I Should KMS
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- Nov 8, 2017
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Read just the bold if you're too aspie to read paragraphs:
The original post, screenshotted:
TLDR: I said that the Survivor: Men vs Women experiment showed how women rely on men but only want to fuck the top 20% of them.
They couldn't counterargue my points because women don't understand logic and reasoning, just emotions, shoes, Kardashians, IG, and iPhones, so they censored me. This PorkyAmor femislob (or mangina?) said:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=x-small]https://www.reddit.com/user/FACEandLMS
Women are ENRAGING. The irony is, they don't even have the ability to process logic so you can't even show them how wrong they are. It's like arguing with a hamster or guinea pig. All the animal is thinking is: "where's food?", "body temperature ok", "Where's hamsterwheel?", "hay is under my feet", "is that a predator coming towards me?", "Can I eat this?", "Smell that to find out what it is".
Fuark, I didn't realize how much like an instinctive animal women are.
The blackpill will make you hate the way women behave and think. Note: r/FishyvaginaTears, don't misquote me and say I said I hate women outright. Also, men usually don't wake up and decide to hate the way women act. They do so after years of rejection.
This whole biological experiment is a huge fucking failure. We need a third sex/gender that looks like women but behaves and thinks more like men, that has men's testosterone and low standards. Then we sub8 men can leave women alone (which is what they want, cuz we're creepy, right?). Sexbots was an attempt at this but without the human validation aspect, it will never replace real women.
The joke is, r/HaircutAndShowerTears doesn't disagree that looks matter to women; they just attack us for being painfully aware of it and discussing it. It's almost like women's dirty secret that shouldn't be delved into too much. If you delve into it too much, then you're not manning up. Being aware of women's biological need for top tier men is somehow a manifestation that you haven't tried enough to be attractive to women. By recognizing their true nature, you are being sexist.
Anyway, rant done. I'm off to watch my girlfriend fuck her other boyfriend. Oh wait, I'm not a CuckTears'er.
The original post, screenshotted:
TLDR: I said that the Survivor: Men vs Women experiment showed how women rely on men but only want to fuck the top 20% of them.
They couldn't counterargue my points because women don't understand logic and reasoning, just emotions, shoes, Kardashians, IG, and iPhones, so they censored me. This PorkyAmor femislob (or mangina?) said:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]de [/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]PorgiAmor[/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] vía [/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]/r/IncelTears[/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] enviado hace 1 día[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]mostrar mensaje anterior
[size=small][size=small]No, we're not letting your comments through because they are asinine. So you wrote this piece of asinine garbage that's screencapped here, I take it? You have no knowledge of history. There was never a time when men were guaranteed a wife, at least not in Western history.
See Alicorna's comment for more details.[/size][/font][/size]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=x-small]https://www.reddit.com/user/FACEandLMS
[/font][/size]FACEandLMS 1 punto ahora mismo
Fine. I will just have to make sure that the posts that you screenshot pre-emptively answer your questions. Women are afraid of debate because they can't argue back with logic.
Anyway, I appreciate you telling me that you are censoring me so I don't waste my time engaging in a back and forth debate where my voice won't be heard.[/size][/size]
Women are ENRAGING. The irony is, they don't even have the ability to process logic so you can't even show them how wrong they are. It's like arguing with a hamster or guinea pig. All the animal is thinking is: "where's food?", "body temperature ok", "Where's hamsterwheel?", "hay is under my feet", "is that a predator coming towards me?", "Can I eat this?", "Smell that to find out what it is".
Fuark, I didn't realize how much like an instinctive animal women are.
The blackpill will make you hate the way women behave and think. Note: r/FishyvaginaTears, don't misquote me and say I said I hate women outright. Also, men usually don't wake up and decide to hate the way women act. They do so after years of rejection.
This whole biological experiment is a huge fucking failure. We need a third sex/gender that looks like women but behaves and thinks more like men, that has men's testosterone and low standards. Then we sub8 men can leave women alone (which is what they want, cuz we're creepy, right?). Sexbots was an attempt at this but without the human validation aspect, it will never replace real women.
The joke is, r/HaircutAndShowerTears doesn't disagree that looks matter to women; they just attack us for being painfully aware of it and discussing it. It's almost like women's dirty secret that shouldn't be delved into too much. If you delve into it too much, then you're not manning up. Being aware of women's biological need for top tier men is somehow a manifestation that you haven't tried enough to be attractive to women. By recognizing their true nature, you are being sexist.
Anyway, rant done. I'm off to watch my girlfriend fuck her other boyfriend. Oh wait, I'm not a CuckTears'er.