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Brutal Foid doesn't have sex with boyfriend for two years. When he beaks up with her she loses her virginity to her mid-30s coworker in a car.



My birth was an error
Jul 22, 2020
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I hate this.
I really fucking hate this.
For some reason the thread isn't showing up for me. Did it get deleted?
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I know on islamic sands that foid would not breathe another air molecule
This is the fate of normies. Hope they enjoy getting treated like this by foids while their “gf” would do anything for chad that she wouldn’t do for her “normie” bf
I bet the ex mogs everyone here,Truly over for us.
Thanks. Rage inducing.
now that avatar IS NICE!!!!!!

typical reddit foid, doing insulting shit like that. HE should have cheated LONG AGO (if even possible, for a normie)
Tbh the ex should've just played along enough to fuck her and then dump her. Obviously the relationship's dead, but getting laid would be recouping the loss of 3 years of his dating life. You could speculate "but she still wouldn't sleep with him lol" but this is a unique situation where pressuring her might've worked.

He "loved" the virgin foid who played coy about sex, not the blue balling whore who fucks everyone but him no matter what he does.

Mutual friends were BASED for siding with the dude.
Water is wet post, this has been posted before.
He was naive not to realise that he was the betabux cuck. Literally 3 years worth of blueball jfl. The foid never had pure intentions like ‘I’m saving myself for marriage’, she just straight up admitted that she only wanted to give it up to chad.
Weird that they sided with the ex, probably because the person that acts most offended and is best at spreading remours is typically believed by normies.
This pathetic idiotic whore wouldn't last 5 minutes without her foid privilege. 5 minutes in the body of a co member and she's on her way to off herself.
This the is the kind of level of brutalness that makes me physically sick

This shit you dont recover from. There are no copes for this. That guy has been pushed ovER the edge.
He was naive not to realise that he was the betabux cuck. Literally 3 years worth of blueball jfl. The foid never had pure intentions like ‘I’m saving myself for marriage’, she just straight up admitted that she only wanted to give it up to chad.
Exactly, if a foid waits anything over a month or two to fuck you, she isn’t really attracted to you.
Tbh the ex should've just played along enough to fuck her and then dump her. Obviously the relationship's dead, but getting laid would be recouping the loss of 3 years of his dating life. You could speculate "but she still wouldn't sleep with him lol" but this is a unique situation where pressuring her might've worked.

He "loved" the virgin foid who played coy about sex, not the blue balling whore who fucks everyone but him no matter what he does.

Mutual friends were BASED for siding with the dude.
Absolute degeneracy.
holy fuck brutal. foids are fucked in the head. I mean think about it she just fucked both their lives up. she's a whore now and the normie is forever jaded, may rope. based of him to not cuck out and accept the freshly roasted toilet. but honestly 2.5 years is way too long tbh I mean the bitch is 19. if she's not fucking you in 3 months of 'dating' she never will
This is the fate of normies. Hope they enjoy getting treated like this by foids while their “gf” would do anything for chad that she wouldn’t do for her “normie” bf
Tbh the ex should've just played along enough to fuck her and then dump her. Obviously the relationship's dead, but getting laid would be recouping the loss of 3 years of his dating life. You could speculate "but she still wouldn't sleep with him lol" but this is a unique situation where pressuring her might've worked.

He "loved" the virgin foid who played coy about sex, not the blue balling whore who fucks everyone but him no matter what he does.

Mutual friends were BASED for siding with the dude.
lol she still wouldn't have fucked him no? anyway it's impossible to contain that rage and larp for long enough and it's not worth, should've just arranged a meeting with the bitch and beaten the living fuck out of her ngl
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reason to hate foids lol
holy fuck brutal. foids are fucked in the head. I mean think about it she just fucked both their lives up. she's a whore now and the normie is forever jaded, may rope. based of him to not cuck out and accept the freshly roasted toilet. but honestly 2.5 years is way too long tbh I mean the bitch is 19. if she's not fucking you in 3 months of 'dating' she never will

lol she still wouldn't have fucked him no? anyway it's impossible to contain that rage and larp for long enough and it's not worth, should've just arranged a meeting with the bitch and beaten the living fuck out of her ngl
If he got back with her , she would make him wait another 3 years before he gets frustrated again.
Also I am pretty sure she was getting sec from chad during 3?years. Foids can’t go without sex that long. I means that all they talk about online and irl. Even their insults are virgin which is sex related
This the is the kind of level of brutalness that makes me physically sick

