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RageFuel Femoids in HR departments ruined studying for ugly men



Dec 29, 2017
Back in the day, if you got a degree atleast you were guaranteed a job. Work in a male space and get the money to live your life and work for the family etc. It didn't matter if you were ugly, if you got the degree you could do it. For example my dad and his friends, they all took like 7-8 years to finish their degrees, which are normally 3-4 years. They just spent it having fun, meeting their future wives, doing young people things. After they still all got successful careers even though some are ugly.

Nowadays it's a complete joke. All jobs go towards the most handsome people OR women (only exception here might be in highly technical fields such as engineering, but even there preference is given to *all else equal* handsome people). I see people in my degree, some even have two (not even useless) masters degrees. And they are still rejected. The trend I notice is that the people that get rejected are UGLY (not even antisocial or anything like that). Meanwhile, the handsome ones get bombarded with job offers. Of course the women in HR that are supposed to look at your CV will look you up on facebook , instagram or anything and see you are not handsome - no tingles -> no job.

Youngcels if you go to college be aware it's all a complete joke, ONLY go if you can handle 4 years of isolation, hell looking at chads and stacies in class and are 100% sure there is an EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND for people within your field. Otherwise - DON'T GO. Join the army, join a trade school, or anything after school, but college -> useless.
fucking this.

there are so many currycels and ricecels that study there asses off and have amazing profiles, but the roast beef slabs don't want that, they rather have a female that has 0 experience but knows how to open her mouth. it's fucking stupid.

jfl if you are a collegecel trying for an internship and don't have an amazing social profile
Aren't there also studies that a good looking man has WAY more chances of getting a job than an ugly dude after a job interview.

Also I agree, lol @ incelcels studying to work some job that includes talking with a team, I would rather work alone tbh tbh.. Just wagecuck, save up some cash, open business.
Just had a job interview today. The panel consisted of 2 women, and a fat beta male cuck who had no sense of humor.
Yeah. I wouldnt go as far as saying that college is useless, but if youre <20 and planning to go to college, you should be aware that studying is not enough to succeed. Whatever is keeping you from getting a girlfriend be it mental, physical or whatever, is going to follow you the rest of your life and cause problems in your career unless you find a way to fix it now.

As you approach your 30s you will find out that people feel repulsion towards older men who are never seen with women. This subject will come up during interviews where you will be seen as creepy and potentially dangerous. Employers need you to be able to work as part of a team and if they get the impression that youre not well adjusted you won't get the job. Unless it's a highly technical field where none of this matters.

Keep this in mind while choosing a career.
Just had a job interview today. The panel consisted of 2 women, and a fat beta male cuck who had no sense of humor.
It’ll be a miracle if you get that job. Praying for ya.
Are Good-Looking People More Employable?
We investigate the role of physical attractiveness in the hiring process. We sent 5,312 curricula vitae (CVs) in pairs to 2,656 advertised job openings. In each pair, one CV was without a picture, whereas the second, otherwise almost identical CV contained a picture of either an attractive male or female or a plain-looking male or female. Employer callbacks to attractive men are significantly higher than to men with no picture and to plain-looking men, nearly doubling the latter group. Strikingly, attractive women do not enjoy the same beauty premium. In fact, women with no picture have a significantly higher rate of callback than attractive or plain-looking women. We explore a number of explanations for this discrimination against attractive women and provide evidence that female jealousy and envy are likely reasons.
Just had a job interview today. The panel consisted of 2 women, and a fat beta male cuck who had no sense of humor.
Jeez that's almost comical...... I remember my job at university, there was a man who looked so fat his body was so comical looking. I tried to draw him

All my problems in my life stem from my ugliness
It’ll be a miracle if you get that job. Praying for ya.
Jeez that's almost comical...... I remember my job at university, there was a man who looked so fat his body was so comical looking. I tried to draw him

LOL, they didn't even ask the universal "Tell us about yourself" question in order to break the ice. They just started shooting off questions about work history and situational stuff. I honestly don't even want to work there
Our shitty genes are being weeded out at lightspeed
Yeah getting a useless degree is pointless

I need to get at least a decent job
Unfortunately for you young guys out there, degrees and educational advancement wont do anything for you.

It doesnt matter whether you're the best or have the highest grades or are in a field that you think is dominated by men. It wont matter one bit. There will always be simply more better looking people who hold the same credentials as you do. And you will be competing with them. And when you do, you will lose. Always.

My honest advice for you young guys in college or university, expect a long time being unemployed after you graduate. I'm talking about years. You will get passed up for nearly everything you apply to. Employers will sound excited when they see your resume, they will even be glad to call you in for an interview, but once you meet them face to face. It's over. You be hearing this a lot "Just so you know, we're interviewing a lot of applicants if your application was successful you'll be getting a call. If you don't get a call then it means we filled the position. So good luck with your endeavors." And you wont ever hear from them again.

Back in the day, if you got a degree atleast you were guaranteed a job. Work in a male space and get the money to live your life and work for the family etc. It didn't matter if you were ugly, if you got the degree you could do it.

As someone who is older I can tell you that you still got judged based on looks in the past as well. Sure its much more prevalent nowadays, but it happened in the past too.

Just had a job interview today. The panel consisted of 2 women, and a fat beta male cuck who had no sense of humor.

Unfortunately, nearly all HR departments and hiring boards will have that demographic. I worked for a short period in academia and research and it was 90% women in every department. So as you can imagine the men were treated like trash, especially the uglier you were. And they made sure they hired women and beta cuck men, which eventually pushed out everyone else.

The last place I worked the board of directors were 4 women and 2 men (one was a total beta cuck, and the other was a flamboyant homo). The HR department consisted of all women and they made it their mission to promote and hire women only. So it wasn't long before less qualified, less intelligent women surpassed me as they rose the ladder and got better salaries. I on the other hand was treated like shit.
This is a huge black pill and totally true. Even TECH JOBS have roastie HR cunts who judge and hate autistic males. Literally every job now is controlled by women except shitty physical labor that only low-status men will do
very true hr is dominated by stupid cunts who only hire dumb chads and other dumb cunts
Unfortunately for you young guys out there, degrees and educational advancement wont do anything for you.

It doesnt matter whether you're the best or have the highest grades or are in a field that you think is dominated by men. It wont matter one bit. There will always be simply more better looking people who hold the same credentials as you do. And you will be competing with them. And when you do, you will lose. Always.

My honest advice for you young guys in college or university, expect a long time being unemployed after you graduate. I'm talking about years. You will get passed up for nearly everything you apply to. Employers will sound excited when they see your resume, they will even be glad to call you in for an interview, but once you meet them face to face. It's over. You be hearing this a lot "Just so you know, we're interviewing a lot of applicants if your application was successful you'll be getting a call. If you don't get a call then it means we filled the position. So good luck with your endeavors." And you wont ever hear from them again.

As someone who is older I can tell you that you still got judged based on looks in the past as well. Sure its much more prevalent nowadays, but it happened in the past too.

Unfortunately, nearly all HR departments and hiring boards will have that demographic. I worked for a short period in academia and research and it was 90% women in every department. So as you can imagine the men were treated like trash, especially the uglier you were. And they made sure they hired women and beta cuck men, which eventually pushed out everyone else.

The last place I worked the board of directors were 4 women and 2 men (one was a total beta cuck, and the other was a flamboyant homo). The HR department consisted of all women and they made it their mission to promote and hire women only. So it wasn't long before less qualified, less intelligent women surpassed me as they rose the ladder and got better salaries. I on the other hand was treated like shit.

Yeah, took me almost 2 years out of college to get my first stable job.

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