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Blackpill Finding a job as an incel (Share your rejection stories here)



Never began tbhtbh
May 2, 2018
As some of you might know, I am forced to wagecuck again. I always struggled finding a job, even though I have a good degree. But being ethnic and male in this cucked society guarantees an almost instant dismissal from HR foids. I have tons of job application rejection stories, but these stand out after all these years:

After graduating with decent grades, I applied to a well known firm for a function that would complement my study excellent. I was bluepilled af back then so didnt really know what to expect. HR foid of the company calls me 3 days later and almost start yelling at me and lecturing me on how my resume wasnt how it was supposed to be. This cunt literally tells me: fix that, apply again in a couple of months and i will let you know LOL. fucking deathnic arab bitch I remember her well.

Another time I applied to a job, this guy calls me, ask me in aggressive why I applied? I was dumbfounded by his aggression straight away..but I guess my fault for including my picture with my resume...these faggots instantly try to double down on me. FUCK YOU FAGGOT. At the end he even says...if you know someone who is suited for the job, let me know ok. LOL FUCK ME FOR BEING SUBHUMAN AND WANTING A JOB RIGHT?

Last week I get a rejectionmail: Your profile suits the function very well, but we prefer other candidates. JFL

The rejection that makes rage the most is when I applied for a government job some years ago. The recruiting person was this fat ugly curry cunt. She did a crossexamination on me as if I were a prisoner pleading for his freedom. I stumbled through it, lot of very specific questions that all felt like a setup. When I leave, she even says Im sure we will see eachother again. Calls me later that day to tell me she found I wasnt suited for the position with a voice that I remember till this day. It was pure spite, being able to deny me that job and she had all the power.

You should just use your pfp on this site for ur resume from now on, it halos you hardcore
I get even rejected for normal low IQ wagecuck jobs like working in a warehouse or other slave jobs, I've given up on getting a job and will live NEET as long as possible with my parents until they kick me out. I don't get NEETbux and I don't have any income, fuck this cucked liberal piece of shit society called the netherlands. I've been rejected many times for a job and I don't give a fucking care anymore. Btw what is your ethnicity?
You should just use your pfp on this site for ur resume from now on, it halos you hardcore
Until they see me irl, then they call police and escort me off the premise
Search "jobs for incels"
I get even rejected for normal low IQ wagecuck jobs like working in a warehouse or other slave jobs
Happened to me too. We incels aren't even suited to become modern slaves. :feelskek:
I get even rejected for normal low IQ wagecuck jobs like working in a warehouse or other slave jobs, I've given up on getting a job and will live NEET as long as possible with my parents until they kick me out. I don't get NEETbux and I don't have any income, fuck this cucked liberal piece of shit society called the netherlands. I've been rejected many times for a job and I don't give a fucking care anymore. Btw what is your ethnicity?
Yeah same here...you have HBO/WO? Impossible situation for incels.

I also dont have neetbux, as Rotterdam forces you to become a fucking streetsweeper to be eligle for bijstand. FUCK THESE GUYS. I am mixed race (curry, indo++) from suriname.
on god deathnic hoes are the worst HR cunts in the universe especially if they're from your ethnic group
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Yeah same here...you have HBO/WO? Impossible situation for incels.

I also dont have neetbux, as Rotterdam forces you to become a fucking streetsweeper to be eligle for bijstand. FUCK THESE GUYS. I am mixed race (curry, indo++) from suriname.

I did HBO but didn't finish it, became to depressed and fucked up in the mind and stopped with study. You could try to get diagnosed with some mental shit and get your wajong neetbux, many ethnics have wajong and they are living life on KING mode JFL, I'm to high inhib for that shit and lying to the government tbh so I could never do that.
Meanwhile this one normie gymcel buddy I have told me his gf is being bombarded with administrative job-offers every week. Even though she already has a fucking job, HR foids keep calling her to ask her if she wants a better paying job JFL
I did HBO but didn't finish it, became to depressed and fucked up in the mind and stopped with study. You could try to get diagnosed with some mental shit and get your wajong neetbux, many ethnics have wajong and they are living life on KING mode JFL, I'm to high inhib for that shit and lying to the government tbh so I could never do that.
Yeah nah Im pretty stable actually...wouldnt know how to fake that shit. But neetbux are not good man, they will only make you die faster. I need to get back in the loop and wagecuck otherwise I might as well end it right now:cryfeels:
You know exactly right. They have to impress their white overlords and seem totally objective, so every ethnic applicant is automatically dismissed. FUCKING OGRE
not only that but they just HATE having us ethnic men around, because to them being as white as possible=statusmaxx

