We could easily test the "logic" here that normies apply to see if it holds. I am jsut applyingg their "logic" here. We just have to change the sexes for that example. We have to invert the sexes for this scenario. Let us assume it was the other way around. The man in this scenario is a female and the female is a man. Let us assume a man just grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and then continue to spray it all over the female. At this point, what would a normie say? Is it justified for the female to defend herself against it? I would say that normies would encourage a female to defend herself. So, at this point normies would agree that if that happens to a female, she is allowed to defend herself. They would even say phrases like "You go girl". But this is not what happened in the video. In the video the man even let it slide. He did not fight back at this point. It was females who started it by spraying hot sauce over him which he even ignored. Despite it was the females who started it and the man even let it slide, the females could not let go of it and then proceeds to punch him. Again, if the sexes would be reversed, everyone would hate the man. Everyone would call him out for spraying hot sauce all over the female and then proceeds to punch her. But this is not what happened in the video and still most people hate the man. And on top of that, men are not allowed to fight back because cucks will aid the female despite it was the female who started it. I just applied the "logic" of normies here and I easily dismantled it. This just shows how retarded normies are. On top of that, most normies are even unable to tell and describe what a female / "woman" is. So applying this "logic" here, how do normies know who the female and who the man is in this video or also in general? How do normies apply feminism? Feminism does not work if they are unable to tell and describe what a female is. Again, I just used their own "logic" to show how illogical their own logic is. They contradict themselves within the very same sentence and they are unable to see it.