only ever been attracted to girls. Also explained how it’s hard for her to find partners in hopes I’d open up more. After she asks if she makes a discord tonight will I chat with her on there. I agree and she leaves.

This foid left me so fucking confused, she didn’t want to give me her number and all of a sudden she’s making a discord just to chat with me? I don’t think she wants a relationship or sex out of me so is she just messing with me? Is this a funny joke to her? Are incels that crazy to her that she felt the need to know the answers to these questions? Please tell me what you guys think.
Yeah I'm not reading this.
Strong first post
She's obsessed with incels like every other chronically online dyke foid and is talking to you out of morbid curiosity
Note to self: don't tell people you are an incel.
She probably thought you were a violent sociopath and in her brain she got the tingles :foidSoy: (Just kidding, she's just using you for attention and validation)
Get off this forum, man. There's still a chance.
Cant believe i read every word GrAY ass teencel tier larp(?) thread zzzzzz
She's obsessed with incels like every other chronically online dyke foid and is talking to you out of morbid curiosity
Just wondering why me, also she’s not a dyke she probably more feminine than anyone in our uni so I don’t think she’s a lesbian
I don't get why people create an account on here and instantly think to write 10 paragraphs of their whole backstory as their first post, you're just asking to get hit with a "dnr".
Read the whole thing.

Sounds to me that she is just curious about incels and wants to add you to ask a fuck ton of questions.

Idk if she will be friendly to you after she's cured her curiosity or is she'll just ignore you after
Read the whole thing.

Sounds to me that she is just curious about incels and wants to add you to ask a fuck ton of questions.

Idk if she will be friendly to you after she's cured her curiosity or is she'll just ignore you after
Thanks for actually reading. Should I give in? In hopes she would actually understand us?
Thanks for actually reading. Should I give in? In hopes she would actually understand us?
they will never understand us, don't bother with hER
She said shes lesbian so theres not much to do about that, but she might be interested in having a friendship with you.
Just wondering why me, also she’s not a dyke she probably more feminine than anyone in our uni so I don’t think she’s a lesbian
You're probably the only guy she's ever talked to who has claimed to be incel before
Thanks for actually reading. Should I give in? In hopes she would actually understand us?
Yeah you should imo.

It can help you improve your social skills (even if it is online) Also it can strengthen a friendship between you 2 (if that's something you want ofc)
Yeah you should imo.

It can help you improve your social skills (even if it is online) Also it can strengthen a friendship between you 2 (if that's something you want ofc)
Thanks for the great idea
She will report you to the principal for being inky now
Can't believe you just got me to read your aborted romcom with your oneitis.

Sounds like she is just interested in incels and not you.
If you have nothing to lose just message her and talk to her while it lasts, could be good to get used to talking to women (especially a girl you find cute) and who knows when you'll get another opportunity to talk to a woman.
She's writing her new book on incels and she wants you as a guinea pig to make bank off.
Incels are the subject of certain studies nowadays, perhaps she maybe have contact with this
She may have lied that she's a lesbian too, it's quite common, "I have a boyfriend", "I'm a lesbian", at least she didn't humiliate you like it happened to me a few times
Strong first post
I concur
Never thought I’d be back on here again but needed to share what happened today. Shit parents making me take summer classes, have a fucked up schedule so I spend some time between classes in the library. Started noticing cute foid studies in the library same times as me but to pussy to go up to foid. About a month ago my seat was blocking a small section for textbooks, foid taps me on shoulder and asks if she can reach over. Not sure why I was so shocked when foid tapped me on shoulder but I sort of froze and gave a stupid fucking face. She looks at me weird expecting a response and all I could give her was a nod. Another moment of awkward silence (I didn’t think to fucking move out of the way so she can reach) but foid just starts reaching for textbooks hovering right over me (closest I’ve ever been to a pair of tits besides my mothers).

As I’m still frozen foid apologizes and says she can’t find the book. Finally I get a word out and ask her which one she’s looking for, I find the book in the wrong spot and give to her, she thanks me and leaves. Ever since then this foid is all I can think about. 9/10 face very small (probably 5’2) small tits and ass but suits her well. I start noticing foid everywhere, on days I don’t have classes I come to library to see her and she’s almost always there but again I’m a 5’3 balding incel pussy who won’t ask for her number. Over a week ago I came to library to study and every single seat is taken besides right next to her (she has a whole table to herself). I walk around the room to grow some balls and ask if I can have a seat next to her. Eventually I do and foid says yes.

A few minutes in she strikes up a conversation with me. Just normal things like our majors and what clubs she’s in but the whole time I’m stuttering and acting like a retard. Foid picks up on it gets disgusted and stops talking to me. 20 minutes later I man up and start the conversation again, not stuttering this time and we have a great 30 minute conversation. I get a boner out of nowhere and start getting shy again. She leaves for her next class and I never asked for her fucking number.