and you can't REALLY act white or be white when you have some ethnic man you remember from childhood, that's how the ethnic whore brain works
This is the worst part of being an ugly male. It doesn't stop at not being able to get a gf. It extends to every aspect of your life, everyone treats you like shit. This is what normies need to understand
Until they see me irl, then they call police and escort me off the premise

The halo from the cuteness of ur pfp would stay on their minds IRL and they wouldn't react as badly to seeing you IRL
not only that but they just HATE having us ethnic men around, because to them being as white as possible=statusmaxx

and you can't REALLY act white or be white when you have some ethnic man you remember from childhood, that's how the ethnic whore brain works
every ethnic whiteworshipping whore will get what they deserve
This is the worst part of being an ugly male. It doesn't stop at not being able to get a gf. It extends to every aspect of your life, everyone treats you like shit. This is what normies need to understand
nobody will care about us. ever.
68394038 7338 4728 9525 5615FC476BDF
Getting a job = easy through your social circle
Getting a gf = easy through your social circle

No social skills = no life. It is over for us, we should just lay down and die.
I always kinda have a reputation of blowing up on my co-workers/supervisors. Which is why is always difficult for me to land a job.
I get even rejected for normal low IQ wagecuck jobs like working in a warehouse or other slave jobs, I've given up on getting a job and will live NEET as long as possible with my parents until they kick me out. I don't get NEETbux and I don't have any income, fuck this cucked liberal piece of shit society called the netherlands. I've been rejected many times for a job and I don't give a fucking care anymore. Btw what is your ethnicity?
it's truly over for wagecuckcels if not even warehouses will hire you.
I once got an interview for a retail job, the slag asked me 'what attracts you to retail?' Without thinking, I blurted out, 'it's all I've ever done since I left school.' So she asked me about my job history, I awkwardly admitted that I'd only ever had one other job before, and that was in a factory. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

Needless to say, I was unsuccessful.
>"Ultimately we have decided to go with another better qualified candidate"
>Getting ghosted by an employer

Im almost ready to give up on looking for a job, getting rejected by everyone hurts
Just hit up Youtube to see some curry femoids getting autopsied. One of them even gets autopsied on the floor of the morgue and then just left there afterwards!

Edit: I can totally understand the frustration on the job front, being incel and struggling for work seem to be linked.

You put so much effort into a friggin application, just to wagecuck. Then it gets rejected anyway.
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Edit: I can totally understand the frustration on the job front, being incel and struggling for work seem to be linked.
Yes, and it's not necessarily linked to looks: if you're not permanently low-inhib, outgoing, loquacious, with a big smile plastered over your face, you'll be deemed 'antisocial' and 'not a teamplayer.' God forbid that you just want to get on with your work without inane and childish bullshit.
on god deathnic hoes are the worst HR cunts in the universe especially if they're from your ethnic group
They only want white men to be recruited so they can whores themselves out without any ethnic judgement
Had one of those all day interviews a while back for a job.

So it was break time and I was sitting with a couple of randoms, we were just introducing ourselves to each other and whatnot. One of the guys was a chadlite, the other was a sub 8 Asian. I am a sub 8 ethnic.

Some of the current employees at this place were also at the event. One Stacey out of nowhere sits down with us with the biggest grin on her face, giggling and so animated I thought she was drunk. Then she just started talking SOLEY to the chadlite. Asking him questions, giggling at his answers. In the entire 5 minute conversation between them she didn’t look at me or the Asian ONCE. Chadlite caught on at one point and tried to pull us into the conversation by saying “yeah I’m doing x, I think these guys are doing y, z, right?”. She lost her smile for the 6 seconds or so the conversion wasn’t between them. When she left, she only looked at him and said bye.