This shit you dont recover from. There are no copes for this. That guy has been pushed ovER the edge.
You are expected to stay silent and STFU and not express any anger or distrust toward women even after this happens though. Remember that.
I have read this before I think. If I ever gf and they make me wait I would tell them to fuck off because they would fuck Chad within 10 minutes.
This is the fate of normies. Hope they enjoy getting treated like this by foids while their “gf” would do anything for chad that she wouldn’t do for her “normie” bf
lol this is your average normie relationship. And then the normie deludes himself and thinks he's a Chad for being in a relationship like this and then posts over on IT saying "I'm what you guys call a Chad"

If multiple girls are not literally BEGGING and seducing you to have sex with them then you can't call yourself a Chad. Most normies who think this happens only in movies are one Chadfish away from the real cold truth.
being sub8 is hell
Doesn’t want to be called a whore but is one because even just one casual cock=Whore.
Holy fuck what a retarded cuck fantasy larp. Reddit is cuck central. Mentions innocent virgin at 19. fake. Women lose their virginity much earlier

>but he doesn't have a claim on my body.

Couple that my cousin is friends with broke up. The girl was mad because the guy said "she just wants to fuck other guys" and she tried to play innocent and said "I want to grow and explore" (code word for ride cock carousel) and he just settling for doing nothing.

I see her at events always around a ton of guys trying to keep their attention. It's basically her drunk and a bunch of guys above her looks match going to a bar after the event.

Yeah, women going to fuck other guys. They don't see guys as a possession. Every guy is replaceable in an instant unless other women want him. Even then she is going to fuck other guys until the one she wants is available.
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I don't buy that bitch's version for a second.

Here's my quick translation:
Her boyfriend was thirsty and kept begging her for sex, but she couldn't quite get wet for him. In the meantime, the co-worker was flirting with her, and she ended up fucking the co-worker, probably because he had more Chad traits. That's it.

Is she the asshole? Yes
The whores live in their heads oblivion to anything else. Its only about them.
Water is wet post, this has been posted before.
And it never gets old to have this reminder and have lurkers read this gem.

Sit down greycel
holy shit if i was him i would have beat her face in
Archive in case reddit post is removed:

So, I’m 19 years old. I was dating my ex for almost 2.5 years. It was the best relationship I ever had; the only real point of contention was that throughout the relationship, he always asked me if I wanted to have sex and I always told him I just didn’t feel ready. He never “pressured” me, but I could always tell his disappointment. The most we ever did was making out/heavy groping with clothes.

Well 6 days ago, we broke up. He told me that he loved me, but he just didn’t feel sexually satisfied and that he wished me the best, but he thinks it’s best if we see other people. I was obviously distraught. I felt ugly and unwanted and that nobody would ever love me.

3 days after when I was feeling particularly down, a co-worker started hitting on me. I was feeling really low about myself and he talked about how sexy I was and how my boyfriend was an idiot to break up with me. He suggested that maybe we should go to his car. We did and to make a long story short, we ended up at a park having sex. I just felt like I lost everything because of this dumb virginity thing, and he made me feel so wanted and beautiful.

Well that night, my ex called me begging for me back. That he’s okay with waiting and that he loves me. I was so happy but I felt SOO guilty. I tried to bring it up subtly (I said we should get tested) and he was insistent that he didn’t even kiss another person, but if I really wanted him to, he will. I hinted we should probably get tested together when he said that was a ridiculous idea and he knows I’m clean.

I admitted to him I was feeling really low and actually did end up hooking up with someone. It looked like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He was solemn for a bit and told me “if you just did some heavy petting, I don’t think you need to get tested” when I admitted we actually had sex.

He turned extremely angry. Let me be clear; I’ve known this man for 2 years. He’s never even cursed when he hits his foot on the bed, so this was completely out of character. He said if “all I wanted to do was whore around, then I should’ve told him a long time ago so he wouldn’t waste his time with me” and a bunch of other horrible things that makes me sad to repeat :(. He told me we were over and to never speak to him again, and then he blocked me on everything. He also told ALL of our mutual friends that “I wanted to be a hoe and fuck my old, creepy co-worker a day after we broke up and that I’m a raging bitch”. My mutual friends all sided with him and nobody wanted to hear that I was just lonely and needed someone, nor would anyone acknowledge that we were broken up at that point and I didn’t have any obligation to him.

