It seems so disingenous when Asian American men gush about representation and how proud they are to be the first this or that. And then insist on dating only white men. It is nauseating when an Asian American woman says, "I went to such and such a place and I was the only person of color," as if that is supposed to be an example of her victimhood, when in reality she absolutely wants to be in white spaces.
Asian men, perhaps we can make some lemonade out of this lemon. It is just no longer possible to pretend to believe in "Asian fetishes." There are so many Asian women with white men because of female preference. White women are pricing themselves out of reach to a lot of white men who then settle with Asian women who truly have a fetish for white men. It it just abundantly obvious.
If people think that incels are just pathetic whiners, I really have to think they cannot and do not think that way about Asian men as it is abundantly obvious that Asian American men are being shut out of the dating market. It is just undeniable.
I have long thought it might be for the greater good if the Kardashians had an entire episode calling Asian women whores and Asian men losers. That would certainly sting at first, but it might open up a nationwide conversation. An honest conversation for once.