Just fucking kill me. Should have done a computer science degree like a normal incel or atleast learned to code. Fucks sake. Pray to God I land a learn on the “hoodie job” somewhere for data analytics or something.
One Stacey out of nowhere sits down with us with the biggest grin on her face, giggling and so animated I thought she was drunk. Then she just started talking SOLEY to the chadlite. Asking him questions, giggling at his answers. In the entire 5 minute conversation between them she didn’t look at me or the Asian ONCE. Chadlite caught on at one point and tried to pull us into the conversation by saying “yeah I’m doing x, I think these guys are doing y, z, right?”. She lost her smile for the 6 seconds or so the conversion wasn’t between them. When she left, she only looked at him and said bye.
JFL i cant even recall how often this happened in my life. Never began for ethnics professionally
Should have done a computer science degree like a normal incel or atleast learned to code.
what pisses me off most about work is that my IQ is alpha centurai level compared to the average snapchatting, reality tv show watching normie. but yet i dont have the job or income to show for it. in other words im not coming close to reaching my income potential and it eats me alive on the inside. some of my co workers didnt even graduate high school for fuck sake, and someone like me is working side by side with them. im not saying im a genius or anything, but compared to those blue pilled cuck morons i am
Usually i just never hear back after the interview
if you know someone who is suited for the job, let me know ok. LOL FUCK ME FOR BEING SUBHUMAN AND WANTING A JOB RIGHT?

This is some real disrespect. But I can tell you, I am German and I was treated badly as well. I was once declined because I was not female. I then made a funny statement regarding to this and then the manager was pissed off, all of the sudden.
But the hardest one was my application for a job in a pharmacy as a deliveryman. I know the manager and so do my mother. So I had a good chance to get that job, I thought at least. It was last year on December. He told me that he would call me back after New Year. There was no phone call. After the deadline I waited two days, I called him. He told me that I have to wait. I was curious and ask him about when, once again (specific date). Then, I got no phone call again. Same thing happened. The last phone call (I called him of course) he told me that I was too persistent and if I would not have ask a couple of times (although I ask for a deadline, he never gave me a call) he would had hire me. Of course this is just some gibberish, because he had another dliveryman who needed to bring my application back to me. So he just waited for another one.
He came up with some typical phrasemongering to avoid a normal conversation, like: I won't argue that point etc. Although I just asked him, why he did not hire me. I even ask for a free trial day, but he declined. At that point it was clear, that he did not like me at all. The dialog was influenced with an hostile atmosphere.
Then I tried to put a calm attitude to that dialog, so I retreat and I told him, that I want to know the truth of why I got declined. He just told me that I have to go deep inside me and find a solution for that by myself. Just lol, he just gave some pseudo-esoteric answer as pharmacist. I then realised that I cannot take anybody seriously anymore. This pharmacist is full of shit and cannot even give a proper response to a normal question.
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Having a job is CUCKED

You're paying for women to have abortions. If chad does stupid shit, you pay for his surgeries so he can fuck your sister later.

I will not get a job, I will live off the government. Don't hate me, hate the system
This is some real disrespect. But I can tell you, I am German and I was treated badly as well. I was once declined because I was not female. I then made a funny statement regarding to this and then the manager was pissed off, all of the sudden.
But the hardest one was my application for a job in a pharmacy as a deliveryman. I know the manager and so do my mother. So I had a good chance to get that job, I thought at least. It was last year on December. He told me that he would call me back after New Year. There was no phone call. After the deadline I waited two days, I called him. He told me that I have to wait. I was curious and ask him about when, once again (specific date). Then, I got no phone call again. Same thing happened. The last phone call (I called him of course) he told me that I was too persistent and if I would not have ask a couple of times (although I ask for a deadline he he never gave me a call) he would had hire me. Of course this is just some gibberish, because he had another dliveryman who needed to bring my application back to me. So he just waited for another one.
He came up with some typical phrasemongering to avoid a normal conver mentalation, like: I won't argue that point etc. Although I just asked him, why he did not hire me. I even ask for a free trial day, but he declined. At that point it was clear, that he did not like me at all. The dialog was influenced with an hostile atmosphere.
Then I tried to put a calm attitude to that dialog, so I retreat and I told him, that I want to know the truth of why I got declined. He just told me that I have to go deep inside me and find a solution for that by myself. Just lol, he just gave some pseudo-esoteric answer as pharmacist. I then realised that I cannot take anybody seriously anymore. This pharmacist is full of shit and cannot even give a proper response to a normal question.
If u were Chad he wud have given u the job immediately and let you fuck his daughter the same day. Skills or motivation don't matter in this cuckedsociety, only looks do.
Having a job is CUCKED

