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SuicideFuel Foid regrets having autistic incel son

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should autistics be euthanized and aborted when found?

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I'm assuming you think aspergers isn't the same as autism and that there aren't less severe forms of it. Otherwise lmao

The reason I support euthanasia of autists, including mild autistics, is that we're either likely to live a life of suffering, or too autistic to not be a waste of air (ie. what you're describing).
Autistics that can’t work and need to be watched after 24/7 need to be euthanized. High functioning autists that can work and contribute are fine.
Brutal as fuck, once again. Autistic -> automatically incel in 90% of cases! No one ever likes autistic retards! Not a single person, not even their parents can love them!

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/regretfulparents/comments/uhu7av/fuck_autism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Fuck Autism

I’m tired of people trying to make me feel bad because I didn’t want to deal with this nightmare of a diagnosis. I straight up admit I absolutely did not fucking want a special needs child which is why I aborted my first pregnancy - there was a chromosomal abnormality so I noped out real quick.

Got just about every damn test you could with the second pregnancy and everything was fine. But no. Autism.

All I ever fucking wanted was a normal family, is that so much to ask? My life growing up was walking on eggshells because of my mentally ill father and intellectually disabled sister. Then I was free. Only to get dragged back into hell.

I’m tired of all the *extravagant* accommodations and never ending extra shit that goes into autism. We’re supposed to bend over backwards to children who only care about their immediate needs and themselves no matter what the fuck anyone else’s needs are - and then we get blamed for churning out entitled assholes.

I’m tired of this broken fucking kid and never ending heavy burden. While I would never hurt him I can absolutely see how this breaks some parents and these nightmare kids end up getting thrown off a bridge. (I’m not saying I would throw him off a bridge you drama queens, I’m saying I can understand how parents *snap*)

Pre natal diagnostics needs to get on the fucking ball.

Edit: like moths to a flame the autists are in full force to bitch about how awful I am.

Autism isn’t a shield for shit behavior. I’m allowed to be irritated with shit behavior no matter the origin. I’m human.

Guess what, you don’t live in a vacuum and your caregivers matter too. I’m sorry (not sorry) that the truth of raising an autistic child triggers you so much but, well, it’s not my job to cater to your feelings. Go somewhere else if you hate it so much.

I’m so fucking over it. Go bitch in your 800 other places and let us have *one* goddamn place. This is exactly why the forum was shut down the first time. Mods got some modding to do if they want this to last.

Lol she seething and malding. that autistic child will be one of us :lul: INCELDIA UNITE
Designer babies will be a thing, and at that point Eugenics will be undeniable rather than "an archaic pseudoscience". It won't start out like this, it will start by removing genes associated with lung and throat cancer before they will remove other genes.
This is why Chad asteroid should rape earth in videogame
I can kinda understand I wouldn't want a special needs kid either.
le empathetique genderino
Most people here are definitely on the spectrum
That's a good thing. Normies will seethe cope and mald. I mean this bitch has the genetic ingredients for autism and still reproduced. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: when you think of it from a big brain pov she's making more inceldians..... FOR INCELDIA:shock:
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These cunts wait until their eggs are dead at 35 years old before they have kids and wonder why they come out deformed and with mental illnesses.
Some with based aspergers hopefully her son joins this site and makes her suffer a slow death :lul: in videogame
Kid gonna post here in 2034
Or earlier. I mean if my mom had a reddit and posted this I'd beat her until she pissed herself. And I tie her on a leash. Shit u postin this I threw my morals all away because it never mattered. Jfl:forcedsmile::feelsgah:
"All I ever fucking wanted was a normal family, is that so much to ask? My life growing up was walking on eggshells because of my mentally ill father and intellectually disabled sister. Then I was free. Only to get dragged back into hell.

I’m tired of all the extravagant accommodations and never ending extra shit that goes into autism. We’re supposed to bend over backwards to children who only care about their immediate needs and themselves no matter what the fuck anyone else’s needs are - and then we get blamed for churning out entitled asshole" S[UWSL]. " [/UWSL]

