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It's Over Feminists have destroyed the future of young men



May 6, 2018
I read this article at Bloomberg about the absent millennial men that are "missing out" on the booming job market:

Nathan Butcher is 25 and, like many men his age, he isn’t working.

Weary of long days earning minimum wage, he quit his job in a pizzeria in June. He wants new employment but won’t take a gig he’ll hate. So for now, the Pittsburgh native and father to young children is living with his mother and training to become an emergency medical technician, hoping to get on the ladder toward a better life.

Ten years after the Great Recession, 25- to 34-year-old men are lagging in the workforce more than any other age and gender demographic. About 500,000 more would be punching the clock today had their employment rate returned to pre-downturn levels. Many, like Butcher, say they’re in training. Others report disability. All are missing out on a hot labor market and crucial years on the job, ones traditionally filled with the promotions and raises that build the foundation for a career....

Men -- long America’s economically privileged gender -- have been dogged in recent decades by high incarceration and swollen disability rates. They hemorrhaged high-paying jobs after technology and globalization hit manufacturing and mining.

The young ones have fared particularly badly. Many of them exited high school into a world short on middle-skill job opportunities, only to be broadsided by the worst downturn since the Great Depression. Employment plummeted across the board during the 2007 to 2009 recession, and 25- to 34-year-old men fell far behind their slightly-older counterparts.

Though employment rates have been climbing back from the abyss, young men never caught up again. Millennial males remain less likely to hold down a job than the generation before them, even as women their age work at higher rates.

What a mystery, all these missing guys. Maybe if the perplexed author and others would take a look at the paragraph in the above article that states that men have long been economically privileged and keep an open mind, those missing men would make more sense. Men as a whole, and in particular those who are not college-educated, are told they won't get ahead. The needs of men are left behind as women and girls are given top priority in educational settings.

The colleges are hostile environments and bad fits for many of these men who know that they will not flourish there. Add in the risks of marriage for these men and the fact that many women don't want them and leisure time playing video games seems like a better alternative, particularly if you can live at home to support a good time. It's kind of like they are on strike or something.

water is wet

You can know who really is oppressed by observing who don't have voice in the society, the ones who moan more and are listened to are usually the oppressors.
Foids don't care and never will care unless the man is chad, they are vain, hollow creatures at heart.
I'm on strike. I'm a perfectly healthy young chap i just don't want to do anything or help anyone. what do u even do with money? buy more food? traveling is gay, going out is gay, no gf, and i buy my clothes at target half the time. fuck the world
The article was published on November 03,2018 by Dr. Helen.

Despite Trump's job growth, many of the benefits have trickled down to feminists, because many corporations will hire feminists than men.
Angloskanks get all the good jobs while all men end up with nothing.

The ironic thing is that white men are victims of reverse discrimination that Anglo white women have used for "affirmative action", but many white cucks would follow Jew-led nationalist groups to increase the power of the white woman, the military complex, the Jewish hegemony and alienate men of other races, while still being labelled those names.
I'm on strike. I'm a perfectly healthy young chap i just don't want to do anything or help anyone. what do u even do with money? buy more food? traveling is gay, going out is gay, no gf, and i buy my clothes at target half the time. fuck the world
You must be living in the country areas because many men who live in urban cities, especially feminist hives like Toronto, LA, NYC have to work over 25+ hours a month just to pay the rent, or they end up homeless.
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I'm on strike. I'm a perfectly healthy young chap i just don't want to do anything or help anyone. what do u even do with money? buy more food? traveling is gay, going out is gay, no gf, and i buy my clothes at target half the time. fuck the world

ever since ive been working again all my money has done is sat in the bank.. other than paying rent ofc.
ever since ive been working again all my money has done is sat in the bank.. other than paying rent ofc.
I am the same except NEETbux instead of wages, I haven't bought anything new in like 5 years, my shoes have literal holes in the bottom jfl, and I look homeless whenever I go outside (Like once a month) but I don't give a shit anymore I just LDAR.
We need more neets
The article was published on November 03,2018 by Dr. Helen.

Despite Trump's job growth, many of the benefits have trickled down to feminists, because many corporations will hire feminists than men.
Angloskanks get all the good jobs while all men end up with nothing.

The ironic thing is that white men are victims of reverse discrimination that Anglo white women have used for "affirmative action", but many white cucks would follow Jew-led nationalist groups to increase the power of the white woman, the military complex, the Jewish hegemony and alienate men of other races, while still being labelled those names.