You're paying for women to have abortions. If chad does stupid shit, you pay for his surgeries so he can fuck your sister later.

I will not get a job, I will live off the government. Don't hate me, hate the system
yeah but remaining neet for too long will fuck my mental health beyond ogre.
I get even rejected for normal low IQ wagecuck jobs like working in a warehouse or other slave jobs, I've given up on getting a job and will live NEET as long as possible with my parents until they kick me out. I don't get NEETbux and I don't have any income, fuck this cucked liberal piece of shit society called the netherlands. I've been rejected many times for a job and I don't give a fucking care anymore.

You are in the same position as me... I live without NEET, still by my parents, no income at all, many declinations...
If u were Chad he wud have given u the job immediately and let you fuck his daughter the same day. Skills or motivation don't matter in this cuckedsociety, only looks do.

I thought I would have a chance to get this job, since he knows me and my mother, but wrong. And yes, showing motivation is even bad. It may be seen as too pushy. You just have to motivate yourself and this is the hardest thing to do.

yeah but remaining neet for too long will fuck my mental health beyond ogre.

This. Back in time, I thought, I would give no fuck about those topics. But a few months ago, it kinda hit me, specially the last couple of weeks. I mean, I do have no income at all, therefore I could not raise up any money for a driver license, I do have only 2 pair of trousers, no clothings in general and I still live with my parents. This is pathetic. I do not know why I let such things happen. Just sloth, I guess. I do regret it, I wasted years for actually... nothing. Back then, I kinda got triggered when a good pal of mine said to me: ''You are doing nothing.'' Unfortunately, he was right all all along, perhaps this is why it triggered me in the first place.

Now I have no contact to him, whatsoever. I actually do not have any contact to anybody. This New Year felt kinda surreal to me. I was just hitting the gym. I came back and I have seen people and families together playing with fireworks and I thought what the fuck am I doing?
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I help manage a business. People don't hire anymore
This week i need to find a job boyos otherwise it will be ldar 2019. No money no motivation nothing. Almost at the end of my rope.
I always kinda have a reputation of blowing up on my co-workers/supervisors. Which is why is always difficult for me to land a job.
Same here tbh. Every job I had I left because of confrontations with coworkers. Every week the same microaggressions from these cunts and when I said something about, all of sudden Im the aggressor. Incels are just not wanted in professional office jobs.
As some of you might know, I am forced to wagecuck again. I always struggled finding a job, even though I have a good degree. But being ethnic and male in this cucked society guarantees an almost instant dismissal from HR foids. I have tons of job application rejection stories, but these stand out after all these years:

After graduating with decent grades, I applied to a well known firm for a function that would complement my study excellent. I was bluepilled af back then so didnt really know what to expect. HR foid of the company calls me 3 days later and almost start yelling at me and lecturing me on how my resume wasnt how it was supposed to be. This cunt literally tells me: fix that, apply again in a couple of months and i will let you know LOL. fucking deathnic arab bitch I remember her well.

Another time I applied to a job, this guy calls me, ask me in aggressive why I applied? I was dumbfounded by his aggression straight away..but I guess my fault for including my picture with my resume...these faggots instantly try to double down on me. FUCK YOU FAGGOT. At the end he even says...if you know someone who is suited for the job, let me know ok. LOL FUCK ME FOR BEING SUBHUMAN AND WANTING A JOB RIGHT?