[UWSL]hereh's the issue, right here. She clearly has inferior genes, but because she's a toilet she's allowed to reproduce. She knew that she was carrying shit genes but still wanted to reproduce. The kid isn't the only one with issues, mental disorders are largely genetic and she made her son an Incel by design. :blackpill:[/UWSL]
Say it loud for the IT lurkers in the back and make sure it echoes in their brains
Imagine banning incelselfie, but not this, JFL
These cunts wait until their eggs are dead at 35 years old before they have kids and wonder why they come out deformed and with mental illnesses.
They spend their fertile youth partying and giving up their holes to chads and rones. Then they get some sexless loser with dogshit genetics to betabuxx them and impregnate them by the time her eggs are rotten :feelshaha:
:yes: Jewish Catholic Christcucks are the ones who brain warping everyone into thinking any and all life is precious jfl
The bible is actually the most based book in existence. The church however is cucked as fuck. Kid raping, khazarian pope is to blame
But it's always the parents' fault
They use up their bodies and make weak sick off-spring from their already shit genes
The bible is actually the most based book in existence. The church however is cucked as fuck. Kid raping, khazarian pope is to blame
How is the Bible based it’s literally just goyified Judaism. The Bible is what destroyed Europe and made us weak to begin with.
Empathetic gender. Notice how this unhinged ableist hate rant got 600 updoots. This happened solely because it's a female, if it was a male ranting about how much he hates autistic children he would get -600 upsoys and be told to man up and take care of the kid.
The Jewish aren't the true Hebrews.
It’s always sad to read this. Kikes have mindfucked you so hard into you believing that you want to BE kikes. No healthy gentile would WANT to be a Jew. This is your brain on xianity.
It’s always sad to read this. Kikes have mindfucked you so hard into you believing that you want to BE kikes. No healthy gentile would WANT to be a Jew. This is your brain on xianity.
Mexicans are of the tribe of issachar
Instead of regretting that she produced an incel autistic son, she should have regretted opening her legs in the first place knowing that she’s genetic trash. Foids never take responsibility or accountability for their actions
Hope she dies.
God I just hope SO badly she ends up in eternal hell.
I want to see her punished
Jfl what a disgusting whore
She should probably kill herself.
Hope she dies a painfull death (in vidya)
makes her suffer a slow death
ye :blackpill:
Disgusting whore should be raped and forced to raise another baby she hates that grows up to kill her. Dumb bitch should've kept her legs shut if she didn't want an autistic kid.
Brutal as fuck, once again. Autistic -> automatically incel in 90% of cases! No one ever likes autistic retards! Not a single person, not even their parents can love them!

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/regretfulparents/comments/uhu7av/fuck_autism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Fuck Autism

I’m tired of people trying to make me feel bad because I didn’t want to deal with this nightmare of a diagnosis. I straight up admit I absolutely did not fucking want a special needs child which is why I aborted my first pregnancy - there was a chromosomal abnormality so I noped out real quick.

Got just about every damn test you could with the second pregnancy and everything was fine. But no. Autism.

All I ever fucking wanted was a normal family, is that so much to ask? My life growing up was walking on eggshells because of my mentally ill father and intellectually disabled sister. Then I was free. Only to get dragged back into hell.

I’m tired of all the *extravagant* accommodations and never ending extra shit that goes into autism. We’re supposed to bend over backwards to children who only care about their immediate needs and themselves no matter what the fuck anyone else’s needs are - and then we get blamed for churning out entitled assholes.

I’m tired of this broken fucking kid and never ending heavy burden. While I would never hurt him I can absolutely see how this breaks some parents and these nightmare kids end up getting thrown off a bridge. (I’m not saying I would throw him off a bridge you drama queens, I’m saying I can understand how parents *snap*)

Pre natal diagnostics needs to get on the fucking ball.

Edit: like moths to a flame the autists are in full force to bitch about how awful I am.

Autism isn’t a shield for shit behavior. I’m allowed to be irritated with shit behavior no matter the origin. I’m human.

Guess what, you don’t live in a vacuum and your caregivers matter too. I’m sorry (not sorry) that the truth of raising an autistic child triggers you so much but, well, it’s not my job to cater to your feelings. Go somewhere else if you hate it so much.

I’m so fucking over it. Go bitch in your 800 other places and let us have *one* goddamn place. This is exactly why the forum was shut down the first time. Mods got some modding to do if they want this to last.

TBH, this lady sounds exhausted
She isn't entitled to a normal family :feelskek:
They’re a strain on society. They don’t produce anything or give back to society in any meaningful way. I think seriously deformed people should also be euthanized
but autists do contribute a shit load, far more than the baby-killer in the OP. extremely inteligent people are disproportionately high-functioning autists
It’s her fault for willingly having a child she shouldn’t act like a victim
but autists do contribute a shit load, far more than the baby-killer in the OP. extremely inteligent people are disproportionately high-functioning autists
I’m talking about people that need to be looked after 24/7 that have the mental capacity of a 5 year old
this is why robot waifus will replace women instantly the women they get an able body that resembles a human
My mom had me at 29 but my brother a 32 is a normie albiet introverted
true tbh, they have kids at old age. Many also drink and party while pregnant
My mom smoked a lot when she was pregnant with me (she didn't drink a lot). She also used to smoke an awful lot when I was very young too. It's ovER.:blackpill::blackpill:
My younger half-cousin is intellectually disabled. His mother regrets having him.
My mother started to hate me finally when I turned 30 and still no job and no GF. She did not even give me a present when I turned 30, but did so in all previous years...

My mother had me when she was early twenties still.
My mother was fucking horrible to me my entire growing up years. She used to beat me unprovoked when I was 14 because I didnt want to be her slave and do everything she asked.

Every time she would come home, literally she would just start screaming at me for no fucking reason. It fucked me up mentally. But at least it made me convinced that I need to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible. My father was not much better.

I am so glad I left that house and live alone now. If I kept living there I would have killed myself ded srs.
Autists aren't austists by their choice, just like short people aren't short by their choice.
People only like Autistics when they can find them a new math formula or solve an engineering problem.

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