You must be living in the country areas because many men who live in urban cities, especially feminist hives like Toronto, LA, NYC have to work over 25+ hours a month just to pay the rent, or they end up homeless.
I'm homeless. jk i live with my parents. 25+ hours a month? lol to live in ny you need 3000 a month just for a studio apartment. in LA you need at least 1200 just for a one room piece of shit. you'd have to work like 40 hours a week at like 20 an hour to even scrape by here with the huge income tax rate. theres no point anyway why move out?
ever since ive been working again all my money has done is sat in the bank.. other than paying rent ofc.
thats all i did with my money saved it. theres nothing to buy except weed and that doesn't take up much money.
You can know who really is oppressed by observing who don't have voice in the society, the ones who moan more and are listened to are usually the oppressors.

I made a thread using that exact argument a few months ago. Very few people use this argument, but yet its so true.

You can't bitch about "widespread" bigotry and discrimination when bigotry against your group is one of the most taboo things in the universe.
We need more neets
This would work for 2009, but as of now, foreign money laundering Chads have created a skyrocket cost of living that if one doesn't get a middle class feminist job, they are at risk of homelessness.

Working 44 hours a week doing general labour or temp jobs in Toronto only nets one ~$2,000 a month, but rent in Toronto starts from $1,500+ for a studio apartment located 20 miles+ away from the downtown centre.
But feminism is all about equality remember! what a joke, the west is death for men, ethnic men in particular. Things like retirement, home ownership and having a family are pipe dreams at this point.
But what are young men going to do about this?
Rope themselves and make the feminists win?
I'm approaching 40, and my life living in Toronto from my thirties have made me into a NEET.
Would be became homeless if I stayed in Toronto longer....It's gotten worse there for men.
alot of people who go to college are always under paid, their degrees are pretty much worthless.
I'm on strike. I'm a perfectly healthy young chap i just don't want to do anything or help anyone. what do u even do with money? buy more food? traveling is gay, going out is gay, no gf, and i buy my clothes at target half the time. fuck the world
Same here
I'm homeless. jk i live with my parents. 25+ hours a month? lol to live in ny you need 3000 a month just for a studio apartment. in LA you need at least 1200 just for a one room piece of shit. you'd have to work like 40 hours a week at like 20 an hour to even scrape by here with the huge income tax rate. theres no point anyway why move out?
Pure slavery
The job market is not "booming" lmfao

It's getting much worse and unemployment + underemployment is going to reach critical levels within the next decade or two thanks to automation.
The article was published on November 03,2018 by Dr. Helen.

Despite Trump's job growth, many of the benefits have trickled down to feminists, because many corporations will hire feminists than men.
Angloskanks get all the good jobs while all men end up with nothing.

The ironic thing is that white men are victims of reverse discrimination that Anglo white women have used for "affirmative action", but many white cucks would follow Jew-led nationalist groups to increase the power of the white woman, the military complex, the Jewish hegemony and alienate men of other races, while still being labelled those names.

You must be living in the country areas because many men who live in urban cities, especially feminist hives like Toronto, LA, NYC have to work over 25+ hours a month just to pay the rent, or they end up homeless.

normally the free market would dispose of shitty companies misusing resources and hiring females who do nothing all day

but these days, for a corporation to survive, they need to get government contracts/ welfare, and a company with a lot of female welfare jobs are requirements
Good guys lost WW2
Let's cope together with this

Foids don't care and never will care unless the man is chad, they are vain, hollow creatures at heart.
normally the free market would dispose of shitty companies misusing resources and hiring females who do nothing all day

but these days, for a corporation to survive, they need to get government contracts/ welfare, and a company with a lot of female welfare jobs are requirements
alot of people who go to college are always under paid, their degrees are pretty much worthless.
normally the free market would dispose of shitty companies misusing resources and hiring females who do nothing all day

but these days, for a corporation to survive, they need to get government contracts/ welfare, and a company with a lot of female welfare jobs are requirements
But how do these companies make profit by hiring useless and litigious cunts? Soros conspiracy?
This is what cuckservatives don't realize. We would have infinitely more jobs if we took away women's rights than if we kicked out all the immigrants. More than half of all jobs are being hogged up by foids. Back in the 1950s, a single man could provide for an entire family with holidays, cars, an owned house, no debt on ONE income. Women have totally ruined the workplace.

But of course, cuckservatives are fucking money-greedy parasite cunts who want to bleed us to the bone working for a pittance for corporations, and having women in the rat race greatly forces down wages.
I'd estimate from what I know of Toronto's job market, is that 80%+ of the good paying jobs are given to Angloskanks, 10% to minority women who follow to the LGBTQ agenda, and the remaining 10% are given to new age males.
Cuckservatives support "muh corporations", yet they will be the first ones to have their resumes sent to the trash by a feminist HR cunt.

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