My friends’ reactions’ hurt; I lost many of them and everyone’s bullying me. I feel horrendous about the entire thing, but I still don’t see how I was in the wrong. HE broke up with ME, and in my mind, we were done. AITA for sleeping with another person?

Edit because Reddit formatting is weird.

And a lot of people are asking me how I felt "ready" for this new guy but not my boyfriend so I'll copy/paste a comment I made

It's different though! I loved my ex, truly. But I just never felt "ready" throughout our relationship. I didn't want to rush and regret it immensely
After we broke up, I just felt so shitty about myself and thought I was the ugliest person on Earth and my coworker made me feel so beautiful. I realized that "saving" my virginity is why I lost the man I loved, so I thought "fuck it" and did it. I can understand him being hurt, but he doesn't have a claim on my body.

I understand him being hurt/betrayed, but I would think the appropriate response is to talk each other maturely and get past this hurdle because that's what someone who claims they love you does. Not just calling you a whore and spread rumors to your friends.
Tbh the ex should've just played along enough to fuck her and then dump her. Obviously the relationship's dead, but getting laid would be recouping the loss of 3 years of his dating life. You could speculate "but she still wouldn't sleep with him lol" but this is a unique situation where pressuring her might've worked.

He "loved" the virgin foid who played coy about sex, not the blue balling whore who fucks everyone but him no matter what he does.

Mutual friends were BASED for siding with the dude.
That's not how things work. Thus foid blueballed him, for over two fucking years. He only touched her with clothes and they made out, his dick obviously hard and probably dripping with precum and he goes home alone and deals with his raging boner for 2.5 years. He is a bluepilled cuck and following the rules of society who told him to respect women, fall in love with her mind, soul, personality. See her as more than just an object.

Than you find out it only took her three days to go all slutmode and get fucked by a Chad coworker in the fucking car? Like are you serious? It wasn't meaningful, it wasn't romantic, it wasn't even worth it for the girl, yet this man who respected her.

I hope this dude ain't bluepilled anymore.
Im a bluecel.
Lol they are both retards, coworker is the only smart dude in the whole story. If they had conversations about sex, I assume they have already been as far as kissing and probably even being naked or almost naked together. Tbh they were both missing out on TWO YEARS when they could've been fucking and enjoying each other.

I guess it's the oldcel in me speaking. Being 35+ now, I can't imagine anyone wasting so much time on a relationship that clearly didn't work. The dude should've had this conversation not 2 years into blueballing, but 1-2 months tops, maybe even less if they have seen each other frequently.
This the is the kind of level of brutalness that makes me physically sick

This shit you dont recover from. There are no copes for this. That guy has been pushed ovER the edge.

loses her virginity to her mid-30s coworker in a car.​

[URL='https://www.reddit.com/user/AITA_4_break_up' said:
He suggested that maybe we should go to his car. We did and to make a long story short, we ended up at a park having sex.

She doesn't say they stayed in the car once they got to the park so maybe they fucked on a blanket in the bushes
Execute both of them now. Her for being a bitch and a whore and him for being a god damn simp going two years without sex yet paying even your time for them.
Fuck those stupid whores, with their "i dont feel like it" bullshit and crap, i had a similar experience multiples times in the past, the girl supposedly wanted to hang out and fuck with me, but when the time came she always acted like a stupid bitch and played the "hard to get" kinda of thing, like she didnt actually wanted to even kiss me, even though in messages through Facebook she said that she wanted... fuck this crap and fuck all those sluts, just a waste of fucking time.

Similar thing happened 2 years ago too, i am tired of this shit.
>loses her virginity
lmao good one. As if she wasn't fucking other men during those 2 years already
I know on islamic sands that foid would not breathe another air molecule
It's hilarious to me how anyone thinks the west is gonna be saved from it's degeneracy when this is the state of white whores. Treat her well, ans she makes you wait 3 years, break up and she instantly starts whoring out to her chad co-worker because muh feels
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