Thankfully next time I’m in library I see her and ask if I can sit next to her again. 20 minutes in I get balls and talk to her. This repeats for about two weeks until today where I planned on finally asking for foids number. I walk into library and when I find her she’s talking to a 6’0 Chad. I immediately turn around and go on a walk. I come back and she’s sitting alone so I ask to sit next to her. “Was that your boyfriend?” I ask stuttering like a retard. Foid gives a confused face and says that he’s not. I ask if she has a boyfriend at all and she says no. Perfect right? I ask for her number but of course she says no. I ask her “why? I thought we got to really know each other over the past couple of weeks, why don’t you like me?” (We are basically alone in the library no one can hear us) foid says she’s a lesbian and has no attraction to men (typical).

Not sure what got over me but me being the retard that I am told her that I was an incel and that I’ve never gotten to talk to a foid like her (yes I know:feelsUnreal:). But instead of running away or giving a disgusted face she got excited??

She started asking me a bunch of random questions about my incelness like if I view foids differently than when I was a kid or what kind of relationship I have with my sister or mother. I hesitate answering these questions so she starts sharing more things about herself. One thing that stuck out to me was that she’s never even kissed a boy (yea right) and has only ever been attracted to girls. Also explained how it’s hard for her to find partners in hopes I’d open up more. After she asks if she makes a discord tonight will I chat with her on there. I agree and she leaves.

This foid left me so fucking confused, she didn’t want to give me her number and all of a sudden she’s making a discord just to chat with me? I don’t think she wants a relationship or sex out of me so is she just messing with me? Is this a funny joke to her? Are incels that crazy to her that she felt the need to know the answers to these questions? Please tell me what you guys think.
Thanks bro for knowing about paragraphs bro.

It's ok to be friend zoned, but it's bad to be a fz+ a cucked emo tampon...

Just saying.

Enjoy her company while you can, tempus fugit!
> joins forum
> first post is about ‘growing balls’ to interact with foid
> Suceeds

Obviously making bait to post onto IT for Reddit karma.
She is likely talking to you for laughs and to boost her ego. She will probably friendzone you and use you as an emotional tampon while going off to fuck Chad
> joins forum
> first post is about ‘growing balls’ to interact with foid
> Suceeds

Obviously making bait to post onto IT for Reddit karma.
Depends on how you define “succeed”. I don’t consider getting friendzoned a success. It’s more than I’ve had tbh though. I haven’t mad a meaningful conversation with a woman other than my mother in ages
Depends on how you define “succeed”. I don’t consider getting friendzoned a success. It’s more than I’ve had tbh though. I haven’t mad a meaningful conversation with a woman other than my mother in ages
Massive cope.

Normies get friendzoned, incels get vomited at. Being friendzoned is a fakecel trait.
Massive cope.

Normies get friendzoned, incels get vomited at. Being friendzoned is a fakecel trait.
I never even got friendzoned, so I’m definitely incel tier. Women try to cut off and conversation I start very quickly. I still don’t consider getting friendzoned a success. In reality, what is a female friend even good for if you can’t get love and sex?
I never even got friendzoned, so I’m definitely incel tier. Women try to cut off and conversation I start very quickly. I still don’t consider getting friendzoned a success. In reality, what is a female friend even good for if you can’t get love and sex?
Nothing. But at least you can be around them for and they don’t feel disgusted. That alone should prove that one is not an incel.
Nothing. But at least you can be around them for and they don’t feel disgusted. That alone should prove that one is not an incel.
I don’t know about that one. The fact they are willing to be friends but not date you proves your personality is not the problem and the issue is your looks don’t meet the cut. Anyone who can’t get unpaid sex is an incel and having a worthless female friend who won’t fuck you doesn’t change that
Just be an incel theory.
Thanks for actually reading. Should I give in? In hopes she would actually understand us?
Shut the fuck up. Do you seriously think it's going to change her?. Understand incels? You're naive. She's probably going to do incel cosplay with some chad later after hearing of our suffering.
lesbian women can be a bit more sympathetic to incels since they have to deal with women as well

also since they don't feel attraction toward us they are disgusted
is not as much
think of it as how you view other guys
being incel is a status halo if you really are part of the culture( like have an account on psl forums before the tiktok invasion )
If she likes you after you told her your incel, Your prolly not ugly in the first place.
foid says she’s a lesbian and has no attraction to men (typical).

Lesbians are only 0,2% of the population, a lot of toilets pretend to be Lesbians either as a trauma response or as a way to shield their misandry. Heck, I know actual Lesbians that were heartbroken after their misandric girlfriends turned out to just be going "through a phase", in fact, among the real Lesbians I know misandry seems to be a rare thing.

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