Last week I get a rejectionmail: Your profile suits the function very well, but we prefer other candidates. JFL

The rejection that makes rage the most is when I applied for a government job some years ago. The recruiting person was this fat ugly curry cunt. She did a crossexamination on me as if I were a prisoner pleading for his freedom. I stumbled through it, lot of very specific questions that all felt like a setup. When I leave, she even says Im sure we will see eachother again. Calls me later that day to tell me she found I wasnt suited for the position with a voice that I remember till this day. It was pure spite, being able to deny me that job and she had all the power.

Incel looks + ethnic name = job hunting on nightmare mode

There are so many stories out there of ethnics using their resume but submitting it with a white name and the white name gets shortlisted while their real name gets rejected. WITH THE SAME FUCKING RESUME.

Its fucking rampant. And whitecels have the audacity to deny JBW.

People don't hire anymore

Cope. Not true. Certainly not true in stemlord fields.
There are so many stories out there of ethnics using their resume but submitting it with a white name and the white name gets shortlisted while their real name gets rejected. WITH THE SAME FUCKING RESUME.
Yeah there have been multiple instances of this happening here in netherlands in media. Arab guys who send the exact same coverletter and resume with their own name and a typical white dutch name and the dutch name gets invited while the arab denied.

There was another incident 2 years ago when a dutch surinamese african guy applied to a bluecollar job and the HR person by accident sent his "evaluation" of the applicant back to him.

It read: FIRST OF ALL ITS A NEGRO, second he doesnt have the required education...

JFL whenever whites deny JBW i think of these things and realize they will never understand the plight of ethnics in the west...not only with women, but with entire society. How hard we try doesnt matter because in the end its all about being white or foid. Ogre.
This week i need to find a job boyos otherwise it will be ldar 2019. No money no motivation nothing. Almost at the end of my rope.

I really understand your situation. I hope you will get an interview soonish.
I really understand your situation. I hope you will get an interview soonish.
Got 2 rejections today. Again telling me i was qualified for the job, but they found better suited candidates.:feelsseriously:

Thanks for ur kind words though...r u actively looking for job also?
Got 2 rejections today. Again telling me i was qualified for the job, but they found better suited candidates.:feelsseriously:

This is such a typical reply.

Thanks for ur kind words though...r u actively looking for job also?

Indeed, I am looking for a Job as well. I do have an interview this Wednesday. It is looking good, because they want all the stuff bank card and so on. And it is even a good company (DHL) with a somewhat decent salary.
This is such a typical reply.

Indeed, I am looking for a Job as well. I do have an interview this Wednesday. It is looking good, because they want all the stuff bank card and so on. And it is even a good company (DHL) with a somewhat decent salary.
Yeah DHL is a good company..provides excelllent internal career possibilities. Good luck bro :feelsokman:
Yeah DHL is a good company..provides excelllent internal career possibilities. Good luck bro :feelsokman:

Thanks. Now I hope that I can at least work for 6 hours a day, because it is a part time job. But if it is for 6 hours a day and approximately an hourly rate of 12 Euro, you will get at least a somewhat decent income.
Got 2 rejections today. Again telling me i was qualified for the job, but they found better suited candidates.:feelsseriously:

Thanks for ur kind words though...r u actively looking for job also?

Do you use a picture of yourself on the CV?
Getting a job = easy through your social circle
Getting a gf = easy through your social circle

No social skills = no life. It is over for us, we should just lay down and die.
Do you use a picture of yourself on the CV?
Tried both...i got invited more to interviews without pic...but always rejected afterwards.

Its better putting my pic up straight away...saves me from seeing the awkward faces once they see me irl :feelsbadman:
Tried both...i got invited more to interviews without pic...but always rejected afterwards.

Its better putting my pic up straight away...saves me from seeing the awkward faces once they see me irl :feelsbadman:

I wouldnt use a pic on CV tbh.
I wouldnt use a pic on CV tbh.
No but it doesnt matter for me as ethnic...my name gives it away...so its always an uphill battle.

And the times i got invited i always saw in the recruiters face i didnt fit in the company mainly because me being ethnic...i cringe everytime.

Now with my pic when i get invited at least they know what to expect.

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