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Feminists tweet: Men who can't find love are the worst people



Nov 8, 2017

Source: https://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1055043
Women are not people
Just hit jackpot theory
The nerd abuse her for being sub 5, i bet the most they did was a "date" outside of public. I wonder how many of those "nerds" actually got laid.
"I dated a 7 once and he disgusted me so now I only date 8 and above"
Nobody give a crap what she think.
Bitch literally found a chad ceo.
How can bluepillers really act like woman are opressed.
"Oh no, those horrible misogynistic nerdy men. Sooo much abuse from them, one of them even asked me for a BJ once, like don't they know I only do that with Chad? Teehee."

Fuck I hate foids so much.
>charismatic CEO with great character & a fun nerdy streak

Chad nerd 421412
aka Chad nerd beta cuck
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No shit they'll treat you like the garbage you are after the nerds become successful, because they were already blackpilled.
Her male looksmatch is carrying a toaster to the bathroom
To be a feminist is to take any transgression towards them as abuse, no matter how petty or minor. I see you, sub 4 fakeuped female Dana Schwartz.

This is insane
Its like we are the xxith century version of medieval lepers

People feel bad for lepers. But no one feels bad for incels - they say we deserve it.
Her male looksmatch is carrying a toaster to the bathroom
But they're the entitled ones.

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No wonder they only go for chad dick. Us nerds are just so evil and toxically masculine with our 3 inch wrists.
Just be Chad theory.
Third wave feminism is especially useless. What are they exactly trying to accomplish at this point? As much as they would like to believe, there is little that they don’t have that everyone else has.
Third wave feminism is especially useless. What are they exactly trying to accomplish at this point? As much as they would like to believe, there is little that they don’t have that everyone else has.

Like both previous waves of feminism, it's to increase the power and status of women in society. More female CEOs, more female developers on game companies, more female representation in cinema meaning more jobs for females, etc. Look at HR, it's now 90% women, and they often control who gets hired for companies (another reason why incels get fucked over).

The final goal of feminism is the eradication of sub-8 men. For now, feminists are focusing on making sure that no women will ever have to sully herself by fucking an inferior male in exchange for goods or money, which is why they are aggressively trying to increase wages for women and raise them above men.
Like both previous waves of feminism, it's to increase the power and status of women in society. More female CEOs, more female developers on game companies, more female representation in cinema meaning more jobs for females, etc. Look at HR, it's now 90% women, and they often control who gets hired for companies (another reason why incels get fucked over).

The final goal of feminism is the eradication of sub-8 men. For now, feminists are focusing on making sure that no women will ever have to sully herself by fucking an inferior male in exchange for goods or money, which is why they are aggressively trying to increase wages for women and raise them above men.

Ya, now I definitely think it is less about “equality” and more about trying to get ahead. It seems like there is little to no reason they should be complaining about anymore. I do believe that they will never fully be able to take down the sub-8 male.
Like both previous waves of feminism, it's to increase the power and status of women in society. More female CEOs, more female developers on game companies, more female representation in cinema meaning more jobs for females, etc. Look at HR, it's now 90% women, and they often control who gets hired for companies (another reason why incels get fucked over).

The final goal of feminism is the eradication of sub-8 men. For now, feminists are focusing on making sure that no women will ever have to sully herself by fucking an inferior male in exchange for goods or money, which is why they are aggressively trying to increase wages for women and raise them above men.
Whenever I apply to a job with my resume, but accidentally put my mom's name on it, I get lots of offers and asked to immeditely come in for an interview. When I use my real name nobody responds at all.
How long are we going to have to put up with reading and listening to this kind of thing? I tell you, until our extermination is complete, do you know the real reason for it? "then become successful" she is envious of the success of these "nerds" and is transforming them into villains to make it easier for people to join her to make ugly men and nerds not succeed in their lives.
Chad can beat her to pulp and murder her parents and she still wouldn’t call it abuse.
"Oh no, those horrible misogynistic nerdy men. Sooo much abuse from them, one of them even asked me for a BJ once, like don't they know I only do that with Chad? Teehee."

Fuck I hate foids so much.
Ugly = Bad person.
Attractive = Good person.

The anti-just-world policy.
Chad can beat her to pulp and murder her parents and she still wouldn’t call it abuse.
Strange how they never complain about chads being overly entitled and masculine, it's always those creepy nerds who just don't want to learn their place.
I should stop reading threads like this, it just makes my mental health deteriorate even further.
The halo effect is real in this one.
Strange how they never complain about chads being overly entitled and masculine, it's always those creepy nerds who just don't want to learn their place.

Chad can’t be entitled he is been getting his dick sucked since birth by the hot stacy nurse
CEO, huh... the memes write themselves
I hate nerds = I hate ugly males
so girls are just "things you get" but they are not "commodities" ok

this is all fake virtue signalling "nice guys" style, like "i tried to date below a certain looks threshold but something happened and it just wasn't possible, it's nothing to do with me, i never do anything i'm a good person"
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To be a feminist is to take any transgression towards them as abuse, no matter how petty or minor. I see you, sub 4 fakeuped female Dana Schwartz.

looks like a mousey fucking jew bro
women with these facial features openly hate their western male looksmatch more than any muslim extremist ever will, this is a mad world
With the advent of:

1. Sex Animatronic Robots with AI intelligence
2. Artificial wombs
3. Stem cells able to replica either sperm or ovum
4. Legalisation & decriminalization of sex work.

It really is game over for foids.

You can tell they want to exterminate sub 8 men with their antagonism towards sex robots otherwise they'd be grateful for them.

Their entitlement slur is just another leftist ad hominem slur tbh. Just like their anti fascist credentials when in fact they want the very pinnacle of the so called perfect male according to Nazi eugenics.
Strange how they never complain about chads being overly entitled and masculine, it's always those creepy nerds who just don't want to learn their place.

This. The only problem is that chad never really settles until his late 20s and he always could do better or as good with someone else.

If youree nerd or wathever ow value genetic male you should be happy for what you got as a gf/wife (Looks, personality) and how much sex you get from her and what for a sex. While chad takes her lie he wants when he wants nd he takes your one too

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